Source code for regrid2.horizontal

# Automatically adapted for numpy.oldnumeric Aug 02, 2007 by

import numpy
import copy
# from . import _regrid
import regrid2._regrid as _regrid
from .error import RegridError
import warnings
import cdms2

_debug = 0                              # Set to 1 for debug

# Map (n,2) boundary arrays to individual boundary arrays. Returns
# (lowerBounds, upperBounds)

[docs]def extractBounds(bounds): if bounds[0, 0] < bounds[0, 1]: lower = bounds[:, 0] upper = bounds[:, 1] else: lower = bounds[:, 1] upper = bounds[:, 0] return (lower.astype(numpy.float32), upper.astype(numpy.float32))
# Create a horizontal regridder. ingrid and outgrid are CDMS AbstractGrid # objects.
[docs]class Horizontal: def __init__(self, ingrid, outgrid): """ Constructor for regridding class Parameters ---------- ingrid cdms2, ndarray variable outgrid cdms2, ndarray variable """ inlat = ingrid.getLatitude() outlat = outgrid.getLatitude() inlon = ingrid.getLongitude() outlon = outgrid.getLongitude() inlatBounds, inlonBounds = ingrid.getBounds() outlatBounds, outlonBounds = outgrid.getBounds() self.nlati = len(inlat) self.nlato = len(outlat) self.nloni = len(inlon) self.nlono = len(outlon) self.inmask = ingrid.getMask() self.outmask = outgrid.getMask() # Make grid masks consistent with 'internal' convention: # 0 == invalid if self.inmask is not None: self.inmask = 1. - self.inmask if self.outmask is not None: self.outmask = 1. - self.outmask self.inshape = ingrid.shape self.inorder = ingrid.getOrder() self.outlat = outgrid.getLatitude().clone() self.outlon = outgrid.getLongitude().clone() bsin, bnin = extractBounds(inlatBounds) bwin, bein = extractBounds(inlonBounds) bsout, bnout = extractBounds(outlatBounds) bwout, beout = extractBounds(outlonBounds) if _debug == 1: import sys sys.stdout = open('debug_regrid.txt', 'w') print(("bsin = ", numpy.array2string(bsin, precision=3))) print(("bnin = ", numpy.array2string(bnin, precision=3))) print(("bwin = ", numpy.array2string(bwin, precision=3))) print(("bein = ", numpy.array2string(bein, precision=3))) print(("bsout = ", numpy.array2string(bsout, precision=3))) print(("bnout = ", numpy.array2string(bnout, precision=3))) print(("bwout = ", numpy.array2string(bwout, precision=3))) print(("beout = ", numpy.array2string(beout, precision=3))) self.londx, self.lonpt, self.wtlon, self.latdx, self.latpt, self.wtlat = _regrid.maparea( self.nloni, self.nlono, self.nlati, self.nlato, bnin, bnout, bsin, bsout, bein, beout, bwin, bwout) def __call__(self, ar, missing=None, order=None, mask=None, returnTuple=0, **args): """ Call the regridder function. Parameters ---------- ar : is the input array. order : is of the form "tzyx", "tyx", etc. missing : is the missing data value, if any. mask : is either 2-D or the same shape as ar. returnTuple : If true, return the tuple (outArray, outWeights) where outWeights is the fraction of each zone of the output grid which overlaps non-missing zones of the input grid; it has the same shape as the output array. """ from cdms2.avariable import AbstractVariable from cdms2.tvariable import TransientVariable # Compatibility if mask is mask = None if ar.dtype.type is numpy.bool_: ar = numpy.asarray(ar, numpy.float32) # Make sense of mask consistent with 'internal' convention (0 == # invalid) if mask is not None: mask = 1. - mask # Save Variable metadata for output if isinstance(ar, AbstractVariable): attrs = copy.copy(ar.attributes) varid = axislist = list([x[0].clone() for x in ar.getDomain()]) inputIsVariable = 1 if order is None: order = ar.getOrder() # this expects contiguous arrays if isinstance( ar, TransientVariable) and ar.iscontiguous() is False: ar = ar.ascontiguous() else: inputIsVariable = 0 # Turn ar into a numpy array. if armiss = ar.fill_value armask = ar.mask if armask is armask = None else: armask = 1. - armask # Reverse convention for rgdarea ar = elif isinstance(ar, AbstractVariable): tempar = ar.getValue(squeeze=0) armiss = ar.getMissing() armask = tempar.mask if armask is armask = None else: armask = 1. - armask # Reverse convention for rgdarea ar = elif isinstance(ar, numpy.ndarray): armask = armiss = None else: raise RegridError( "Input array is not a Variable,, or numpy array") # If neither mask nor missing value is specified, get them from # the input array. if mask is None and missing is None: missing = armiss mask = armask if isinstance(missing, numpy.ndarray): missing = missing[0] rank = len(ar.shape) assert 2 <= rank <= 4, 'Array rank is %i, must be 2, 3, or 4' % rank # Set the default order to match the input grid order if order is None: if rank == 2: order = self.inorder elif rank == 3: order = "t" + self.inorder else: order = "tz" + self.inorder assert rank == len( order), 'Order must be same length as array rank: %i' % len(ar.shape) order = order.lower() # Map order to ilon, ilat ... itim1 = itim2 = 0 ilon = ilat = -1 idim = 0 for i in range(rank - 1, -1, -1): c = order[i] if c == 'x': ilon = idim elif c == 'y': ilat = idim elif c == 'z': itim1 = idim elif c == 't': if rank == 3: itim1 = idim else: itim2 = idim idim = idim + 1 # Map array shape to nloni, nlati, ... ntim1 = ntim2 = 0 shape = ar.shape if ilon == -1: raise RegridError("Input grid does not have a longitude axis") if ilat == -1: raise RegridError("Input grid does not have a latitude axis") nlati = shape[rank - ilat - 1] nloni = shape[rank - ilon - 1] if nlati != self.nlati or nloni != self.nloni: raise ( 'array lat,lon (%i,%i) does not match grid lat,lon (%i,%i)' % (nlati, nloni, self.nlati, self.nloni)) if itim1 != 0: ntim1 = shape[rank - itim1 - 1] if itim2 != 0: ntim2 = shape[rank - itim2 - 1] # Construct the input mask: # If user mask is 2-D or not specified, use the logical AND of the mask (or input grid mask # if no user mask is specified) # with the 'implicit mask' generated from the missing data, if any if (mask is None) or len(mask.shape) == 2: flag2D = 1 if mask is not None: assert mask.shape == self.inshape, '2-D mask must be same shape as input grid' inmask = mask elif self.inmask is None: inmask = numpy.ones(self.inshape) else: inmask = self.inmask if missing is not None: if rank == 2: firstslice = ar elif rank == 3: firstslice = ar[0] else: firstslice = ar[0, 0] # inmask = numpy.logical_and( numpy.greater( numpy.absolute( firstslice - missing), # numpy.absolute( 0.001*missing)), inmask) if issubclass(ar.dtype.type, numpy.floating): inmask = numpy.where( numpy.greater( numpy.absolute( firstslice - missing), numpy.absolute( 0.001 * missing)), inmask, 0) # If the user mask was specified and is > 2-D, it overrides the grid # mask else: assert mask.shape == ar.shape, 'Mask must be 2-D or same shape as input array' inmask = mask flag2D = 0 # 2-D user masks are handled above # If armask is derived from the input array, it is probably consistent # with the missing value - don't bother recalculating it if missing is not None and armask is None: # inmask = numpy.logical_and( numpy.greater( numpy.absolute( ar - missing), # numpy.absolute( 0.001*missing)), inmask) if issubclass(ar.dtype.type, numpy.floating): inmask = numpy.where( numpy.greater( numpy.absolute( ar - missing), numpy.absolute( 0.001 * missing)), inmask, 0) # Cast the mask to float inmask = inmask.astype(numpy.float32) if missing is None: missing = 1.0e20 # Cast the input array to 32-bit floats, if necessary if ar.dtype.char != numpy.float32: ar = ar.astype(numpy.float32) # Malloc return array outshape = list(shape) outshape[rank - ilat - 1] = self.nlato outshape[rank - ilon - 1] = self.nlono outar = numpy.zeros(tuple(outshape), numpy.float32) # Perform the regridding. The return array has the same shape # as the output array, and is the fraction of the zone which overlaps # a non-masked zone of the input grid. amskout = _regrid.rgdarea( ilon, ilat, itim1, itim2, ntim1, ntim2, nloni, self.nlono, nlati, self.nlato, flag2D, missing, self.londx, self.lonpt, self.wtlon, self.latdx, self.latpt, self.wtlat, inmask, ar, outar) # Correct the shape of output weights amskout.shape = outar.shape # Set the missing data mask of the output array, if any. hasMissing = not if hasMissing: slabMask =, 0), 1, 0) else: slabMask = None # Combine missing data mask and output grid mask # Note: slabMask and outmask are Boolean here if self.outmask is not None: outmask = numpy.logical_not(numpy.resize(self.outmask, outshape)) if hasMissing: outmask =, slabMask) else: outmask = slabMask # Create the result TransientVariable (if input ar is an AbstractVariable) # or masked array if inputIsVariable == 1: for i in range(len(order)): if order[i] == 'x': axislist[i] = self.outlon elif order[i] == 'y': axislist[i] = self.outlat result = cdms2.createVariable(outar, mask=outmask, fill_value=missing, axes=axislist, attributes=attrs, id=varid) else: result = outar, mask=outmask, fill_value=missing) if returnTuple == 0: return result else: return result, amskout
[docs]class Regridder(Horizontal): def __init__(self, ingrid, outgrid): warnings.warn( "While this will work for now, please note that the Regridder class has been " + "renamed Horizontal, the name 'Regridder' will be deprecated in future version. " + "Please edit your code accordingly", Warning) Horizontal.__init__(self, ingrid, outgrid)
[docs]def input_mask(ain, type, mask, missing=None): """ set up the input mask including missing from ain """ if type != 'h' and type != 'v': raise ValueError('Mask type must be h or v') return if missing is None: try: omit = ain.missing_value except AttributeError: omit = 1.0e20 else: omit = missing # ----- insert 0.0 in mask where array has missing data ------- mask_size = len(mask.shape) data_size = len(ain.shape) if mask_size == 2 and data_size > 2: # make reduced array with first lat_lon section from a if data_size == 3: # caution: assuming standard order lat-lon varying the fastest if type == 'h': reduced = ain[0, :, :] elif type == 'v': # removes lats dummy latitude reduced = ain[:, :, 0] elif data_size == 4: if type == 'h': reduced = ain[0, 0, :, :] elif type == 'v': # removes lats dummy latitude reduced = ain[0, :, :, 0] else: raise IndexError('Data size is out of range') return amskin = numpy.where(numpy.greater(reduced, 0.9 * omit), 0.0, mask) amskin = amskin.astype(numpy.float32) else: # 0.0 -> missing in passed mask amskin = numpy.where(numpy.greater(ain, 0.9 * omit), 0.0, mask) amskin = amskin.astype(numpy.float32) return omit, amskin