regrid2 package¶
regrid2.crossSection module¶
(latIn, latOut, levIn, levOut, latTypeIn=None, latSizeIn=None, latTypeOut=None, latSizeOut=None)[source]¶ Bases:
- PURPOSE: To perform all the tasks required to regrid the input data into the ouput data in the
latitude-level plane for all times
- Step One:
Make an instance of class CrossSectionRegridder passing it input and output grid information
- Step Two:
Pass the input data with some descriptive parameters and get the output data in return
(dataIn, missingValueIn, missingMatch, logYes='yes', positionIn=None, maskIn=None, missingValueOut=None)[source]¶ To perform all the tasks required to regrid the input data, dataIn, into the ouput data, dataout in the latitude-level plane.
- Parameters
- dataIndata to regrid
- missingValueInthe missing data value to use in setting missing in the mask. It is required.
None – there is no missing data
A number – if the value to use in the search for possible missing data. The presence of missing data at a grid point leads to recording 0.0 in the mask.
- missingMatchthe comparison scheme used in searching for missing data in dataIn using the value
passed in as missingValueIn.
None – used if None is the entry for missingValueIn
exact – used if missingValue is the exact value from the file
greater – the missing data value is equal to or greater than missingValueIn
less – the missing data value is equal to or less than missingValueIn
- logYeschoose the level regrid as linear in log of level or linear in level.
Set to ‘yes’ for log. Anything else is linear in level.
- positionIna tuple with the numerical position of the dimensions
in C or Python order specified in the sequence latitude, level and time. Latitude and level are required. If time is missing submit None in its slot in the tuple. Notice that the length of the tuple is always three.
Explicitly, in terms of the shape of dataIn as returned by python’s shape function
positionIn[0] contains the position of latitude in dataIn positionIn[1] contains the position of level in dataIn or None positionIn[2] contains the position of time in dataIn or None
If the c order shape of 3D data is (number of times, number of levels, number of latitudes) submit (2, 1, 0).
If the c order shape of 2D data is (number of times, number of latitudes) submit (1, None, 0).
Send in None if the shape is a subset of (time, level, latitude) which is evaluated as follows:
2D – code assumes (1,0,None)
3D – code assumes (2,1,0)
- maskInan array of 1.0 and 0.0 values where the 0.0 value is used to mask the input data.
This mask only works on the latitude grid. It is not possible to mask out a region in the level plane. The 0.0 value removes the data from correponding grid point. The user can supply the following choices:
None – an array of 1.0s is created followed by substituting 0.0s for grid points with missing data in the input data array, dataIn
array – an array of 1.0s or 0.0s which must be either 2D or the actual size of the input data, dataIn. This user supplied mask might be used to mask a latitude region. It is not required to account for missing data in the input data. The code uses missingValueIn and missingMatch to supply the 0.0s for grid points with missing data in the input data array, dataIn.
- missingValueOutthe value for the missing data used in writing the output data.
If left at the default entry, None, the code uses missingValueIn
If present or as a last resort 1.0e20
- Returns
- dataOutthe regridded data
(x, name)[source]¶ - Purposedimension checks
has a len method
data type is float32
monotonically increasing vectors
- Parameters
- xcoordinate vector
- namecoordinate vector ID
- Returns
- x, xsize – dimension vector and its size
(checklatpass)[source]¶ Compare the passed checklatpass with the correct geophysical ones calculated here. After finding a match call the function to get the bounds.
wts,bnds = get_latitude_wts_bnds(checklatpass)
- Parameters
- checklatpassis the grid to check
- Returns
- wts, bnds - tuple with weights and bounds
(latRegionpass, latType, latSize)[source]¶ Routine : get_region_latitude_wts_bnds
- Purposecompare the passed latitudes, latRegion, with the global
ones calculated here and extract the wts and bounds for
the region
- Usagewts,bnds = get_region_latitude_wts_bnds(latRegion, latType, latSize)
where latRegion is the regional grid to check
- Returns
- wts, bnds - tuple with weights and bounds
(lat_bnds)[source]¶ Purpose:
set up the shape and bounds for use by maparea
- Returns
- tuple ( bn,bs )
(data1, data2)[source]¶ Purpose : compute the rms error for two data sets having the same shape
Passed : the two data sets
- Returns
- rms error
(latvals, levvals)[source]¶ Purpose : make the crossi section analytical test case
Passed : the grid coordinate vectors
- Returns
- xsectiona temerature like cross section
regrid2.error module¶
regrid2.esmf module¶
(srcField, dstField, srcFrac=None, dstFrac=None, srcMaskValues=None, dstMaskValues=None, regridMethod=<RegridMethod.BILINEAR: 0>, ignoreDegenerate=False, unMappedAction=<UnmappedAction.IGNORE: 1>)[source]¶ Bases:
Regrid source grid data to destination grid data
Constuct regrid object
- Parameters
- srcField :
the source field object of type EsmfStructFields
- dstField :
the destination field object of type EsmfStructField
- srcMaskValues :
Value of masked cells in source
- dstMaskValues :
Value of masked cells in destination
- srcFrac :
Cell fractions on source grid (type EsmfStructField
- dstFrac :
Cell fractions on destination grid (type EsmfStructField)
- regridMethod :
- unMappedAction :
- ignoreDegenerate :
Ignore degenerate cells when checking inputs
(rootPe)[source]¶ Get the destination grid fraction areas as used by conservative interpolation
- Parameters
- rootPeNone is local areas are returned, otherwise provide rootPe and the data will be gathered
- Returns
- numpy array
(rootPe)[source]¶ Get the dst grid areas as used by conservative interpolation
- Parameters
- rootPeNone is local areas are returned, otherwise provide rootPe and the data will be gathered
- Returns
- numpy array or None if interpolation is not conservative
(esmfGrid, name, datatype, staggerloc=<StaggerLoc.CENTER: 0>)[source]¶ Bases:
Structured field.
Creator for structured ESMF Field
- Parameters
- esmfGrid
instance of an ESMF
- name field
name (must be unique)
- datatype
data type, one of ‘float64’, ‘float32’, ‘int64’, or ‘int32’ (or equivalent numpy dtype)
- staggerloc
(rootPe)[source]¶ Get field data as a numpy array
- Parameters
- rootPeif None then local data will be fetched, otherwise gather the
data on processor “rootPe” (all other procs will return None).
- Returns
- numpy array or None.
(data, staggerloc, globalIndexing=False)[source]¶ Set local field data
- Parameters
- datafull numpy array, this method will take care of setting
a the subset of the data that reside on the local processor
- staggerlocstagger location of the data
- globalIndexingif True array was allocated over global index space, array
was allocated over local index space (on this processor)
(shape, coordSys=<CoordSys.SPH_DEG: 1>, periodicity=0, staggerloc=<StaggerLoc.CENTER: 0>, hasBounds=False)[source]¶ Bases:
Structured grid
- Parameters
- shapeTuple of cell sizes along each axis
- coordSyscoordinate system
ESMF.CoordSys.CART Cartesian ESMF.CoordSys.SPH_DEG (default) Degrees ESMF.CoordSys.SPH_RAD Radians
- periodicityDoes the grid have a periodic coordinate
0 No periodicity 1 Periodic in x (1st) axis 2 Periodic in x, y axes
- staggerlocESMF stagger location. ESMF.StaggerLoc.XXXX
The stagger constants are listed at the top
- hasBoundsIf the grid has bounds, Run AddCoords for the bounds
(staggerloc)[source]¶ Get the local coordinate shape (may be different on each processor)
- Parameters
- staggerloc(e.g. ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
- Returns
- tuple
(dim, staggerloc)[source]¶ Return the coordinates for a dimension
- Parameters
- dimdesired dimension (zero based indexing)
- staggerlocStagger location
(staggerloc)[source]¶ Get the local lo/hi index values for the coordinates (per processor) (hi is not inclusive, lo <= index < hi)
- Parameters
- staggerloc(e.g. ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
- Returns
- lo, hi lists.
(staggerloc)[source]¶ Get the local slab (ellipsis). You can use this to grab the data local to this processor
- Parameters
- staggerloc(e.g. ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER)
- Returns
- tuple of slices.
(staggerloc=<StaggerLoc.CENTER: 0>)[source]¶ Get mask array. In ESMF, the mask is applied to cells.
- Returns
- mask numpy array 1 is invalid by default
(coords, staggerloc=<StaggerLoc.CENTER: 0>, globalIndexing=False)[source]¶ Populate the grid with staggered coordinates (e.g. corner or center).
- Parameters
- coordsThe curvilinear coordinates of the grid. List of numpy arrays.
Must exist on all procs.
- staggerlocThe stagger location ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER (default)
- globalIndexingif True array was allocated over global index space, otherwise array was
allocated over local index space on this processor. This is only relevant if rootPe is None
coord dims in cdms2 are ordered in y, x, but ESMF expects x, y, hence the dimensions are reversed here.
(numTopoDims, numSpaceDims)[source]¶ Bases:
- Parameters
- numTopoDimsnumber of topological dimensions
- numSpaceDimsnumber of space dimensions
(cellIndices, cellTypes, connectivity, cellMask=None, cellAreas=None)[source]¶ Set Cell connectivity.
- Parameters
- cellIndicesany 0-based.
connectivityNode : any connectivity array, see below for node ordering.
cellMask : any cellAreas area (volume) of each cell.
3 4-------------3 /\ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | 1------------2 1-------------2 3 8---------------7 /|\ /| /| / | \ / | / | / | \ / | / | / | \ / | / | / | \ 5---------------6 | 4-----|-----2 | | | | \ | / | 4----------|----3 \ | / | / | / \ | / | / | / \ | / | / | / \|/ |/ |/ 1 1---------------2 ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_TETRA ESMF.MESHELEMTYPE_HEX
regrid2.git module¶
regrid2.gsRegrid module¶
Regridding of curvilinear structured grids
¶ alias of
(src_grid, dst_grid, src_bounds=None, mkCyclic=False, handleCut=False, verbose=False)[source]¶ Bases:
- Parameters
- src_grid
source grid, a list of [x, y, …] coordinates or a cdms2.grid.Transient
- dst_grid
destination grid, a list of [x, y, …] coordinate
- src_bounds
list of cell bounding coordinates (to be used when handling a cut in coordinates)
- mkCyclic
Add a column to the right side of the grid to complete a cyclic grid
- handleCut
Add a row to the top of grid to handle a cut for grids such as the tri-polar grid verbose print diagnostic messages
(src_data_in, dst_data, missingValue=None)[source]¶ Apply interpolation
- Parameters
- src_data
data on source grid
- dst_data
data on destination grid
- missingValue
value that should be set for points falling outside the src domain, pass None if these should not be touched.
(nitermax=100, tolpos=0.01)[source]¶ Compute the the interpolation weights
- Parameters
- nitermax
max number of iterations
- tolpos
max tolerance when locating destination positions in index space
(dst_indices)[source]¶ Get the indices and weights for a single target location
- Parameters
- dst_indices
index set on the target grid
_: None
- Returns
- [index sets on original grid, weights]
()[source]¶ Return the number of points on the destination grid
- Returns
- number of points
()[source]¶ Return the number of valid destination points. Destination points falling outside the source domain, more gnerally, points which could not be located on the source grid, reduce the number of valid points.
- Returns
- number of points
()[source]¶ Get the periodicity lengths of the coordinates
- Returns
- numpy array, values inf indicate no periodicity
(inDataOrMask)[source]¶ Set mask array. The mask is defined for nodes
- Parameters
- inDataOrMask
- cdms2 array or flat mask array,
0 - valid data 1 - invalid data
_: None
- Note: this definition is compatible with the numpy masked arrays
- Note: note see setValidMask for the opposite definition
- Note: should be called before computing the weights
(inMask)[source]¶ Set valid mask array for the grid
- Parameters
- inMask
- flat numpy array of type numpy.int32 or a valid cdms2 variable with its mask set.
0 - invalid, 1 - valid data
_: None
- Note: This must be invoked before computing the weights, the mask is a property of the grid (not the data).
(coords, dims)[source]¶ Look for a cut in a coordinate system (e.g. tri-polar grid) Assume latitude is next to last coordinate and longitude is last coordinate!!!
- Parameters
- coords
input coordinates
- dims
input dimensions
- Returns
- True for cut found
False for no cut
(axis, dim, dims)[source]¶ Convert an axis into a curvilinear coordinate by applying a tensor product
- Parameters
- axis
1D array of coordinates
- dim
dimensional index of the above coordinate
- dims
sizes of all coordinates
- Returns
- coordinate values obtained by tensor product
(coords, dims, bounds)[source]¶ Generate connectivity across a cut. e.g. from a tri-polar grid. Assume latitude is next to last coordinate and longitude is last coordinate!!!
- Parameters
- coords
input coordinates list of rank
- dims
input dimensions
- bounds
boundaries for each coordinate
- Returns
- extended coordinates such that there is an extra row containing connectivity information across the cut
(coords, dims)[source]¶ Make coordinates cyclic
- Parameters
- coords
input coordinates
- dims
input dimensions
- Returns
- new, extended coordinates such that the longitudes cover the sphere and new dimensions
regrid2.gs_horizontal module¶
regrid2.mvESMFRegrid module¶
ESMF regridding class
(srcGridshape, dstGridshape, dtype, regridMethod, staggerLoc, periodicity, coordSys, srcGridMask=None, hasSrcBounds=False, srcGridAreas=None, dstGridMask=None, hasDstBounds=False, dstGridAreas=None, ignoreDegenerate=False, **args)[source]¶ Bases:
- Regrid class for ESMF
- Parameters
- srcGridShape
tuple source grid shape
- dstGridShape
tuple destination grid shape
- dtype
a valid numpy data type for the src/dst data
- regridMethod
‘linear’, ‘conserve’, or ‘patch’
- staggerLoc
the staggering of the field, ‘center’ or ‘corner’
- periodicity
0 (no periodicity), 1 (last coordinate is periodic, 2 (both coordinates are periodic)
- coordSys
‘deg’, ‘cart’, or ‘rad’
- hasSrcBounds
tuple source bounds shape
- hasDstBounds
tuple destination bounds shape
- ignoreDegenerate
Ignore degenerate celss when checking inputs
(srcData, dstData, rootPe, globalIndexing=False, **args)[source]¶ Regrid source to destination. When used in parallel, if the processor is not the root processor, the dstData returns None.
Source data mask:
If you provide srcDataMask in args the source grid will be masked and weights will be recomputed.
Subsequently, if you do not provide a srcDataMask the last weights will be used to regrid the source data array.
By default, only the data are masked, but not the grid.
- Parameters
- srcDataarray source data, shape should cover entire global index space
- dstDataarray destination data, shape should cover entire global index space
- rootPeif other than None, then data will be MPI gathered on the specified rootPe processor
- globalIndexingif True array was allocated over global index space, otherwise array was
allocated over local index space on this processor. This is only relevant if rootPe is None
- args
(diag, rootPe)[source]¶ Fill in diagnostic data
- Parameters
- diaga dictionary whose entries, if present, will be filled valid
entries are: ‘srcAreaFractions’, ‘dstAreaFractions’, srcAreas’, ‘dstAreas’
- rootPeroot processor where data should be gathered (or None if local areas are to be returned)
(rootPe)[source]¶ Get the destination grid area fractions
- Parameters
- rootPeroot processor where data should be gathered (or None if local areas are to be returned)
- Returns
- fractional areas or None (if non-conservative)
(rootPe)[source]¶ Get the destination grid cell areas
- Parameters
- rootPeroot processor where data should be gathered (or None if local areas are to be returned)
- Returns
- areas or None if non-conservative interpolation
(staggerLoc)[source]¶ Get the local destination coordinate/data shape (may be different on each processor)
- Parameters
- staggerLoc(e.g. ‘center’ or ‘corner’)
- Returns
- tuple
(staggerLoc)[source]¶ Get the destination local slab (ellipsis). You can use this to grab the data local to this processor
- Parameters
- staggerLoc(e.g. ‘center’)
- Returns
- tuple of slices
(rootPe)[source]¶ Get the source grid area fractions
- Parameters
- rootPeroot processor where data should be gathered (or None if local areas are to be returned)
- Returns
- fractional areas or None (if non-conservative)
(rootPe)[source]¶ Get the source grid cell areas
- Parameters
- rootPeroot processor where data should be gathered (or None if local areas are to be returned)
- Returns
- areas or None if non-conservative interpolation
(staggerLoc)[source]¶ Get the local source coordinate/data shape (may be different on each processor)
- Parameters
- staggerLoc(e.g. ‘center’ or ‘corner’)
- Returns
- tuple
(staggerLoc)[source]¶ Get the destination local slab (ellipsis). You can use this to grab the data local to this processor
- Parameters
- staggerLoc(e.g. ‘center’):
- Returns
- tuple of slices
(srcGrid, dstGrid, srcGridMask=None, srcBounds=None, srcGridAreas=None, dstGridMask=None, dstBounds=None, dstGridAreas=None, globalIndexing=False, **args)[source]¶ Populator of grids, bounds and masks
- Parameters
- srcGridlist [[z], y, x] of source grid arrays
- dstGridlist [[z], y, x] of dstination grid arrays
- srcGridMasklist [[z], y, x] of arrays
- srcBoundslist [[z], y, x] of arrays
- srcGridAreaslist [[z], y, x] of arrays
- dstGridMasklist [[z], y, x] of array
- dstBoundslist [[z], y, x] of arrays
- dstGridAreaslist [[z], y, x] of arrays
- globalIndexingif True array was allocated over global index space,
otherwise array was allocated over local index space on this processor. This is only relevant if rootPe is None
regrid2.mvGenericRegrid module¶
Generic interface to multiple regrid classes. No dependence on cdms2 variables.
(srcGrid, dstGrid, dtype, regridMethod, regridTool, srcGridMask=None, srcBounds=None, srcGridAreas=None, dstGridMask=None, dstBounds=None, dstGridAreas=None, **args)[source]¶ Bases:
Generic Regrid class.
- Parameters
- srcGridlist of numpy arrays, source horizontal coordinates
- dstGrid
list of numpy arrays, destination horizontal coordinate
- dtype
numpy data type for src/dst data
- regridMethod
linear (bi, tri,…) default or conservative
- regridTool
currently either ‘libcf’ or ‘esmf’
- srcGridMask
array of same shape as srcGrid
- srcBounds
list of numpy arrays of same shape as srcGrid
- srcGridAreas
array of same shape as srcGrid
- dstGridMask
array of same shape as dstGrid
- dstBounds
list of numpy arrays of same shape as dstGrid
- dstGridAreas
array of same shape as dstGrid
- **args
- additional arguments to be passed to the specific tool
libcf’: mkCyclic={True, False}, handleCut={True,False} ‘esmf’: periodicity={0,1}, coordSys={‘deg’, ‘cart’}, …
(srcData, dstData, rootPe=None, missingValue=None, **args)[source]¶ Regrid source to destination
- Parameters
- srcDataarray (input)
- dstDataarray (output)
- rootPeif other than None, then results will be MPI gathered
- missingValueif not None, then data mask will be interpolated
and data value set to missingValue when masked
regrid2.mvLibCFRegrid module¶
LibCF regridding class
(srcGrid, dstGrid, srcGridMask=None, srcBounds=None, **args)[source]¶ Bases:
(srcData, dstData, missingValue=None, **args)[source]¶ Regrid source to destination
- Parameters
- srcData :
array (input)
- dstData :
array (output)
- missingValue :
value that should be set for points falling outside the src domain, pass None if these should not be touched.
(**args)[source]¶ Compute interpolation weights
- Parameters
- **args arguments to be passed to gsRegrid, e.g. nitermax, tolpos, …
regrid2.mytest module¶
regrid2.pressure module¶
(axisIn, axisOut)[source]¶ Bases:
- PURPOSE: To perform all the tasks required to regrid the input data into the ouput data along
the pressure dimension only.
- Step One:
Make an instance of class PressureRegridder passing it input and output grid information
- Step Two:
Pass the input data with some descriptive parameters and get the output data in return
(dataIn, missingValueIn, missingMatch, logYes='yes', positionIn=None, missingValueOut=None)[source]¶ To perform all the tasks required to regrid the input data, dataIn, into the ouput data, dataout along the level dimension only.
- Parameters
- dataIndata to regrid
- missingValueInthe missing data value to use in setting missing in the mask. It is required.
None – there is no missing data
A number – if the value to use in the search for possible missing data. The presence of missing data at a grid point leads to recording 0.0 in the mask.
- missingMatchthe comparison scheme used in searching for missing data in dataIn using the value
- passed in as missingValueIn.
None – used if None is the entry for missingValueIn
exact – used if missingValue is the exact value from the file
greater – the missing data value is equal to or greater than missingValueIn
less – the missing data value is equal to or less than missingValueIn
- logYeschoose the level regrid as linear in log of level or linear in level.
Set to ‘yes’ for log. Anything else is linear in level.
- positionIna tuple with the numerical position of the dimensions
in C or Python order specified in the sequence longitude, latitude, level and time. Longitude and Latitude are required. If time is missing submit None in its slot in the tuple. Notice that the length of the tuple is always four.
Explicitly, in terms of the shape of dataIn as returned by python’s shape function
positionIn[0] contains the position of longitude in dataIn positionIn[1] contains the position of latitude in dataIn positionIn[2] contains the position of level in dataIn or None positionIn[3] contains the position of time in dataIn or None
- If the c order shape of 4D data is
(number of longitudes, number of times, number of levels, number of latitudes)
- submit
(0, 3, 2, 1).
- If the c order shape of 3D data is
(number of longitudes, number of times, number of latitudes)
- submit
(0, 2, 1, None).
Send in None if the shape is a subset of (time, level, latitude, longitude) which is evaluated as follows:
3D – code assumes (2,1,0,None)
4D – code assumes (3,2,1,0)
- missingValueOutthe value for the missing data used in writing the output data.
If left at the default entry, None, the code uses missingValueIn
If present or as a last resort 1.0e20
- Returns
- dataOutthe regridded data
(positionIn)[source]¶ Purpose :
construct the tuples for transposing the data to standard dimension order and the inverse for transposing it back to the original dimension order
Usage :
newOrder, inverseOrder = checkorder(positionIn)
Passed :
positionIn – array with location of longitude, latitude. level and time respectively in the sense of the python shape of the data
- Returns
- newOrdertuple to transpose data to the order (t,z,y,x)
- inverseOrdertuple to transpose data to back to the original order
regrid2.scrip module¶
(outputGrid, remapMatrix, sourceAddress, destAddress, inputGrid=None, sourceFrac=None, destFrac=None)[source]¶ Bases:
Bicubic regrid.
- Parameters
- gradLat:
- gradLon:
- gradLatlon:
(outputGrid, remapMatrix, sourceAddress, destAddress, inputGrid=None, sourceFrac=None, destFrac=None)[source]¶ Bases:
(outputGrid, remapMatrix, sourceAddress, destAddress, inputGrid=None, sourceFrac=None, destFrac=None, normalize='fracarea', normal=None, sourceArea=None, destArea=None)[source]¶ Bases:
First-order conservative regrid.
By default, the normalize option =”fracarea”, and array ‘normal’ is not specified.
If ‘normal’ is specified, it should be a one-dimensional array of the same length as the output grid size, with values:
1.0 for normalize=”fracarea”,
grid_frac for normalize=”destarea”, or
grid_frac*grid_area for normalize=”none”.
- Parameters
- sourceArea
is the area of the source grid cells
is the area of the destination grid cells
(outputGrid, remapMatrix, sourceAddress, destAddress, inputGrid=None, sourceFrac=None, destFrac=None)[source]¶ Bases:
(outputGrid, remapMatrix, sourceAddress, destAddress, inputGrid=None, sourceFrac=None, destFrac=None)[source]¶ Bases:
(fileobj, mapMethod=None, checkGrid=1)[source]¶ Read a regridder from an open fileobj.
- Parameters
- mapMethodis one of “conservative”, “bilinear”, “bicubic”, or “distwgt”.
If unspecified, it defaults to the method defined in the file.
If ‘checkGrid’ is 1 (default), the grid cells are checked for convexity, and ‘repaired’ if necessary.
Module contents¶
Interface to regridding facilities