Source code for cdms2.cudsinterface

# Automatically adapted for numpy.oldnumeric Aug 01, 2007 by
# Further modified to be pure new numpy June 24th 2008

"Emulation of old cu package"
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from .error import CDMSError
import numpy

class cuDataset():
    "A mixin class to support the old cu interface"

    def __init__(self):

[docs] def __call__(self, id, *args, **kwargs): """Call a variable object with the given id. Exception if not found. Call the variable with the other arguments. """ # note defined here because this is the class all the dataset-type classes # inherit v = self.variables.get(id) if v is None: try: if(self.is_gridspec_grid_file() and (id == '' or id == 'grid' or id == 'gridspec') and len(args) == 0 and len(kwargs) == 0): return self.readg() else: raise CDMSError("No such variable or grid, " + id) except (AttributeError, TypeError): raise CDMSError("No such variable, " + id) return v(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): """Implement f['varname'] for file/dataset f. """ for d in [self.variables, self.axes, self.grids]: if key in d: result = d[key] break else: result = None return result
[docs] def _v(self, vname): "Get the variable vname as a file variable object." try: v = self.variables[vname] except KeyError: raise CDMSError("No variable named " + vname + " in file " + return v
[docs] def default_variable(self, vname): "Set the default variable name." self.__dict__['default_variable_name'] = vname
[docs] def cleardefault(self): "Clear the default variable name." self.default_variable("no_default_variable_name_specified")
[docs] def listall(self, vname=None, all=None): """Get info about data from the file. Options Parameters ---------- vname : (str/None) (None) variable name all : (None/True/False/int) (None) include axes information """ if vname is None: vname = self.default_variable_name try: m = numpy.get_printoptions()['threshold'] result = [] result.append('*** Description of slab %s in file %s***' % (vname, result.append('Name: ' + vname) v = self._v(vname) a = v.attributes for x, y in list(a.items()): result.append(x + ": " + str(y)) d = v.getDomain() nd = 0 for x in d: nd = nd + 1 result.append('** Dimension ' + str(nd) + ' **') axis = x[0] n =[:]) numpy.set_printoptions(edgeitems=n) result.append('Name: ' + result.append('Units: ' + axis.units) result.append('Length: ' + str(n)) result.append('First: ' + str(axis[0])) result.append('Last: ' + str(axis[-1])) if all: result.append(str(self.dimensionarray(, vname))) result.append('*** End of description of %s ***' % vname) return result finally: numpy.set_printoptions(threshold=m)
[docs] def listattribute(self, vname=None): """Get attributes of data from the file. Options Parameters ---------- vname : (str/None) (None) variable name """ if vname is None: vname = self.default_variable_name v = self._v(vname) return list(v.attributes.keys())
[docs] def listdimension(self, vname=None): """ List Dimension Returns ------- a list of the dimension names associated with a variable. If no argument, return the file.axes.keys() Options Parameters ---------- vname : (str/None) (None) variable name """ if vname is None: return list(self.axes.keys()) v = self._v(vname) d = v.getDomain() x = [n[0] for n in d] return [getattr(n, 'id') for n in x]
[docs] def listglobal(self): """ List Global Returns ------- a list of the global attributes in the file. """ return list(self.attributes.keys())
[docs] def listvariable(self): """ List Variable Returns ------- a list of the variables in the file. """ return list(self.variables.keys())
listvariables = listvariable
[docs] def showglobal(self, device=None): """Show the global attributes in the file. Options device : (None/file) (None) output device """ if device is None: device = sys.stdout device.write("Global attributes in file ") device.write( device.write(":\n") device.write(str(self.listglobal())) device.write("\n")
[docs] def showvariable(self, device=None): """Show the variables in the file. Options device : (None/file) (None) output device """ if device is None: device = sys.stdout device.write("Variables in file ") device.write( device.write(":\n") device.write(str(self.listvariable())) device.write("\n")
[docs] def showattribute(self, vname=None, device=None): """Show the attributes of vname. Options vname : (str/None) (None) variable name device : (None/file) (None) output device """ if device is None: device = sys.stdout if vname is None: vname = self.default_variable_name device.write("Attributes of ") device.write(vname) device.write(" in file ") device.write( device.write(":\n") device.write(str(self.listattribute(vname))) device.write("\n")
[docs] def showdimension(self, vname=None, device=None): """Show the dimension names associated with a variable. Options vname : (str/None) (None) variable name device : (None/file) (None) output device """ if device is None: device = sys.stdout if vname is None: vname = self.default_variable_name device.write("Dimension names of ") device.write(vname) device.write(" in file ") device.write( device.write(":\n") device.write(str(self.listdimension(vname))) device.write("\n")
[docs] def showall(self, vname=None, all=None, device=None): """Show a full description of the variable. Options vname : (str/None) (None) variable name all : (None/True/False/int) (None) include axes information device : (None/file) (None) output device """ if device is None: device = sys.stdout if vname is None: vname = self.default_variable_name alist = self.listall(vname, all=all) device.write("n".join(alist)) device.write("\n")
[docs] def dimensionobject(self, dname, vname=None): """CDMS axis object for the dimension named dname. Options vname : (str/None) (None) variable name Input dname : (str) (0) dimension name Output axis : (cdms2.axis.FileAxis) (0) file axis whose id is vname """ if vname is None: try: return self.axes[dname] except KeyError: raise CDMSError("No axis named " + dname + " in file " + + ".") else: v = self._v(vname) d = v.getDomain() for x in d: if x[0].id == dname: return x[0] else: raise CDMSError(vname + " has no axis named " + dname + " in file " + + ".")
[docs] def dimensionarray(self, dname, vname=None): """Values of the dimension named dname. Options vname : (str/None) (None) variable name Input dname : (str) (0) dimension name Output axisvalues : (numpy.ndarray) (0) array with values of axis whose id is vname """ return self.dimensionobject(dname, vname).getValue()
[docs] def getdimensionunits(self, dname, vname=None): """Get the units for the given dimension. Options vname : (str/None) (None) variable name Input dname : (str) (0) dimension name Output units : (str) (0) units of axis whose id is vname """ x = self.dimensionobject(dname, vname) return x.units
[docs] def getglobal(self, attribute): """Get the value of the global attribute. Input attribute : (str) (0) global attribute name Output attribute_value : (str/int/float/numpy.ndarray) (0) value of requested global attribute """ try: return self.attributes[attribute] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def getattribute(self, vname, attribute): """Get the value of attribute for variable vname Input vname : (str/None) (0) variable name attribute : (str) (1) attribute name Output attribute_value : (str/int/float/numpy.ndarray) (0) value of requested attribute """ v = self._v(vname) return getattr(v, attribute)
[docs] def getslab(self, vname, *args, **keys): """ Get Slab Parameters ---------- getslab : ('name', arg1, arg2, ....) Returns ------- a cdms variable containing the data. Arguments for each dimension can be: (1) : or None -- selected entire dimension (2) Ellipsis -- select entire dimensions between the ones given. (3) a pair of successive arguments giving an interval in world coordinates. (4) a cdms-style tuple of world coordinates e.g. (start, stop, 'cc') Options args : (*tuple/*cdms2.selectors.Selector) () tuple of type (val1,val2,'cob') for any given dimension or cdms selector Keys squeeze : (int/True/False) (0) squeezes (removes) dimensions of length 1 order : (str) ('...') reorder the dimensions, can use numbers or xyzt or dim names in between paranthesis raw : (int/True/False) (0) return a instead of a transient variable grid : (cdms2.grid.AbstractGrid) (None) regrid the result to the grid passed Input vname : (str/None) (0) variable name Output variable : (cdms2.tvariable.TransientVariable) (0) variable requested """ nargs = len(args) v = self._v(vname) if nargs == 0: return v.subRegion() # note CDMS treats None as a colon in getRegion and mapInterval ndims = v.rank() cdms_args = [':'] * ndims i = 0 idim = 0 ne = 0 while i < nargs: if not (idim < ndims): raise CDMSError("Too many arguments to getslab.") x = args[i] if x == ':' or x is None: i = i + 1 idim = idim + 1 continue elif x == Ellipsis: if ne: raise CDMSError("Only one ellipsis allowed.") idim = ndims - (nargs - i - 1) i = i + 1 ne = 1 elif isinstance(x, tuple): cdms_args[idim] = x idim = idim + 1 i = i + 1 else: if not ((i + 1) < nargs): raise CDMSError( "Arguments to getslab not paired properly.") low = float(x) high = float(args[i + 1]) cdms_args[idim] = (low, high, 'cc') idim = idim + 1 i = i + 2 sq = keys.get('squeeze', 0) result = v.subRegion(*tuple(cdms_args), **{'squeeze': sq}) result.parent = self = vname return result
[docs] def readScripGrid(self, whichGrid="destination", checkGrid=1): """Read a SCRIP curvilinear or generic grid from the dataset. The dataset can be a SCRIP grid file or mapping file. If a mapping file, 'whichGrid' chooses the grid to read, either "source" or "destination". If 'checkGrid' is 1 (default), the grid cells are checked for convexity, and 'repaired' if necessary. Returns the grid object. Options whichGrid : (str) ('destination') grid to read checkGrid : (int) (1) if 1 the grid cells are checked for convexity Output grid : (cdms2.hgrid.TransientCurveGrid/cdms2.gengrid.TransientGenericGrid) (0) variable requested """ from . import hgrid, gengrid # Grid file if 'grid_dims' in list(self.variables.keys()): dims = self('grid_dims') whichType = "grid" # Destination grid from mapping file elif whichGrid == "destination": dims = self('dst_grid_dims') whichType = "mapping" # Source grid from mapping file else: dims = self('src_grid_dims') whichType = "mapping" if len(dims) == 2: result = hgrid.readScripCurveGrid(self, dims, whichType, whichGrid) elif len(dims) == 1: result = gengrid.readScripGenericGrid( self, dims, whichType, whichGrid) else: raise CDMSError("Grid rank must be 1 or 2, found: %d" % len(dims)) if checkGrid == 1: nonConvexCells = result.checkConvex() result.fixCutCells(nonConvexCells) return result