Source code for cdms2.cdurllib

"""Customized URLopener"""

from __future__ import print_function
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import urllib.error
import getpass
import socket
import string
import os

MAXFTPCACHE = 10        # Trim the ftp cache beyond this size

[docs]class CDURLopener(urllib.request.URLopener): def __init__(self, proxies=None): urllib.request.URLopener.__init__(self, proxies) self._userObject = None # Attach an object to be returned with callbacks
[docs] def setUserObject(self, userObject): """ """ self._userObject = userObject
# Use FTP protocol
[docs] def open_ftp(self, url): """ """ host, path = urllib.parse.splithost(url) if not host: raise IOError('ftp error', 'no host given') host, port = urllib.parse.splitport(host) user, host = urllib.parse.splituser(host) # if user: user, passwd = splitpasswd(user) if user: passwd = getpass.getpass() else: passwd = None host = urllib.parse.unquote(host) user = urllib.parse.unquote(user or '') passwd = urllib.parse.unquote(passwd or '') host = socket.gethostbyname(host) if not port: import ftplib port = ftplib.FTP_PORT else: port = int(port) path, attrs = urllib.parse.splitattr(path) path = urllib.parse.unquote(path) dirs = string.splitfields(path, '/') dirs, file = dirs[:-1], dirs[-1] if dirs and not dirs[0]: dirs = dirs[1:] key = (user, host, port, string.joinfields(dirs, '/')) # XXX thread unsafe! if len(self.ftpcache) > MAXFTPCACHE: # Prune the cache, rather arbitrarily for k in list(self.ftpcache.keys()): if k != key: v = self.ftpcache[k] del self.ftpcache[k] v.close() try: if key not in self.ftpcache: print('Creating ftpwrapper: ', user, host, port, dirs) self.ftpcache[key] = \ urllib.ftpwrapper(user, passwd, host, port, dirs) if not file: type = 'D' else: type = 'I' for attr in attrs: attr, value = urllib.parse.splitvalue(attr) if string.lower(attr) == 'type' and \ value in ('a', 'A', 'i', 'I', 'd', 'D'): type = string.upper(value) (fp, retrlen) = self.ftpcache[key].retrfile(file, type) if retrlen is not None and retrlen >= 0: import mimetools import io headers = mimetools.Message(io.StringIO( 'Content-Length: %d\n' % retrlen)) else: headers = "" return urllib.addinfourl(fp, headers, "ftp:" + url) except urllib.ftperrors() as msg: raise IOError('ftp error', msg).with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2])
[docs] def retrieve(self, url, filename=None, reporthook=None, blocksize=262144): """ """ url = urllib.unwrap(url) if self.tempcache and url in self.tempcache: return self.tempcache[url] type, url1 = urllib.parse.splittype(url) if not filename and (not type or type == 'file'): try: fp = self.open_local_file(url1) del fp # return url2pathname(urllib.parse.splithost(url1)[1]), hdrs except IOError: pass fp = headers = if not filename: import tempfile garbage, path = urllib.parse.splittype(url) garbage, path = urllib.parse.splithost(path or "") path, garbage = urllib.parse.splitquery(path or "") path, garbage = urllib.parse.splitattr(path or "") suffix = os.path.splitext(path)[1] filename = tempfile.mktemp(suffix) self.__tempfiles.append(filename) result = filename, headers if self.tempcache is not None: self.tempcache[url] = result tfp = open(filename, 'wb') bs = blocksize size = -1 blocknum = 1 if reporthook: if "content-length" in headers: size = int(headers["Content-Length"]) stayopen = reporthook(0, bs, size, self._userObject) if stayopen == 0: raise KeyboardInterrupt bytesread = 0 block = if reporthook: stayopen = reporthook(1, bs, size, self._userObject) if stayopen == 0: raise KeyboardInterrupt while block: tfp.write(block) bytesread = bytesread + len(block) # print blocknum, bytesread, size, # if blocknum*blocksize!=bytesread: # print ' (*)' # else: # print if block and reporthook: stayopen = reporthook(blocknum, bs, size, self._userObject) if stayopen == 0: raise KeyboardInterrupt blocknum = blocknum + 1 block = # fp.close() tfp.close() del fp del tfp return result
[docs]def sampleReportHook(blocknum, blocksize, size, userObj): sizekb = size / 1024 percent = min(100, int(100.0 * float(blocknum * blocksize) / float(size))) print("Read: %3d%% of %dK" % (percent, sizekb)) return 1
if __name__ == '__main__': import sys if len(sys.argv) != 4: print('Usage: URL filename blocksize') sys.exit(1) url = sys.argv[1] filename = sys.argv[2] blocksize = int(sys.argv[3]) urlopener = CDURLopener() fname, headers = urlopener.retrieve( url, filename, sampleReportHook, blocksize) print(fname, 'written')