Source code for cdms2.mvCdmsRegrid

# David Kindig and Alex Pletzer, Tech-X Corp. (2012)
# This code is provided with the hope that it will be useful.
# No guarantee is provided whatsoever. Use at your own risk.
Cdms2 interface to multiple regridders

from __future__ import print_function
import operator
import re
import numpy
import cdms2
import regrid2
from six import string_types
from functools import reduce

def _areCellsOk(cornerCoords, mask=None):
    Check cell corner points (in 2D)



           mask checks will not be performed where mask is 1 (True)

        _: None


         None if OK, otherwise return a dict containing some diagnostics

 `` 3         2
    | \     |
    |  \    |
    |   \   |
    |    \  |
    |     \ |
   0         1


        assumes cornerCoords are in lat, lon order``

    if len(cornerCoords) != 2:
        return True  # no-op, no check

    def projectToSphere(the, lam):

              x, y, z coordinates in Cartesian space
        ct = numpy.cos(the)
        return ct * numpy.cos(lam), ct * numpy.sin(lam), numpy.sin(the)

    # compute area elements in Cartesian space
    lat0 = numpy.array(cornerCoords[0][:-1, :-1], numpy.float64)
    lat1 = numpy.array(cornerCoords[0][:-1, 1:], numpy.float64)
    lat2 = numpy.array(cornerCoords[0][1:, 1:], numpy.float64)
    lat3 = numpy.array(cornerCoords[0][1:, :-1], numpy.float64)

    the0 = lat0 * numpy.pi / 180.
    the1 = lat1 * numpy.pi / 180.
    the2 = lat2 * numpy.pi / 180.
    the3 = lat3 * numpy.pi / 180.
    lam0 = numpy.array(cornerCoords[1][:-1, :-1],
                       numpy.float64) * numpy.pi / 180.
    lam1 = numpy.array(cornerCoords[1][:-1, 1:],
                       numpy.float64) * numpy.pi / 180.
    lam2 = numpy.array(cornerCoords[1][1:, 1:],
                       numpy.float64) * numpy.pi / 180.
    lam3 = numpy.array(cornerCoords[1][1:, :-1],
                       numpy.float64) * numpy.pi / 180.

    x0, y0, z0 = projectToSphere(the0, lam0)
    x1, y1, z1 = projectToSphere(the1, lam1)
    x2, y2, z2 = projectToSphere(the2, lam2)
    x3, y3, z3 = projectToSphere(the3, lam3)

    dx10 = x1 - x0
    dy10 = y1 - y0
    dz10 = z1 - z0
    dx30 = x3 - x0
    dy30 = y3 - y0
    dz30 = z3 - z0
    dx32 = x3 - x2
    dy32 = y3 - y2
    dz32 = z3 - z2
    dx12 = x1 - x2
    dy12 = y1 - y2
    dz12 = z1 - z2
    dx20 = x2 - x0
    dy20 = y2 - y0
    dz20 = z2 - z0

    areas013 = [(dy10 * dz30 - dy30 * dz10),
                (dz10 * dx30 - dz30 * dx10),
                (dx10 * dy30 - dx30 * dy10), ]
    areas231 = [(dy32 * dz12 - dy12 * dz32),
                (dz32 * dx12 - dz12 * dx32),
                (dx32 * dy12 - dx12 * dy32), ]
    areas012 = [(dy10 * dz20 - dy20 * dz10),
                (dz10 * dx20 - dz20 * dx10),
                (dx10 * dy20 - dx20 * dy10), ]
    areas230 = [(-dy32 * dz20 + dy20 * dz32),
                (-dz32 * dx20 + dz20 * dx32),
                (-dx32 * dy20 + dx20 * dy32), ]

    areas013Abs = numpy.sqrt(reduce(operator.add,
                                    [areas013[i]**2 for i in range(3)]))
    areas231Abs = numpy.sqrt(reduce(operator.add,
                                    [areas231[i]**2 for i in range(3)]))
    areas012Abs = numpy.sqrt(reduce(operator.add,
                                    [areas012[i]**2 for i in range(3)]))
    areas230Abs = numpy.sqrt(reduce(operator.add,
                                    [areas230[i]**2 for i in range(3)]))

    areas013DotAreas231 = reduce(operator.add,
                                 [areas013[i] * areas231[i] for i in range(3)])
    areas012DotAreas230 = reduce(operator.add,
                                 [areas012[i] * areas230[i] for i in range(3)])

    areasCriss = areas013Abs + areas231Abs
    areasCross = areas012Abs + areas230Abs

    minArea = 1.e-6 * numpy.pi * 2 * numpy.pi / \
        float(areasCross.shape[0] * areasCross.shape[1])

    # Check that the cell has some area and check the
    # topology

    bad = (areasCriss < minArea) | \
        (areasCross < minArea) | \
        (areas013DotAreas231 < 0.0) | \
        (areas012DotAreas230 < 0.0) | \
        (lat0 > 90.) | (lat0 < -90.) | (lat2 > 90.) | (lat2 < -90.)

    if mask is not None:
        # exclude masked points
        bad *= (mask == 0)

    # inds contains list of bad cell indices
    inds = numpy.where(bad)

    if len(inds[0]) > 0:
        # package the result
        badCellIndices = [(inds[0][i], inds[1][i])
                          for i in range(len(inds[0]))]
        bcis1 = [(inds[0][i], inds[1][i] + 1) for i in range(len(inds[0]))]
        bcis2 = [(inds[0][i] + 1, inds[1][i] + 1) for i in range(len(inds[0]))]
        bcis3 = [(inds[0][i] + 1, inds[1][i]) for i in range(len(inds[0]))]
        badCellCoords = [[(cornerCoords[0][badCellIndices[i]], cornerCoords[1][badCellIndices[i]]),
                          (cornerCoords[0][bcis3[i]], cornerCoords[1][bcis3[i]])]
                         for i in range(len(badCellIndices))]
        # problems...
        return {'numCells': len(areasCross.flat),
                'numBadCells': len(inds[0]),
                'badCellIndices': badCellIndices,
                'badCellCoords': badCellCoords,
        # everything is fine
        return None

def _buildBounds(bounds):
    Build corner coordinates from bounds array





       ndarrray of corners

    bndShape = [s + 1 for s in bounds.shape[:-1]]
    bnd = numpy.ones(bndShape, dtype=bounds.dtype)
    if len(bndShape) == 1:
        bnd[:-1] = bounds[..., 0]
        bnd[-1] = bounds[-1, 1]
    elif len(bndShape) > 1:
        bnd[:-1, :-1] = bounds[:, :, 0]
        bnd[:-1, -1] = bounds[:, -1, 1]
        bnd[-1, -1] = bounds[-1, -1, 2]
        bnd[-1, :-1] = bounds[-1, :, 3]

    return bnd

[docs]def getBoundList(coordList, mask=None, removeBadCells=False, badCellIndices=[]): """ Return a list of bounds built from a list of coordinates Parameters ---------- coordList coordinate list, should have getBounds() mask avoid checking areas where mask is one removeBadCells set to True if you want to the code to remove bad cells, ie zero cells, butterfly cells, ... maskCellIndices list of bad cell indices to mask out (output) Returns ------- [latBounds, lonBounds] """ cornerCoords = [] for c in coordList: cornerC = _buildBounds(c.getBounds()[:]) cornerCoords.append(cornerC) if removeBadCells: res = _areCellsOk(cornerCoords, mask=mask) if res: badCellIndices += res['badCellIndices'] print(""" ----------- WARNING: bad cell were detected ----------- total number of cells: %(numCells)d number of bad cells: %(numBadCells)d indices of bad cells: %(badCellIndices)s bad cell coordinates: %(badCellCoords)s """ % res) return cornerCoords
[docs]def _getCoordList(grid): """ Return a CDMS coordinate list from a CDMS grid Returns ------- lats, lons """ lats = grid.getLatitude() lons = grid.getLongitude() if len(lats.shape) == 1 or len(lons.shape) == 1: # have axes, need to convert to curvilinear grid cgrid = grid.toCurveGrid() lats = cgrid.getLatitude() lons = cgrid.getLongitude() # we always want the coordinates in that order, these must # be cdms2 coordinates so we can inquire about bounds return lats, lons
def _getDstDataShape(srcVar, dstGrid): """ Get the shape of the dst data Parameters ---------- srcVar the variable from which all axes other than lat/lon will be taken from dstGrid target, horizontal grid Returns ------- list """ shp = srcVar.shape ndims = len(shp) order = srcVar.getOrder() numX = order.count('x') numY = order.count('y') hasXY = (numX == 1) and (numY == 1) # fill in the axis list backwards, we're assuming the # y and x axes are more likely to occur at the end dstDataShape = [] found = False j = 2 for i in range(ndims - 1, -1, -1): o = order[i] if not found and (o in 'xy') or (not hasXY and o == '-'): # add size from dst grid j -= 1 dstDataShape = [dstGrid.shape[j], ] + dstDataShape if j == 0: found = True else: # add size from src variable dstDataShape = [srcVar.shape[i], ] + dstDataShape return dstDataShape def _getAxisList(srcVar, dstGrid): """ Get the list of axes from a variable and a grid Parameters ---------- srcVar the variable from which all axes other than lat/lon will be taken from dstGrid target, horizontal grid Returns ------- variable with non-horizontal axes from srcVar and horizontal axes from dstGrid """ shp = srcVar.shape ndims = len(shp) order = srcVar.getOrder() numX = order.count('x') numY = order.count('y') hasXY = (numX == 1) and (numY == 1) # fill in the axis list backwards, we're assuming the # y and x axes are more likely to occur at the end axisList = [] found = False j = 2 for i in range(ndims - 1, -1, -1): o = order[i] if not found and (o in 'xy') or (not hasXY and o == '-'): # add axis from dst grid j -= 1 axisList = [dstGrid.getAxis(j), ] + axisList if j == 0: found = True else: # add axis from src variable axisList = [srcVar.getAxis(i), ] + axisList return axisList class CdmsRegrid: """ Regridding switchboard, handles CDMS variables before handing off to regridder. If a multidimensional variable is passed in, the apply step loops over the axes above the Lat (Y) -- Lon (X) coordinates Establish which regridding method to use, handle CDMS variables before handing off to regridder. See specific tool for more information. Parameters ---------- srcGrid CDMS source grid dstGrid CDMS destination grid dtype numpy data type for src and dst data regridMethod linear (all tools - bi, tri), conserve (ESMF Only) patch (ESMF Only) regridTool LibCF, ESMF, ... srcGridMask array source mask, interpolation coefficients will not be computed for masked points/cells. srcGridAreas array destination cell areas, only needed for conservative regridding dstGridMask array destination mask, interpolation coefficients will not be computed for masked points/cells. dstGridAreas array destination cell areas, only needed for conservative regridding **args additional, tool dependent arguments """ def __init__(self, srcGrid, dstGrid, dtype, regridMethod='linear', regridTool='libCF', srcGridMask=None, srcGridAreas=None, dstGridMask=None, dstGridAreas=None, **args): """ """ srcBounds = None dstBounds = None self.srcGrid = srcGrid self.dstGrid = dstGrid srcCoords = _getCoordList(srcGrid) dstCoords = _getCoordList(dstGrid) regridTool = str(regridTool) # force string if unicode or byte regridMethod = str(regridMethod) # retrieve and build a bounds list for conservative from the grids # We can't use the coords lists because if they are converted to # curvilinear # Set the tool to esmf if conservative selected. This overrides the # regridTool selection self.regridMethod = str(regridMethod) if'conserv', regridMethod.lower()): srcBadCellIndices = [] srcBounds = getBoundList(srcCoords, srcGridMask, args.get('fixSrcBounds', False), badCellIndices=srcBadCellIndices) # mask out the bad src cells if len(srcBadCellIndices) > 0: if srcGridMask is None: srcGridMask = numpy.zeros(srcCoords[0].shape, numpy.bool) for inds in srcBadCellIndices: srcGridMask[inds] = 1 # True mean invalid dstBadCellIndices = [] dstBounds = getBoundList(dstCoords, dstGridMask, args.get('fixDstBounds', False), badCellIndices=dstBadCellIndices) # mask out the bad dst cells if len(dstBadCellIndices) > 0: if dstGridMask is None: dstGridMask = numpy.zeros(dstCoords[0].shape, numpy.bool) for inds in dstBadCellIndices: dstGridMask[inds] = 1 # True means invalid for c, b in zip(srcBounds, srcCoords): if c.min() == b.min() or c.max() == b.max(): print(""" WARNING: Edge bounds are the same. The results of conservative regridding will not conserve. coordMin = %7.2f, boundMin = %7.2f, coordMax = %7.2f, boundMax = %7.2f """ % (c.min(), b.min(), c.max(), b.max())) if srcBounds[0].min() < -90 or srcBounds[0].max() > 90 or \ dstBounds[0].min() < -90 or dstBounds[0].max() > 90: print("WARNING: Bounds exceed +/-90 degree latitude: min/max lats = %g/%g" % (srcBounds[0].min(), srcBounds[0].max())) if not'esmp', regridTool.lower()): regridTool = 'esmf' if not'esmf', regridTool.lower()): regridTool = 'esmf' # If LibCF handleCut is True, the bounds are needed to extend the grid # close the cut at the top if'LibCF', regridTool, re.I) and 'handleCut' in args: if args['handleCut']: srcBounds = getBoundList(srcCoords) srcCoordsArrays = [numpy.array(sc) for sc in srcCoords] dstCoordsArrays = [numpy.array(dc) for dc in dstCoords] self.regridObj = regrid2.GenericRegrid(srcCoordsArrays, dstCoordsArrays, regridMethod=regridMethod, regridTool=regridTool, dtype=dtype, srcGridMask=srcGridMask, srcBounds=srcBounds, srcGridAreas=srcGridAreas, dstGridMask=dstGridMask, dstBounds=dstBounds, dstGridAreas=dstGridAreas, **args) self.regridObj.computeWeights(**args) def __call__(self, srcVar, **args): """ Interpolate, looping over additional (non-latitude/longitude) axes if need be Parameters ---------- srcVar CDMS variable **args Tool dependent arguments Returns ------- CDMS interpolated variable """ # initialize dstMask = None missingValue = getattr(srcVar, 'missing_value', None) # shape of dst var dstShape = _getDstDataShape(srcVar, self.dstGrid) # establish the destination data. Initialize to missing values or 0. dstData = numpy.ones(dstShape, dtype=srcVar.dtype) dstData *= missingValue # sometimes the masked values are not set to missing_values, # sorry for the extra copy srcData = numpy.array( * (1 - srcVar.mask), dtype=srcVar.dtype) srcData += srcVar.mask * missingValue # interpolate the data, MPI gather on processor 0 self.regridObj.apply(srcData, dstData, rootPe=0, missingValue=missingValue, **args) # regrid the mask if we have a mask if numpy.array(srcVar.mask).any() is True: dstMask = numpy.ones(dstData.shape) dstMask[:] *= missingValue self.regridObj.apply(srcVar.mask, dstMask, rootPe=0, missingValue=None, **args) elif numpy.any(dstData == missingValue): # if the missing value is present in the destination data, set # destination mask dstMask = (dstData > srcVar.max()) # fill in diagnostic data if 'diag' in args: self.regridObj.fillInDiagnosticData(diag=args['diag'], rootPe=0) # construct the axis list for dstVar dstAxisList = _getAxisList(srcVar, self.dstGrid) # harvest all the string attributes from srcVar attrs = {} for a in srcVar.attributes: v = srcVar.attributes[a] if isinstance(v, string_types): attrs[a] = v # create the transient variable. Note: it is unclear whether # we should create the variable on the supplied dstGrid or # the local grid. dstVar = cdms2.createVariable(dstData, mask=dstMask, fill_value=missingValue, axes=dstAxisList, grid=self.dstGrid, attributes=attrs, + '_CdmsRegrid') return dstVar