Source code for cdms2.bindex

# Automatically adapted for numpy.oldnumeric Aug 01, 2007 by
# Further modified to be pure new numpy June 24th 2008

"""Bin index for non-rectilinear grids"""

from . import _bindex
import numpy

[docs]def bindexHorizontalGrid(latlin, lonlin): """Create a bin index for a horizontal grid. Parameters ---------- latlin : latlin is the raveled latitude values. latlon : lonlin is the raveled longitude values. Returns ------- resulting index. """ lonlin = numpy.mod(lonlin, 360) NI, NJ = _bindex.getLens() # This should match NBINI, NBINJ in bindex.c head = numpy.zeros(NI * NJ, dtype='l') next = numpy.zeros(len(latlin), dtype='l') _bindex.bindex(latlin, lonlin, head, next) return (head, next)
[docs]def intersectHorizontalGrid(latspecs, lonspecs, latlin, lonlin, index): """Intersect a horizontal grid with a lat-lon region. Parameters ---------- latspecs : latitude specs as defined in the grid module. lonspecs : longitude specs as defined in the grid module. latlin : latlin is the raveled latitude array. lonlin : lonlin is the raveled longitude array. index : index is the bin index as returned from bindex. Returns ------- an array of indices, in latlin/lonlin, of the points in the intersection. """ points = numpy.zeros(len(latlin), dtype='l') if latspecs is None: slat = -90.0 elat = 90.0 latopt = 'cc' else: slat = latspecs[0] elat = latspecs[1] latopt = latspecs[2] if slat > elat: tmp = slat slat = elat elat = tmp # If the longitude range is >=360.0, just intersect with the full range. # Otherwise, the points array could overflow and generate a seg fault. if lonspecs is None or abs(lonspecs[1] - lonspecs[0]) >= 360.0: slon = 0.0 elon = 360.0 lonopt = 'co' else: slon = lonspecs[0] elon = lonspecs[1] lonopt = lonspecs[2] if slon > elon: tmp = slon slon = elon elon = tmp npoints = _bindex.intersect( slat, slon, elat, elon, latlin, lonlin, index[0], index[1], points, latopt, lonopt) return points[:npoints]