Source code for cdms2.cdmsobj

CDMS module-level functions and definitions

from . import cdmsNode
import cdtime
import glob
import os
import re
import string
import sys
# import types
# import internattr

# Data types

CdChar = cdmsNode.CdChar
CdByte = cdmsNode.CdByte
CdShort = cdmsNode.CdShort
CdInt = cdmsNode.CdInt
CdLong = cdmsNode.CdLong
CdInt64 = cdmsNode.CdInt64
CdFloat = cdmsNode.CdFloat
CdDouble = cdmsNode.CdDouble
CdString = cdmsNode.CdString
CdFromObject = cdmsNode.CdFromObject
CdScalar = cdmsNode.CdScalar
CdArray = cdmsNode.CdArray

Unlimited = 1                           # Unlimited axis designator

Max32int = 2**31 - 1                      # Maximum 32-bit integer

# Regular expressions for each template specifier
_Daynum = '[0-3][0-9]'
_Hour = '[0-5][0-9]'
_Level = '[0-9]{1,4}'
_Minute = '[0-5][0-9]'
_Month = 'jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|oct|nov|dec'
_Monthnum = '[0-1]?[0-9]'
_Name = '[a-zA-Z_:][-a-zA-Z0-9_:]*'
_Percent = '%'
_Second = '[0-5][0-9]'
_Year2 = '[0-9][0-9]'
_Year4 = '[0-9]{4,4}'
_Zulu = _Hour + '[z|Z]' + _Year4 + _Monthnum + _Daynum

# Positions for time lists
_yr = 0
_mo = 1
_dy = 2
_hr = 3
_mi = 4
_se = 5

# Positions for dimension type lists
_var = 0
_time = 1
_etime = 2
_level = 3
_elevel = 4

# Map template specifier to (regex,name,dimensionType,position)
#   name is used as a unique regex group id
#   dimensionType is one of ('var','time','etime','level','elevel')
#   position is an index into a time tuple, or None if not applicable
_specifierMap = {
    '%%': (_Percent, 'percent', None, None),
    '%G': (_Monthupper, 'monthupper', 'time', _mo),
    '%H': (_Hour, 'hour', 'time', _hr),
    '%L': (_Level, 'level', 'level', None),
    '%M': (_Minute, 'minute', 'time', _mi),
    '%S': (_Second, 'second', 'time', _se),
    '%Y': (_Year4, 'year4', 'time', _yr),
    '%d': (_Daynum, 'day', 'time', _dy),
    '%eG': (_Monthupper, 'emonthupper', 'etime', _mo),
    '%eH': (_Hour, 'ehour', 'etime', _hr),
    '%eL': (_Level, 'elevel', 'elevel', None),
    '%eM': (_Minute, 'eminute', 'etime', _mi),
    '%eS': (_Second, 'esecond', 'etime', _se),
    '%eY': (_Year4, 'eyear4', 'etime', _yr),
    '%ed': (_Daynum, 'eday', 'etime', _dy),
    '%ef': (_Daynum, 'eday', 'etime', _dy),
    '%eg': (_Month, 'emonth', 'etime', _mo),
    '%eh': (_Hour, 'ehour2', 'etime', _hr),
    '%em': (_Monthnum, 'emonthnum', 'etime', _mo),
    '%en': (_Monthnum, 'emonthnum', 'etime', _mo),
    '%ey': (_Year2, 'eyear2', 'etime', _yr),
    '%ez': (_Zulu, 'ezulu', 'etime', None),
    '%f': (_Daynum, 'day', 'time', _dy),
    '%g': (_Month, 'month', 'time', _mo),
    '%h': (_Hour, 'hour2', 'time', _hr),
    '%m': (_Monthnum, 'monthnum', 'time', _mo),
    '%n': (_Monthnum, 'monthnum', 'time', _mo),
    '%v': (_Name, 'name', 'var', None),
    '%y': (_Year2, 'year2', 'time', _yr),
    '%z': (_Zulu, 'zulu', 'time', None),

_monthListUpper = [
_monthMapUpper = {
    'JAN': 1,
    'FEB': 2,
    'MAR': 3,
    'APR': 4,
    'MAY': 5,
    'JUN': 6,
    'JUL': 7,
    'AUG': 8,
    'SEP': 9,
    'OCT': 10,
    'NOV': 11,
    'DEC': 12,

_monthListLower = [
_monthMapLower = {
    'jan': 1,
    'feb': 2,
    'mar': 3,
    'apr': 4,
    'may': 5,
    'jun': 6,
    'jul': 7,
    'aug': 8,
    'sep': 9,
    'oct': 10,
    'nov': 11,
    'dec': 12,

_specre = re.compile(
_filere = re.compile('[^' + os.sep + ']+')

_debug = 0                              # Print debug info

AbsoluteTemplate = "Template must be a relative path: "

# Module-level functions

# Set debug mode, to 'on' or 'off'

[docs]def setDebugMode(mode): global _debug if mode == 'on': _debug = 1 elif mode == 'off': _debug = 0
# Map a template to a regular expression # Returns (regex,dimtypes), where regex is the regular expression # corresponding to template, and dimtypes is a dictionary # such that dimtypes[dimtype] = specStrings # where specStrings is the specifier associated with the dimension type, # or for time, the list of specifiers in the order (yr,mo,dy,hr,mi,se) # where each element is the specifier for that time element
[docs]def templateToRegex(template): matchspec = {} dimtypes = {'var': None, 'time': [None, None, None, None, None, None], 'etime': [None, None, None, None, None, None], 'level': None, 'elevel': None, } # Map spec to regex # (The default arg bring matchspec and dimtypes into the local scope) def retspec(matchobj, matchspec=matchspec, dimtypes=dimtypes): spec = pat, name, dimtype, pos = _specifierMap[spec] if dimtype == 'var': dimtypes['var'] = spec elif dimtype in ('time', 'etime'): if pos is not None: dimtypes[dimtype][pos] = spec elif name in ('zulu', 'ezulu'): pass # Crack Zulu time elif dimtype in ('level', 'elevel'): dimtypes[dimtype] = spec if spec in matchspec: return '(?P=' + name + ')' else: matchspec[spec] = 1 return '(?P<' + name + '>' + pat + ')' templatere = _specre.sub(retspec, template) return (templatere, dimtypes)
[docs]def retglob(matchobj): return '*'
# Generate a component time from a matchobj and list of specs
[docs]def generateTime(matchobj, timespecs): iyr = 0 imo = 1 idy = 1 ihr = 0 imi = 0 ise = 0 yrspec, mospec, dyspec, hrspec, mispec, sespec = timespecs if yrspec: pat, name, dimtype, pos = _specifierMap[yrspec] yrstr = iyr = int(yrstr) # Map 2-digit year to [1950,2049) if yrspec in ('%y', '%ey'): if iyr < 50: iyr = iyr + 2000 else: iyr = iyr + 1900 if mospec: pat, name, dimtype, pos = _specifierMap[mospec] mostr = if mospec in ('%G', '%eG'): imo = _monthMapUpper[mostr] elif mospec in ('%g', '%eg'): imo = _monthMapLower[mostr] elif mospec in ('%m', '%em', '%n', '%en'): imo = int(mostr) if dyspec: pat, name, dimtype, pos = _specifierMap[dyspec] dystr = idy = int(dystr) if hrspec: pat, name, dimtype, pos = _specifierMap[hrspec] hrstr = ihr = int(hrstr) if mispec: pat, name, dimtype, pos = _specifierMap[mispec] mistr = imi = int(mistr) if sespec: pat, name, dimtype, pos = _specifierMap[sespec] sestr = ise = int(sestr) return cdtime.comptime(iyr, imo, idy, ihr, imi, ise)
# Find all files in 'direc' which match 'template'. # template is a relative path, and may contain specifiers # in directory names. Returns a list [(f,m),..,(f,m)] where # f is a matching file name, and m is a list [var,time,etime,level,elevel] # of matching values in f. Any or all elems of the list may be None.
[docs]def matchingFiles(direc, template): if os.path.isabs(template): raise AbsoluteTemplate(template) # Generate a glob pattern normTemplate = os.path.normpath(template) globPattern = _filere.sub(retglob, normTemplate) # Map the template to a regular expression templatere, dimtypes = templateToRegex(template) ctre = re.compile(templatere) # Get a list of candidate files try: os.chdir(direc) except os.error: raise IOError('%s: %s' % (sys.exc_info()[1], direc)) candlist = glob.glob(globPattern) # Look for matches matchfiles = [] for candfile in candlist: matchobj = ctre.match(candfile) # Create matching values if matchobj is None: continue matchnames = [None, None, None, None, None] if dimtypes['var'] is not None: matchnames[_var] ='name') if dimtypes['time'] != [None, None, None, None, None, None]: matchnames[_time] = generateTime(matchobj, dimtypes['time']) if dimtypes['etime'] != [None, None, None, None, None, None]: matchnames[_etime] = generateTime(matchobj, dimtypes['etime']) if dimtypes['level'] is not None: matchnames[_level] = int('level')) if dimtypes['elevel'] is not None: matchnames[_elevel] = int('elevel')) matchfiles.append((candfile, matchnames)) return matchfiles
# Get a string time component from a spec and a component time
[docs]def getTimeAsString(spec, time): if spec in ('%G', '%eG'): imo = time.month specstr = _monthListUpper[imo - 1] elif spec in ('%H', '%eH'): specstr = str(time.hour) elif spec in ('%M', '%eM'): specstr = str(time.minute) elif spec in ('%S', '%eS'): specstr = str(int(time.second)) elif spec in ('%Y', '%eY'): specstr = string.zfill(str(time.year), 4) elif spec in ('%d', '%ed'): specstr = str( elif spec in ('%f', '%ef'): specstr = string.zfill(str(, 2) elif spec in ('%g', '%eg'): imo = time.month specstr = _monthListLower[imo - 1] elif spec in ('%h', '%eh'): specstr = string.zfill(str(time.hour), 2) elif spec in ('%m', '%em'): specstr = str(time.month) elif spec in ('%n', '%en'): specstr = string.zfill(str(time.month), 2) elif spec in ('%y', '%ey'): specstr = string.zfill(str(time.year % 100), 2) elif spec in ('%z', '%ez'): specstr = getTimeAsString('%H', time) + 'Z' + getTimeAsString('%Y', time) + getTimeAsString('%n', time) + getTimeAsString('%d', time) return specstr
# Generate a file path, given a template and matchname list. # matchnames is a list [varname,time,etime,level,elevel], where # any or all elems may be None. If matchnames be a longer list, # it is not an error but the additional elements are ignored.
[docs]def getPathFromTemplate(template, matchnames): # Map spec to value string # (Default arg brings matchnames into the local scope) def retpath(matchobj, matchnames=matchnames): spec = pat, name, dimtype, pos = _specifierMap[spec] var, time, etime, level, elevel = matchnames[0:5] if dimtype == 'var': if var is None: specstr = spec else: specstr = var elif dimtype == 'time': if time is None: specstr = spec else: specstr = getTimeAsString(spec, time) elif dimtype == 'etime': if etime is None: specstr = spec else: specstr = getTimeAsString(spec, etime) elif dimtype == 'level': if level is None: specstr = spec else: specstr = str(level) elif dimtype == 'elevel': if elevel is None: specstr = spec else: specstr = str(elevel) return specstr path = _specre.sub(retpath, template) return path
# Search an object or list of objects for a string attribute which # contains a pattern. If the object is a dataset, all objects contained in # it are searched as well. The function returns a list of objects with # matching attribute, or the empty list if there are no matches. # tag is one of 'dataset', 'variable', 'axis', # 'rectGrid','xlink', or None. If tag is None, all object classes are # searched. If attribute is None, all attributes are searched.
[docs]def searchPattern(objlist, pattern, attribute=None, tag=None): if tag is not None: tag = string.lower(tag) regexp = re.compile(pattern) if not isinstance(objlist, list): objlist = [objlist] returnlist = [] for obj in objlist: returnlist = returnlist + obj.searchPattern(regexp, attribute, tag) return returnlist
# Search an object or list of objects for a string attribute which # matches a pattern. If the object is a dataset, all objects contained in # it are searched as well. The function returns a list of objects with # matching attribute, or the empty list if there are no matches. # tag is one of 'dataset', 'variable', 'axis', # 'rectGrid','xlink', or None. If tag is None, all object classes are # searched. If attribute is None, all attributes are searched.
[docs]def matchPattern(objlist, pattern, attribute=None, tag=None): if tag is not None: tag = string.lower(tag) regexp = re.compile(pattern) if not isinstance(objlist, list): objlist = [objlist] returnlist = [] for obj in objlist: returnlist = returnlist + obj.matchPattern(regexp, attribute, tag) return returnlist
# Search an object or list of objects for those objects which satisfy a # predicate condition. If the object is a dataset, all objects contained in # it are searched as well. The predicate is a function which takes a single # object (dataset, variable, axis, etc.) and returns true or false. A list of # objects for which the predicate is true, is returned. If there are no objects # which satisfy the predicate, If tag is None, all object classes are # searched, otherwise only those objects of class matching tag (e.g., "dataset", # "variable", "axis", etc.) are tested. # # Note that Attribute errors are ignored. This simplifies building predicate # functions, as it is not necessary to test whether the object has a particular attribute. # For example, if searching for axes with the partition length greater than 1000 # # lambda obj: obj.partition_length > 1000 # # is sufficient, it is not necessary to test for the existence of the # attribute.
[docs]def searchPredicate(objlist, predicate, tag=None): if tag is not None: tag = string.lower(tag) if not isinstance(objlist, list): objlist = [objlist] returnlist = [] for obj in objlist: returnlist = returnlist + obj.searchPredicate(predicate, tag) return returnlist
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Classes # Generic CDMS object has a tree node, attributes
[docs]class CdmsObj (object): # def __setattr__(self,name,value): # object.__setattr__(self,name,value) # if not name in self.__cdms_internals__ and not name[0]=='_': # self.attributes[name]=value # if name == 'shape' : # print self.__class__,name,value def _listatts(self): dic = {} for nm, val in list(self.__dict__.items()): if (nm[0] != '_' and nm not in self.__cdms_internals__) or nm in [ '_FillValue']: dic[nm] = val if nm == '_units': dic['units'] = val return dic def _setatts(self, value): return attributes = property(_listatts, _setatts) def __init__(self, node=None): if not hasattr(self, '___cdms_internals__'): self.__dict__['___cdms_internals__'] = [ '__cdms_internals__', '___cdms_internals__', '_node_', '_obj_', '_numericType_', '_grid_', '_bounds_', 'parent', 'attributes', 'shape', 'autoApiInfo'] self.attributes = {} self._node_ = node if node is not None: # Build an attribute dictionary from the node, # CDML datatype constraints if hasattr(node, 'datatype'): parenttype = node.datatype else: parenttype = None atts = node.getExternalDict() adict = self.__dict__ for attname in list(atts.keys()): (attval, datatype) = atts[attname] # (XML value, datatype) constraint = node.extra.get(attname) if constraint is not None: # (CdScalar|CdArray, required type) (scaletype, reqtype) = constraint if reqtype == CdFromObject: reqtype = parenttype if reqtype != datatype and datatype == CdString and scaletype == CdScalar: if reqtype in (CdFloat, CdDouble): try: attval = float(attval) except BaseException: raise RuntimeError( "%s=%s must be a float" % (attname, attval)) elif reqtype in (CdShort, CdInt, CdLong, CdInt64): try: attval = int(attval) except BaseException: raise RuntimeError( "%s=%s must be an integer" % (attname, attval)) adict[attname] = attval self.attributes[attname] = attval
[docs] def searchone(self, pattern, attname): """Search if the attribute with name attname is a string attribute which contains the compiled regular expression pattern, or if attname is None and pattern matches at least one string attribute. Parameters ---------- pattern: (str) pattern attname: (str/None) attribute name Returns ------- result: (int/True/False) * 1 or True if the attribute with name attname is a string attribute which contains the compiled regular expression pattern, or if attname is None and pattern matches at least one string attribute, * 0 or False if the attribute is not found or is not a string """ if attname is None: for attval in list(self.attributes.values()): if isinstance(attval, bytes) and attval) is not None: return 1 return 0 elif attname in self.attributes: attval = self.attributes[attname] return (isinstance(attval, bytes) and is not None) else: return 0
# Return true iff the attribute with name attname is a string # attribute which matches the compiled regular expression pattern, or # if attname is None and pattern matches at least one string # attribute. Return false if the attribute is not found or is not a string
[docs] def matchone(self, pattern, attname): """ Search if the attribute with name attname is a string attribute which matches the compiled regular expression pattern, or if attname is None and pattern matches at least one string attribute. Parameters ---------- pattern: (str) pattern attname: (str/None) attribute name Returns ------- result: (int/True/False) * True if the attribute with name attname is a string attribute which matches the compiled regular expression pattern, or if attname is None and pattern matches at least one string attribute. * False if the attribute is not found or is not a string. """ if attname is None: for attval in list(self.attributes.values()): if isinstance(attval, bytes) and pattern.match( attval) is not None: return 1 return 0 elif attname in self.attributes: attval = self.attributes[attname] return (isinstance(attval, bytes) and pattern.match(attval) is not None) else: return 0
# Search for a pattern in a string-valued attribute. If attribute is None, # search all string attributes. If tag is not None, it must match the # internal node tag.
[docs] def searchPattern(self, pattern, attribute, tag): """ Search for a pattern in a string-valued attribute. If attribute is None, search all string attributes. If tag is not None, it must match the internal node tag. Parameters ---------- pattern: (str) attribute: (str/None) attribute name tag: (str/None) node tag Returns ------- result: (list) """ if tag is None or string.lower(tag) == self._node_.tag: if self.searchone(pattern, attribute): return [self] else: return [] else: return []
# Match a pattern in a string-valued attribute. If attribute is None, # search all string attributes. If tag is not None, it must match the # internal node tag.
[docs] def matchPattern(self, pattern, attribute, tag): """ Match for a pattern in a string-valued attribute. If attribute is None, search all string attributes. If tag is not None, it must match the internal node tag. Parameters ---------- pattern: (str) pattern attribute: (str/None) attribute name tag: (str/None) node tag Results ------- result: (list) """ if tag is None or string.lower(tag) == self._node_.tag: if self.matchone(pattern, attribute): return [self] else: return [] else: return []
# Apply a truth-valued predicate. Return a list containing a single instance: [self] # if the predicate is true and either tag is None or matches the object node tag. # If the predicate returns false, return an empty list
[docs] def searchPredicate(self, predicate, tag): """ Apply a truth-valued predicate. Parameters ---------- predicate: (function) tag: (str/None) node tag Returns ------- result: (list) * Return a list containing a single instance: [self] if the predicate is true and either tag is None or matches the object node tag. If the predicate returns false, return an empty list """ if tag is None or string.lower(tag) == self._node_.tag: try: if predicate(*(self,)) == 1: result = [self] except BaseException: result = [] else: result = [] return result
[docs] def dumpXML(self, path=None, format=1): """ dump(self,path=None,format=1) Dump an XML representation of this object to a file. `path` is the result file name, None for standard output. `format`==1 if the file is formatted with newlines for readability Parameters ---------- path: (None) result file name, None for standard output. format: (int) 1 if the file is formatted with newlines for readability. Returns ------- None: (None) nothing returned """ if self._node_ is None: raise CDMSError("No tree node found") # noqa self._node_.dump(path, format)
def _getinternals(self): return self.___cdms_internals__ def _setinternals(self, value): self.___cdms_internals__ = value __cdms_internals__ = property(_getinternals, _setinternals)
# internattr.add_internal_attribute(CdmsObj) if __name__ == '__main__': x = CdmsObj(None) x.someatt = 1 assert x.attributes['someatt'] == x.someatt assert '_node' not in x.attributes # need tests for the search routines... print("Test passed.")