Source code for cdms2.axis

CDMS Axis objects

from future import standard_library
import sys
import types
import copy
import numpy
# import regrid2._regrid
from . import cdmsNode
import cdtime
from . import cdmsobj
from .cdmsobj import CdmsObj, Max32int
from .sliceut import reverseSlice, splitSlice, splitSliceExt
from .error import CDMSError
from . import forecast
from .util import base_doc
# import warnings
from six import string_types
from collections import UserList  # noqa
_debug = 0
std_axis_attributes = ['name', 'units', 'length', 'values', 'bounds']

[docs]class AliasList (UserList): """AliasList. """ def __init__(self, alist): """__init__. Parameters ---------- alist : alist """ UserList.__init__(self, alist) def __setitem__(self, i, value): """__setitem__. Parameters ---------- i : i value : value """[i] = value.lower() def __setslice(self, i, j, values): """__setslice. Parameters ---------- i : i j : j values : values """[i:j] = [x.lower() for x in values]
[docs] def append(self, value): """append. Parameters ---------- value : value """
[docs] def extend(self, values): """extend. Parameters ---------- values : values """, values)))
level_aliases = AliasList(['plev']) longitude_aliases = AliasList([]) latitude_aliases = AliasList([]) time_aliases = AliasList([]) forecast_aliases = AliasList([]) FileWasClosed = "File was closed for object: " InvalidBoundsArray = "Invalid boundary array: " InvalidCalendar = "Invalid calendar: %i" MethodNotImplemented = "Method not yet implemented" ReadOnlyAxis = "Axis is read-only: " # mf 20010402 -- prevent user from going beyond N cycles InvalidNCycles = "Invalid number of cycles requested for wrapped dimension: " ComptimeType = type(cdtime.comptime(0)) ReltimeType = type(cdtime.reltime(0, "days")) CdtimeTypes = (ComptimeType, ReltimeType) # Map between cdtime calendar and CF tags calendarToTag = { cdtime.MixedCalendar: 'gregorian', cdtime.NoLeapCalendar: 'noleap', cdtime.GregorianCalendar: 'proleptic_gregorian', cdtime.JulianCalendar: 'julian', cdtime.Calendar360: '360_day', cdtime.ClimCalendar: 'clim_noncf', cdtime.ClimLeapCalendar: 'climleap_noncf', cdtime.DefaultCalendar: 'gregorian', cdtime.StandardCalendar: 'proleptic_gregorian', } tagToCalendar = { 'gregorian': cdtime.MixedCalendar, 'standard': cdtime.GregorianCalendar, 'noleap': cdtime.NoLeapCalendar, 'julian': cdtime.JulianCalendar, 'proleptic_gregorian': cdtime.GregorianCalendar, '360_day': cdtime.Calendar360, '360': cdtime.Calendar360, '365_day': cdtime.NoLeapCalendar, 'clim': cdtime.ClimCalendar, 'clim_noncf': cdtime.ClimCalendar, 'climleap_noncf': cdtime.ClimLeapCalendar, 'climleap': cdtime.ClimLeapCalendar, } # This is not an error message, it is used to detect which things have # been left as default indices or coordinates. unspecified = "No value specified." # Automatically generate axis and grid boundaries in getBounds _autobounds = 2 # (for 1D lat/lon axes only.) # Modes: # 0 : off (not bounds generation) # 1 : on (generate bounds) # 2 : grid (generate bounds for lat/lon # grids only) # Set autobounds mode to 'on' or 'off'. If on, getBounds will automatically # generate boundary information for an axis or grid, if not explicitly defined. # If 'off', and no boundary data is explicitly defined, the bounds will NOT # be generated; getBounds will return None for the boundaries.
[docs]def setAutoBounds(mode): """Sets AutoBounds behavior. Automatically generates axis and grid boundaries when ``getBounds`` is called. Parameters ---------- mode : (str/int) 0 : 'off' (No bounds will be generated) 1 : 'on' (Generate bounds) 2 : 'grid' (Generate bounds for lat/lon grids only) Notes ----- This only affects 1D axes. """ global _autobounds if mode == 'on' or mode == 1: _autobounds = 1 elif mode == 'off' or mode == 0: _autobounds = 0 elif mode == 'grid' or mode == 2: _autobounds = 2
[docs]def getAutoBounds(): """Gets AutoBounds mode. See ``setAutoBounds`` for description of modes. """ return _autobounds
# Create a transient axis
[docs]def createAxis(data, bounds=None, id=None, copy=0, genericBounds=False): """ Creates an axis. To enabled automatic bounds generation see ``setAutoBounds``. Parameters ---------- data : (list/:obj:`numpy.ndarray`) Values for axis. bounds : ``numpy.ndarray`` 2D array containing boundaries for ``data``. id : str Axis identifier. copy : int 0: Stores reference of data. 1: Stores copy of data. genericBounds : bool True will create generic bounds if ``bounds`` is None. Returns ------- cdms2.TransientAxis Returns a ``TransientAxis`` containing data. """ return TransientAxis(data, bounds=bounds, id=id, copy=copy, genericBounds=genericBounds)
# Generate a Gaussian latitude axis, north-to-south
[docs]def createGaussianAxis(nlat): """Creates Guassian Axis. Parameters ---------- nlat : int Number of latitudes to generate. Returns ------ cdms2.TransientAxis ``TransientaAxis`` containing guassian axis of ``nlat``. """ import regrid2._regrid lats, wts, bnds = regrid2._regrid.gridattr(nlat, 'gaussian') # For odd number of latitudes, gridattr returns 0 in the second half of # lats if nlat % 2: mid = int(nlat / 2) lats[mid + 1:] = -lats[:mid][::-1] latBounds = numpy.zeros((nlat, 2), numpy.float) latBounds[:, 0] = bnds[:-1] latBounds[:, 1] = bnds[1:] lat = createAxis(lats, latBounds, id="latitude") lat.designateLatitude() lat.units = "degrees_north" return lat
# Generate an equal-area latitude axis, north-to-south
[docs]def createEqualAreaAxis(nlat): """Creates an equal area axis. Parameters ---------- nlat : int Number of latitudes to generate. Returns ------- cdms2.TransientAxis ``TransientAxis`` containing equal area axis of ``nlat``. """ import regrid2._regrid lats, wts, bnds = regrid2._regrid.gridattr(nlat, 'equalarea') latBounds = numpy.zeros((nlat, 2), numpy.float) latBounds[:, 0] = bnds[:-1] latBounds[:, 1] = bnds[1:] lat = createAxis(lats, latBounds, id="latitude") lat.designateLatitude() lat.units = "degrees_north" return lat
# Generate a uniform latitude axis
[docs]def createUniformLatitudeAxis(startLat, nlat, deltaLat): """Creates a uniform latitude axis. Parameters ---------- startLat : float Starting latitude value. nlat : Number of latitudes. deltaLat : float Difference between each latitude point. Returns ------- cdms2.TransientAxis ``TransientAxis`` containing uniform latitude axis. """ latArray = startLat + deltaLat * numpy.arange(nlat) lat = createAxis(latArray, id="latitude") lat.designateLatitude() lat.units = "degrees_north" latBounds = lat.genGenericBounds(width=deltaLat) lat.setBounds(latBounds) return lat
# Generate a uniform longitude axis
[docs]def createUniformLongitudeAxis(startLon, nlon, deltaLon): """Creates a uniform longitude axis. Parameters ---------- startLon : float Starting longitude value. nlon : int Number of longitudes. deltaLon : float Difference between each longitude point. Returns ------- cdms2.TransientAxis ``TransientAxis`` containing uniform longitude axis. """ lonArray = startLon + deltaLon * numpy.arange(nlon) lon = createAxis(lonArray, id="longitude") lon.designateLongitude() lon.units = "degrees_east" lonBounds = lon.genGenericBounds(width=deltaLon) lon.setBounds(lonBounds) return lon
[docs]def mapLinearIntersection(xind, yind, iind, aMinusEps, aPlusEps, bPlusEps, bMinusEps, boundLeft, nodeSubI, boundRight): """ Map Linear Intersection Parameters ---------- xind : c' if (a,b) is closed on the left, 'o' if open, yind : same for right endpoint j Returns ------- True if the coordinate interval (a,b) intersects the node nodeSubI or cell bounds [boundLeft,boundRight], where the interval (a,b) is defined by: * aMinusEps,aPlusEps = a +/- epsilon * bPlusEps,bMinusEps = b +/- epsilon and the intersection option iind = 'n','b','e','s' specifies whether the intersection is with respect to the node value nodeSubI ('n' or 'e') or the cell bounds [boundLeft,boundRight]. See Also -------- mapLinearExt """ if(iind == 'n' or iind == 'e'): testC_ = (aMinusEps <= nodeSubI) test_C = (nodeSubI <= bPlusEps) testO_ = (aPlusEps < nodeSubI) test_O = (nodeSubI < bMinusEps) elif(iind == 'b'): testC_ = (aMinusEps <= boundRight) test_C = (boundLeft <= bPlusEps) testO_ = (aPlusEps < boundRight) test_O = (boundLeft < bMinusEps) elif(iind == 's'): testC_ = (aMinusEps <= boundLeft) test_C = (boundRight <= bPlusEps) testO_ = (aPlusEps < boundLeft) test_O = (boundRight < bMinusEps) if(xind == 'c' and yind == 'c'): test = (testC_ and test_C) elif(xind == 'c' and yind == 'o'): test = (testC_ and test_O) elif(xind == 'o' and yind == 'c'): test = (testO_ and test_C) elif(xind == 'o' and yind == 'o'): test = (testO_ and test_O) return(test)
[docs]def mapLinearExt(axis, bounds, interval, indicator='ccn', epsilon=None, stride=1, wrapped=0): """Map coordinate interval to index interval, without wraparound. Interval has the form (x,y) where x and y are the endpoints in coordinate space. Indicator is a three-character string, where the first character is 'c' if the interval is closed on the left, 'o' if open, and the second character has the same meaning for the right-hand point. The third character indicates how the intersection of the interval and axis is treated: 'n' - the node is in the interval 'b' - the interval intersects the cell bounds 's' - the cell bounds are a subset of the interval 'e' - same as 'n', plus an extra node on either side. Returns ------- The corresponding index interval (i,j), where i<j, indicating the half-open index interval [i,j), or None if the intersection is empty. """ indicator = indicator.lower() length = len(axis) # Make the interval and search array non-decreasing x, y = interval iind = indicator[2] if x > y: x, y = y, x xind = indicator[1] yind = indicator[0] else: xind = indicator[0] yind = indicator[1] if axis[0] > axis[-1]: ar = axis[::-1] if bounds[0, 0] < bounds[0, 1]: bd = bounds[::-1] else: bd = bounds[::-1, ::-1] direc = 'dec' else: ar = axis if bounds[0, 0] < bounds[0, 1]: bd = bounds else: bd = bounds[:, ::-1] direc = 'inc' if(epsilon is None): eps = 1.0e-5 if len(ar) > 1: epsilon = eps * min(abs(ar[1] - ar[0]), abs(ar[-1] - ar[-2])) else: epsilon = eps # # interval bound +/- epsilon # aMinusEps = (x - epsilon) aPlusEps = (x + epsilon) bMinusEps = (y - epsilon) bPlusEps = (y + epsilon) # oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo # # out-of-bounds requests # # oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo if iind in ['n', 'e']: mina = ar[0] maxa = ar[-1] else: mina = bd[0, 0] maxa = bd[-1, 1] if(bPlusEps < mina or aMinusEps > maxa): return None # nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn # # empty node check # # nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn # Handle empty intersections if ( (((aPlusEps) > ar[-1]) and (iind == 'n') and (xind == 'o')) or (((aMinusEps) >= ar[-1]) and (iind == 'n') and (xind == 'c')) or (((bMinusEps) < ar[0]) and (iind == 'n') and (yind == 'o')) or (((bPlusEps) <= ar[0]) and (iind == 'n') and (yind == 'c')) ): return None bdMaxRight = max(bd[-1][0], bd[-1][1]) bdMinLeft = min(bd[0][0], bd[0][1]) if ( (((aMinusEps) > bdMaxRight) and (iind != 'n') and (xind == 'o')) or (((aMinusEps) >= bdMaxRight) and (iind != 'n') and (xind == 'c')) or (((bPlusEps) < bdMinLeft) and (iind != 'n') and (yind == 'o')) or (((bPlusEps) <= bdMinLeft) and (iind != 'n') and (yind == 'c')) ): return None # The intersection is nonempty; use searchsorted to get left/right limits # for testing ii, jj = numpy.searchsorted(ar, (x, y)) # # find index range for left (iStart,iEnd) and right (jStart,jEnd) # # iEnd + 2 because last point in loop not done iStart = ii - 1 iEnd = ii + 2 if(iStart < 0): iStart = 0 if(iEnd >= length): iEnd = length - 1 jStart = jj - 1 jEnd = jj + 2 if(jStart < 0): jStart = 0 if(jEnd >= length): jEnd = length - 1 # # initialise the index to -1 (does not exist) # iInterval = -1 jInterval = -1 iIntervalB = -1 jIntervalB = -1 # pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp # # preliminary checks # # pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp if(iStart == jStart == iEnd == jEnd): iInterval = jInterval = iStart elif(jEnd < iEnd): pass else: # llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll # # left interval check # # llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll # - user check for i in range(iStart, iEnd + 1): nodeSubI = ar[i] boundLeft = bd[i][0] boundRight = bd[i][1] test = mapLinearIntersection( xind, yind, iind, aMinusEps, aPlusEps, bPlusEps, bMinusEps, boundLeft, nodeSubI, boundRight) if(iInterval == -1 and test): iInterval = i break # - "B" check for extension for i in range(iStart, iEnd + 1): nodeSubI = ar[i] boundLeft = bd[i][0] boundRight = bd[i][1] testB = mapLinearIntersection( xind, yind, 'b', aMinusEps, aPlusEps, bPlusEps, bMinusEps, boundLeft, nodeSubI, boundRight) if(iIntervalB == -1 and testB): iIntervalB = i break # rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr # # right interval check # # rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr for j in range(jStart, jEnd + 1): nodeSubI = ar[j] boundLeft = bd[j][0] boundRight = bd[j][1] # # user test # test = mapLinearIntersection( xind, yind, iind, aMinusEps, aPlusEps, bPlusEps, bMinusEps, boundLeft, nodeSubI, boundRight) if((jInterval == -1 and iInterval != -1 and test == 0 and j <= jEnd)): jInterval = j - 1 if((j == length - 1 and test == 1)): jInterval = j # no break here... # # B test on right # for j in range(jStart, jEnd + 1): nodeSubI = ar[j] boundLeft = bd[j][0] boundRight = bd[j][1] testB = mapLinearIntersection( xind, yind, 'b', aMinusEps, aPlusEps, bPlusEps, bMinusEps, boundLeft, nodeSubI, boundRight) if((jIntervalB == -1 and iIntervalB != -1 and testB == 0 and j <= jEnd)): jIntervalB = j - 1 if((j == length - 1 and testB == 1)): jIntervalB = j # eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee # # extension check # # eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee if(iind == 'e'): # if B index does not exist return if(iIntervalB < 0 or jIntervalB < 0): return None # if user index exists: elif ((iInterval > -1 and jInterval > -1)): if(jInterval < iInterval): npoints = iInterval - jInterval if(npoints > 0): (iInterval, jInterval) = (jInterval + 1, iInterval + 1) else: jInterval = iInterval iInterval = jInterval + 1 else: iInterval = iInterval - 1 jInterval = jInterval + 1 # else set index interval to B index interval else: iInterval = iIntervalB jInterval = jIntervalB if(iInterval == jInterval): if(x < ar[iInterval] and iInterval > 0): iInterval = jInterval - 1 elif(jIntervalB < length - 1): jInterval = iInterval + 1 if(jInterval < iInterval): npoints = jInterval - iInterval if(npoints > 2): jInterval = iIntervalB iInterval = jIntervalB else: jInterval = iIntervalB iInterval = jIntervalB + 1 # Since the lookup is linear, ensure that the result is in range # [0..length) iInterval = max(iInterval, 0) jInterval = min(jInterval, length - 1) # ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # # final checks # # ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff # if jInteval < iInterval have a single point; set to iInterval if(jInterval < iInterval): jInterval = iInterval elif(jInterval < 0 and iInterval < 0): return None # Reverse back if necessary if direc == 'dec': iInterval, jInterval = length - jInterval - 1, length - iInterval - 1 iReturn = iInterval jReturn = jInterval + 1 return (iReturn, jReturn)
[docs]def lookupArray(ar, value): """Lookup value in array ar. Parameters ---------- ar : Input array value : Value to search Returns ------- index: * ar is monotonically increasing. * value <= ar[index], index==0..len(ar)-1 * value > ar[index], index==len(ar) * ar is monotonically decreasing: * value >= ar[index], index==0..len(ar)-1 * value < ar[index], index==len(ar) """ ar = ascending = (ar[0] < ar[-1]) or len(ar) == 1 if ascending: index = numpy.searchsorted(ar, value) else: revar = ar[::-1] index = numpy.searchsorted(revar, value) if index < len(revar) and value == revar[index]: index = len(ar) - index - 1 else: index = len(ar) - index return index
# Lookup a value in a monotonic 1-D array. value is a scalar # Always returns a valid index for ar # def lookupArray(ar,value): # ascending = (ar[0]<ar[-1]) # if ascending: # index = numpy.searchsorted(ar,value) # else: # index = numpy.searchsorted(ar[::-1],value) # index = len(ar)-index-1 # index = max(index,0) # index = min(index,len(ar)) # return index # Return true if vector vec1 is a subset of vec2, within tolerance tol. # Return second arg of index, if it is a subset
[docs]def isSubsetVector(vec1, vec2, tol): """Checks if ``vec1`` is a subset of ``vec2``. Parameters ---------- vec1 : (cdms2.TransientAxis, cdms2.FileAxis, numpy.ndarray) Subset data. vec2 : (cdms2.TransientAxis, cdms2.FileAxis, numpy.ndarray) Superset data. tol : float Tolerance used when checking for subset. Returns ------- (bool/int), int First value of ``True`` denotes ``vec1`` is a subset of ``vec2``. A value of 0 or ``False`` denotes the opposite. Second value is the starting index of ``vec1`` in ``vec2`` if it is a subset. """ # TODO this needs fixing return should be None if not subset otherwise the index value. index = lookupArray(vec2, vec1[0]) if index > (len(vec2) - len(vec1)): # vec1 is too large, cannot be a subset return (0, -1) issubset = numpy.alltrue(numpy.less(numpy.absolute( vec1 - vec2[index:index + len(vec1)]), tol)) if issubset: return (issubset, index) else: return (0, -1)
[docs]def isOverlapVector(vec1, vec2, atol=1.e-8): """Is Overlap Vector Parameters ---------- vec1 : Input arrays to compare vec2 : Input arrays to compare atol : float, optional Absolute tolerance, The absolute differenc is equal to **atol** Default is 1e-8 Returns ------- (isoverlap, index) : where isoverlap is true if a leading portion of vec1 is a subset of vec2; * index is the index such that vec1[0] <= vec2[index] * If indexl == len(vec2), then vec1[0] > vec2[len(vec2) - 1] """ index = lookupArray(vec2, vec1[0]) if index == 0 and abs(vec1[0] - vec2[0]): return (0, index) elif index == len(vec2): return (1, index) else: ar2 = vec2[index:index + len(vec1)] ar1 = vec1[:len(ar2)] isoverlap =, ar2, atol=atol) if isoverlap: return (isoverlap, index) else: return (0, index)
[docs]def allclose(ax1, ax2, rtol=1.e-5, atol=1.e-8): """All close Parameters ---------- ax1, ax2 : array_like Returns ------- bool True if all elements of axes ax1 and ax2 are close, in the sense of See Also : all, any Examples -------- >>> a = ma.array([1e10, 1e-7, 42.0], mask=[0, 0, 1]) >>> a masked_array(data = [10000000000.0 1e-07 --], mask = [False False True], fill_value = 1e+20) >>> b = ma.array([1e10, 1e-8, 42.0], mask=[0, 0, 1]) >>> ma.allclose(a, b) False """ return ((ax1 is ax2) or ax1[:], ax2[:], rtol=rtol, atol=atol))
# AbstractAxis defines the common axis interface. # Concrete axis classes are derived from this class.
[docs]class AbstractAxis(CdmsObj): """AbstractAxis Parameters ---------- parent : cdms2.dataset.CdmsFile Reference to ``CdmsFile`` containing axis. node : None Not used. """ def __init__(self, parent, node): CdmsObj.__init__(self, node) val = self.__cdms_internals__ + ['id', ] self.___cdms_internals__ = val self.parent = parent = id # Cached data values self._data_ = None # Cached wraparound values for circular axes self._doubledata_ = None def __str__(self): return "\n".join(self.listall()) + "\n" __repr__ = __str__ def __len__(self): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def _getshape(self): return (len(self),) def _getdtype(self, name=None): """Gets numpy dtype. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the dtype """ tc = self.typecode() return numpy.dtype(tc) def __getitem__(self, key): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def __setitem__(self, index, value): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def __getslice__(self, low, high): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def __setslice__(self, low, high, value): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented)
[docs] def rank(self): """Gets rank of contained data. Returns ------- int Number of dimensions. """ return len(self.shape)
# Designate axis as a latitude axis. # If persistent is true, write metadata to the container.
[docs] def designateLatitude(self, persistent=0): """Designate axis as latitude. Sets attribute ``axis`` to "Y". Parameters ---------- persistent : int 0: Sets value in memory. 1: Sets value in underlying file. """ if persistent: self.axis = "Y" else: self.__dict__['axis'] = "Y" self.attributes['axis'] = "Y"
# Return true iff the axis is a latitude axis
[docs] def isLatitude(self): """Checks if axis is latitude. Returns ------- bool True if axis is latitude otherwise false. """ id = if (hasattr(self, 'axis') and self.axis == 'Y'): return True units = getattr(self, "units", "").strip().lower() if units in [ "degrees_north", "degree_north", "degree_n", "degrees_n", "degreen", "degreesn"] and not( self.isLongitude() or self.isLevel() or self.isTime()): return True return (id[0:3] == 'lat') or (id in latitude_aliases)
# Designate axis as a vertical level axis # If persistent is true, write metadata to the container.
[docs] def designateLevel(self, persistent=0): """Designate axis as level. Sets attribute ``axis`` to "Z". Parameters ---------- persistent : int 0: Sets value in memory. 1: Sets value in underlying file. """ if persistent: self.axis = "Z" else: self.__dict__['axis'] = "Z" self.attributes['axis'] = "Z"
# Return true iff the axis is a level axis
[docs] def isLevel(self): """Checks if axis is level. Returns ------- bool True if axis is level otherwise false. """ id = if (hasattr(self, 'axis') and self.axis == 'Z'): return True if getattr(self, "positive", "").strip().lower() in ["up", "down"]: return True try: # Ok let's see if this thing as pressure units import genutil p = genutil.udunits(1, "Pa") units = getattr(self, 'units', "").strip() return True except ImportError: # import warnings # warnings.warn( # "genutil module not present, was not able to determine if axis is level based on units") pass except Exception: pass return ((id[0:3] == 'lev') or (id[0:5] == 'depth') or (id in level_aliases))
# Designate axis as a longitude axis # If persistent is true, write metadata to the container. # If modulo is defined, set as circular
[docs] def designateLongitude(self, persistent=0, modulo=360.0): """Designate axis as longitude. Sets attribute ``axis`` to "X". Parameters ---------- persistent : int 0: Sets value in memory. 1: Sets value in underlying file. modulo : float Sets topology of longitude. None will set topology to "linear". """ if persistent: self.axis = "X" if modulo is None: self.topology = 'linear' else: self.modulo = modulo self.topology = 'circular' else: self.__dict__['axis'] = "X" self.attributes['axis'] = "X" if modulo is None: self.__dict__['topology'] = 'linear' self.attributes['topology'] = 'linear' else: self.__dict__['modulo'] = modulo self.__dict__['topology'] = 'circular' self.attributes['modulo'] = modulo self.attributes['topology'] = 'circular'
# Return true iff the axis is a longitude axis
[docs] def isLongitude(self): """Checks if axis is longitude. Returns ------- bool True if axis is longitude otherwise False. """ id = if (hasattr(self, 'axis') and self.axis == 'X'): return True units = getattr(self, "units", "").strip().lower() if units in [ "degrees_east", "degree_east", "degree_e", "degrees_e", "degreee", "degreese"] and not( self.isLatitude() or self.isLevel() or self.isTime()): return True return (id[0:3] == 'lon') or (id in longitude_aliases)
# Designate axis as a time axis, and optionally set the calendar # If persistent is true, write metadata to the container.
[docs] def designateTime(self, persistent=0, calendar=None): """Designate axis as time. Sets attribute ``axis`` to "T". Parameters ---------- persistent : int 0: Sets value in memory. 1: Sets value in underlying file. calendar : cdtime.Calendar Sets the calendar for the time axis. See ``cdtime`` for valid calendars. """ if calendar is None: calendar = cdtime.DefaultCalendar if persistent: self.axis = "T" if calendar is not None: self.setCalendar(calendar, persistent) else: self.__dict__['axis'] = "T" self.attributes['axis'] = "T" if calendar is not None: self.setCalendar(calendar, persistent)
# For isTime(), keep track of whether each id is for a time axis or not, for better performance. # This dictionary is a class variable (not a member of any particular # instance). idtaxis = {} # id:type where type is 'T' for time, 'O' for other # Return true iff the axis is a time axis
[docs] def isTime(self): """Checks if axis is time. Returns ------- bool True if axis is time otherwise false. """ id = if hasattr(self, 'axis'): if self.axis == 'T': return True elif self.axis is not None: return False # Have we saved the id-to-axis type information already? if id in self.idtaxis: if self.idtaxis[id] == 'T': return True else: return False # Try to figure it out from units try: import genutil units = getattr(self, "units", "").lower() sp = units.split("since") if len(sp) > 1: t = genutil.udunits(1, "day") s = sp[0].strip() if s in t.available_units() and t.known_units()[s] == "TIME": self.idtaxis[id] = 'T' return True # try the plural version since udunits only as singular (day # noy days) s = s + "s" if s in t.available_units() and t.known_units()[s] == "TIME": self.idtaxis[id] = 'T' return True except BaseException: pass # return (id[0:4] == 'time') or (id in time_aliases) if (id[0:4] == 'time') or (id in time_aliases): self.idtaxis[id] = 'T' return True else: self.idtaxis[id] = 'O' return False
# Return true iff the axis is a forecast axis
[docs] def isForecast(self): """Checks if axis is forecast. Returns ------- bool True if axis is forecast otherwise False. """ id = if (hasattr(self, 'axis') and self.axis == 'F'): return True return (id[0:6] == 'fctau0') or (id in forecast_aliases)
# TODO is this needed?
[docs] def isForecastTime(self): """Checks if axis is forecast. Returns ------- bool True if axis is forecast otherwise False. """ return self.isForecast()
[docs] def asComponentTime(self, calendar=None): """Returns values as component time if axis represents time. Parameters ---------- calendar : cdtime.Calendar Calendar used to convert relative time to component time. If ``None`` then the calendar set in attributes will be used. If this is not set then the default calendar will be used. """ if not hasattr(self, 'units'): raise CDMSError("No time units defined") if calendar is None: calendar = self.getCalendar() if self.isForecast(): result = [forecast.comptime(t) for t in self[:]] else: result = [] for val in self[:]: result.append(cdtime.reltime(val, self.units).tocomp(calendar)) return result
# # mf 20010418 -- output DTGs (YYYYMMDDHH) #
[docs] def asDTGTime(self, calendar=None): """Returns values as DTG if axis represents time. Parameters ---------- calendar : cdtime.Calendar Calendar used to convert relative time to component time. If ``None`` then the calendar set in attributes will be used. If this is not set then the default calendar will be used. """ if not hasattr(self, 'units'): raise CDMSError("No time units defined") result = [] if calendar is None: calendar = self.getCalendar() for val in self[:]: comptime = cdtime.reltime(val, self.units).tocomp(calendar) s = repr(comptime) tt = str.split(s, ' ') ttt = str.split(tt[0], '-') yr = int(ttt[0]) mo = int(ttt[1]) da = int(ttt[2]) ttt = str.split(tt[1], ':') hr = int(ttt[0]) dtg = "%04d%02d%02d%02d" % (yr, mo, da, hr) result.append(dtg) return result
[docs] def asdatetime(self, calendar=None): """ Returns values as ``datetime.datetime`` if axis represents time. Parameters ---------- calendar : cdtime.Calendar Calendar used to convert relative time to component time. If ``None`` then the calendar set in attributes will be used. If this is not set then the default calendar will be used. """ import datetime if not hasattr(self, 'units'): raise CDMSError("No time units defined") result = [] if calendar is None: calendar = self.getCalendar() for val in self[:]: c = cdtime.reltime(val, self.units).tocomp(calendar) dtg = datetime.datetime( c.year, c.month,, c.hour, c.minute, int(c.second), int((c.second - int(c.second)) * 1000)) result.append(dtg) return result
[docs] def asRelativeTime(self, units=None): """ Returns values as relative time if axis represents time. Parameters ---------- units : str Base units used in conversion of values. """ sunits = getattr(self, 'units', None) if sunits is None or sunits == 'None': raise CDMSError("No time units defined") if units is None or units == 'None': units = sunits if self.isForecast(): result = [forecast.comptime(t).torel(units) for t in self[:]] else: cal = self.getCalendar() result = [ cdtime.reltime( t, sunits).torel( units, cal) for t in self[:]] return result
[docs] def toRelativeTime(self, units, calendar=None): """Converts values in-place to relative time. Parameters ---------- units : str Base units used converting component to relative values. calendar : cdtime.Calendar Calendar used to convert relative time to component time. If ``None`` then the calendar set in attributes will be used. If this is not set then the default calendar will be used. """ if not hasattr(self, 'units'): raise CDMSError("No time units defined") n = len(self[:]) b = self.getBounds() scal = self.getCalendar() if calendar is None: calendar = scal else: self.setCalendar(calendar) for i in range(n): tmp = cdtime.reltime(self[i], self.units).tocomp(scal) tmp2 = numpy.array( float( tmp.torel( units, calendar).value)).astype( self[:].dtype.char) # if i==1 : print # self[:].dtype.char,'tmp2:',tmp2,tmp2.astype('f'),self[i],self[i].astype('f') self[i] = tmp2 if b is not None: tmp = cdtime.reltime(b[i, 0], self.units).tocomp(scal) b[i, 0] = numpy.array( float(tmp.torel(units, calendar).value)).astype(b.dtype.char) tmp = cdtime.reltime(b[i, 1], self.units).tocomp(scal) b[i, 1] = numpy.array( float(tmp.torel(units, calendar).value)).astype(b.dtype.char) if b is not None: self.setBounds(b) self.units = units return
# mfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmf # # mf 20010412 -- test if an Axis is intrinsically circular # # mfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmf # Return true iff the axis wraps around # An axis is defined as circular if: # (1) self.topology=='circular', or # (2) self.topology is undefined, and the axis is a longitude
[docs] def isCircularAxis(self): """Superficial check if axis is circular. Returns ------- (bool/int) True if axis topology is set to circular. False if axis topology is not circular. 1 if axis is longitude. 0 if not circular. """ # TODO fix the return values no more mixed int/bool if hasattr(self, 'topology'): iscircle = (self.topology == 'circular') elif self.isLongitude(): iscircle = 1 else: iscircle = 0 return iscircle
# mfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmf # # mf 20010405 -- test if an transient Axis is REALLY circular # # mfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmf # Return true iff the axis wraps around # An axis is defined as circular if: # (1) self.topology=='circular', or # (2) self.topology is undefined, and the axis is a longitude
[docs] def isCircular(self): """Checks if axis is circular. Checks for attribute "realtopology" first. If "realtopology" is not present then the data is checked. Attribute "realtopology" is set from the result of checking the data. Returns ------- bool True if axis is circular otherwise False. """ if hasattr(self, 'realtopology'): if self.realtopology == 'circular': return True elif self.realtopology == 'linear': return False if(len(self) < 2): return False try: # non float types will fail this baxis = self[0] eaxis = self[-1] deltaend = self[-1] - self[-2] eaxistest = eaxis + deltaend - baxis cycle = self.getModuloCycle() tol = 0.01 * deltaend test = 0 if(abs(eaxistest - cycle) < tol): test = 1 if hasattr(self, 'topology') and test == 1: iscircle = (self.topology == 'circular') elif (self.isLongitude() and test == 1): iscircle = 1 else: iscircle = 0 except BaseException: iscircle = 0 # save realtopology attribute in __dict__, don't write it to the file if iscircle == 1: self.__dict__['realtopology'] = 'circular' elif iscircle == 0: self.__dict__['realtopology'] = 'linear' return iscircle
[docs] def designateCircular(self, modulo, persistent=0): """Designates axis as circular. Parameters ---------- modulo : float Length of cycle. persistent : (bool/int) True: Sets values in underlying file. Flase: Sets values in memory. """ if persistent: self.topology = 'circular' self.modulo = modulo else: self.__dict__['topology'] = 'circular' self.__dict__['modulo'] = modulo self.attributes['modulo'] = modulo self.attributes['topology'] = 'linear'
[docs] def isLinear(self): """Checks if axis is linear. Returns ------- bool True if axis is linear otherwise False. """ raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented)
[docs] def getBounds(self, isGeneric=None): """Gets axis bounds. Parameters ---------- isGeneric : bool If True generic bounds will be generated otherwise bounds in file be returned. """ raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented)
[docs] def getExplicitBounds(self): """Gets explicit bounds. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Returns bounds if they are cells otherise ``None`` is returned. """ # Original doc # ''' # Return None if not explicitly defined # This is a way to determine if attributes are defined at cell # or at point level. If this function returns None attributes are # defined at points, otherwise they are defined at cells # ''' raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented)
[docs] def getBoundsForDualGrid(self, dualGrid): """Get explicit bounds for dual grid. Parameters ---------- dualGrid : bool True if targetting dual grids otherwise False. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray If bounds are explicit and ``dualGrid`` is True then the explicit bounds are returned otherwise ``None`` is. If bounds are no explicit and ``dualGrid`` is False then the bounds are returned otherise ``None`` is. """ # Original doc # ''' # dualGrid changes the type of dataset from the current type to the dual. # So, if we have a point dataset we switch to a cell dataset and viceversa. # ''' explicitBounds = self.getExplicitBounds() if (explicitBounds is None): # point data if (dualGrid): return self.getBounds() else: return None else: # cell data if (dualGrid): return None else: return explicitBounds
[docs] def setBounds(self, bounds): """Sets the bounds for the axis. Parameters ---------- bounds : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing bounds for the axis. """ raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented)
# Return the cdtime calendar: GregorianCalendar, NoLeapCalendar, JulianCalendar, Calendar360 # or None. If the axis does not have a calendar attribute, return the global # calendar.
[docs] def getCalendar(self): """Gets calendar for axis. If the axis represents time then the calendar is return if stored in the attributes. Returns ------- cdtime.Calendar Returns the calendar for the axis if defined otherwise ``None``` """ if hasattr(self, 'calendar'): calendar = self.calendar.lower() else: calendar = None cdcal = tagToCalendar.get(calendar, cdtime.DefaultCalendar) return cdcal
# Set the calendar
[docs] def setCalendar(self, calendar, persistent=1): """Sets calendar for axis. Parameters ---------- calendar : cdtime.Calendar Calendar to set for the axis. persistent : (bool/int) Sets the calender in the underlying file if True otherwise its set in memory. """ if persistent: self.calendar = calendarToTag.get(calendar, None) self.attributes['calendar'] = self.calendar if self.calendar is None: raise CDMSError(InvalidCalendar % calendar) else: self.__dict__['calendar'] = calendarToTag.get(calendar, None) self.attributes['calendar'] = self.calendar if self.__dict__['calendar'] is None: raise CDMSError(InvalidCalendar % calendar)
[docs] def getData(self): """Get data. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Returns the axis data. """ raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented)
# Return the entire array
[docs] def getValue(self): """Gets entire data. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Returns the axis data. """ return self.__getitem__(slice(None))
[docs] def assignValue(self, data): """Sets data. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Data representing the axis. """ self.__setitem__(slice(None), data)
[docs] def _time2value(self, value): """Returns value converted to relative time. Uses axis attributes to convert value to relative time. Parameters ---------- value : (ComptimeType, ReltimeType, str) Value to convert to relative time. Returns ------- str Relative time value. """ # original doc # """ Map value of type comptime, reltime, or string of form "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss" to value""" if self.isTime(): if type(value) in CdtimeTypes: value = value.torel(self.units, self.getCalendar()).value elif isinstance(value, string_types) and value not in [':', unspecified]: cal = self.getCalendar() value = cdtime.s2c(value, cal).torel(self.units, cal).value return value
[docs] def getModuloCycle(self): """Gets axis modulo. Defaults to 360.0 if not store in attributes. Returns ------- float The modulo value for the axis. """ if hasattr(self, 'modulo'): cycle = self.modulo # # mf 20010419 test if attribute is a string (non CF), set to 360.0 # if(isinstance(cycle, string_types)): cycle = 360.0 else: cycle = 360.0 if isinstance(cycle, numpy.ndarray): cycle = cycle[0] return(cycle)
[docs] def getModulo(self): """Get axis modulo. Returns ------- float The modulo value for the axis if axis is circular. """ if not self.isCircular(): return(None) return(self.getModuloCycle())
# TODO this is a bad signature, too confusing not explicit enough # mapInterval(self, x, y, left_endpoint, right_endpoint, cycle):
[docs] def mapInterval(self, interval, indicator='ccn', cycle=None): """Map coordinate interval to index interval. interval has one of the forms * `(x,y)` * `(x,y,indicator)`: indicator overrides keywork argument * `(x,y,indicator,cycle)`: indicator, cycle override keyword arguments * `None`: indicates the full interval where `x` and `y` are the endpoints in coordinate space. indicator is a two-character string, where the first character is `c` if the interval is closed on the left, `o` if open, and the second character has the same meaning for the right-hand point. Set cycle to a nonzero value to force wraparound. Parameters ---------- internval : tuple of float, float, str (optional), float (optional) (x, y) First and last value to map. (x, y, indicator) First and last value to map with indicator for handling endpoints. (x, y, indicator, cycle) First and last value to map with endpoint indicator and cycle length. indicator : str String indicator describing how to handle interval endpoints. cycle : float Length of cycle to use when mapping interval. Returns ------- The corresponding index interval (i,j), where i<j, indicating the half-open index interval [i,j), or None if the intersection is empty. For an axis which is circular (self.topology == 'circular'), [i,j) is interpreted as follows (where N = len(self)): (1) if j<=N, the interval does not wrap around the axis endpoint (2) if j>N, the interval wraps around, and is equivalent to the two consecutive intervals [i,N), [0,j-N) Example: if the vector is [0,2,4,...,358] of length 180,and the coordinate interval is [-5,5), the return index interval is[178,183). This is equivalent to the two intervals [178,180) and [0,3). Note: if the interval is interior to the axis, but does not span any axis element, a singleton (i,i+1) indicating an adjacent index is returned. """ i, j, k = self.mapIntervalExt(interval, indicator, cycle) j = min(j, i + len(self)) # i=i-1 return (i, j)
# mfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmf # # mf 20010308 - 20010412 -- general handing of wrapping # # mfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmfmf
[docs] def mapIntervalExt(self, interval, indicator='ccn', cycle=None, epsilon=None): """Extended ``mapInterval``. See ``mapInterval`` for full documentation. Parameters ---------- internval : tuple of float, float, str (optional), float (optional) (x, y) First and last value to map. (x, y, indicator) First and last value to map with indicator for handling endpoints. (x, y, indicator, cycle) First and last value to map with endpoint indicator and cycle length. indicator : str String indicator describing how to handle interval endpoints. cycle : float Length of cycle to use when mapping interval. epsilon : Not use. Returns ------- int, int, int Returns tuple containing the first and last index along with the stride. """ # original doc # """Like mapInterval, but returns (i,j,k) where k is stride, # and (i,j) is not restricted to one cycle.""" # nCycleMax : max number of cycles a user a specify in wrapping nCycleMax = 6 # interval is None returns the full interval if interval is None or interval == ':': return (0, len(self), 1) # Allow intervals of the same form as getRegion. if len(interval) == 3: x, y, indicator = interval interval = (x, y) elif len(interval) == 4: x, y, indicator, cycle = interval interval = (x, y) # check length of indicator if overridden by user # indicator = indicator.lower() if len(indicator) == 2: indicator += 'n' if((len(indicator) != 3) or ((indicator[0] != 'c' and indicator[0] != 'o') or (indicator[1] != 'c' and indicator[1] != 'o') or (indicator[2] != 'n' and indicator[2] != 'b' and indicator[2] != 's' and indicator[2] != 'e') ) ): raise CDMSError( "EEE: 3-character interval/intersection indicator incomplete or incorrect = " + indicator) if self._data_ is None: self._data_ = self.getData() # ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt # Handle time types interval = ( self._time2value( interval[0]), self._time2value( interval[1])) # If the interval is reversed wrt self, reverse the interval and # set the stride to -1 if (interval[0] <= interval[1]) == (self[0] <= self[-1]): stride = 1 else: stride = -1 interval = (interval[1], interval[0]) indicator = indicator[1] + indicator[0] + indicator[2] # mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm # # basic test for wrapping - is axis REALLY circular? # # ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff xi, yi = interval length = len(self) ar = self[:] ar0 = ar[0] arn = ar[-1] armin = min(ar0, arn) armax = max(ar0, arn) # Wrapped if circular and at least one value is outside the axis range. wraptest1 = self.isCircular() wraptest2 = not ((armin <= xi <= armax) and (armin <= yi <= armax)) if (wraptest1 and wraptest2): # # find cycle and calc # of cycles in the interval # cycle = self.getModulo() intervalLength = yi - xi intervalCycles = intervalLength / cycle bd = self.getBounds() nPointsCycle = len(ar) ar0 = ar[0] ar1 = ar[-1] # # test for reversed coordinates # if ar0 > ar1: cycle = -1 * abs(cycle) # eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee # # make sure xi<yi and shift to positive axis indices # # eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee # Ensure that xi<yi if cycle > 0 and yi < xi: xi, yi = yi, xi if cycle < 0 and yi > xi: xi, yi = yi, xi # calculate the number of cycles to shift to positive side nCycleShift = numpy.floor((xi - ar0) / cycle) xp = xi - cycle * nCycleShift yp = xp + intervalLength # Extend the data vector with wraparound number of cycles in # interval and shifts nCycle = int(intervalCycles + 1.0 + 0.5) + abs(nCycleShift) # # check if nCycle is > nCycleMax # if(nCycle >= nCycleMax): raise CDMSError(InvalidNCycles + repr(nCycle)) self._doubledata_ = numpy.concatenate((ar, ar + cycle)) k = 2 while(k < nCycle): self._doubledata_ = numpy.concatenate( (self._doubledata_, ar + k * cycle)) k = k + 1 # Map the canonical coordinate interval (xp,yp) in the 'extended' data array # create axis to get the bounds array bigar = self._doubledata_ bigarAxis = createAxis(bigar) bd = bigarAxis.getBounds() if bd is None: # In case autobounds is off bd = bigarAxis.genGenericBounds() # run the more general mapLinearExt to get the indices indexInterval = mapLinearExt( bigar, bd, (xp, yp), indicator, wrapped=1) # # check to make sure we got an interval # if(indexInterval is None): return None i, j = indexInterval # # now shift i back # i = i + int(nCycleShift * float(nPointsCycle)) # # adjust the length of the output interval by the indicator # mapLinear does the calc correctly, we have to modify because we # are overriding with the (float)(number of cycles) in the interval # j = j + int(nCycleShift * float(nPointsCycle)) retval = (i, j) else: bd = self.getBounds() if bd is None: # In case autobounds is off bd = self.genGenericBounds() retval = mapLinearExt(ar, bd, interval, indicator) if retval is not None: i, j = retval if stride == -1: if(j == length): i, j = j - 1, i - 1 else: i, j = j - 1, i - 1 if j == -1: j = None retval = (i, j, stride) return retval
[docs] def subaxis(self, i, j, k=1, wrap=True): """Returns subaxis. Parameters ---------- i : int Positive start index. j : int Positive stop index. k : int Positive/Negative step value. wrap : bool True if subaxis can be wrapper otherwise False to prevent wrapping. Returns ------- cdms2.TransientAxis Returns ``TransientAxis`` containing sub-axis. """ # Original doc # """Create a transient axis for the index slice [i:j:k] # The stride k can be positive or negative. Wraparound is # supported for longitude dimensions or those with a modulus attribute. # """ isGeneric = [False] fullBounds = self.getBounds(isGeneric) _debug = 0 # Handle wraparound modulo = None size = len(self) # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # mf 20010328 negative stride i >= vice i > # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- if wrap and ((k > 0 and j > size) or ( k < 0 and i >= size)) and self.isCircular(): modulo = self.getModuloCycle() if modulo is not None: # If self is decreasing and stride is positive, # or self is increasing and stride is negative, subtract the modulus, # otherwise add it. if (self[0] > self[-1]) == (k > 0): modulo = -modulo # ------------------------------------------------------------------ # # mf 20010329 -- N vice two slice scheme (more general) # # ------------------------------------------------------------------ donew = 1 if(donew): sn = splitSliceExt(slice(i, j, k), size) if(_debug): print("SSSS1-------------------- ", sn, len(sn)) for kk in range(0, len(sn)): sl = sn[kk] if(_debug): print("SSSSSSSS kk = ", kk, sl) part = self[sl] + kk * modulo if(_debug): print("SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS modulo", part[0], part[-1], modulo) if(kk == 0): data = part else: data = numpy.concatenate((data, part)) if fullBounds is not None: bound = fullBounds[sl] + kk * modulo if (kk == 0): bounds = bound else: bounds = numpy.concatenate((bounds, bound)) else: bounds = None else: s1, s2 = splitSlice(slice(i, j, k), size) if(_debug): print("SSSS0: original ", s1, s2) part1 = self[s1] part2 = self[s2] + modulo if(_debug): print("SSSSSSSSSSSSSSS modulo", self[0], self[-1], modulo) data = numpy.concatenate((part1, part2)) if fullBounds is not None: bounds1 = fullBounds[s1] bounds2 = fullBounds[s2] + modulo bounds = numpy.concatenate((bounds1, bounds2)) else: bounds = None else: # no wraparound data = self[i:j:k] if fullBounds is not None: bounds = fullBounds[i:j:k] else: bounds = None newaxis = TransientAxis( data, bounds,, copy=1, genericBounds=isGeneric[0]) if self.isLatitude(): newaxis.designateLatitude() if self.isLongitude(): newaxis.designateLongitude() if self.isLevel(): newaxis.designateLevel() if self.isTime(): newaxis.designateTime() for attname in list(self.attributes.keys()): if attname not in ["datatype", "length", "isvar", "name_in_file", "partition", "partition_length"]: setattr(newaxis, attname, getattr(self, attname)) newaxis.attributes[attname] = getattr(self, attname) # Change circular topology to linear if a strict subset was copied if hasattr(self, "topology") and self.topology == "circular" and len( newaxis) < len(self): newaxis.topology = "linear" return newaxis
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------- # mf 2001 set calls to subAxis as subaxis # ---------------------------------------------------------------------- subAxis = subaxis
[docs] def typecode(self): """Data typecode. """ raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented)
# Check that a boundary array is valid, raise exception if not. bounds is # an array of shape (n,2)
[docs] def validateBounds(self, bounds): """Checks whether boundaries are valid. Performs the following checks: - Bounds shape is correct for axis data. - Bounds values are monotonic. Notes ----- This method does modify ``bounds`` by reshaping. Parameters ---------- bounds : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing bounds. """ requiredShape = (len(self), 2) requiredShape2 = (len(self) + 1,) if bounds.shape != requiredShape and bounds.shape != requiredShape2: raise CDMSError( InvalidBoundsArray + 'shape is %s, should be %s or %s' % (repr( bounds.shape), repr(requiredShape), repr(requiredShape2))) # Why are we modifying data? # Seems better found in something like fixBounds(bounds) method if bounds.shape == requiredShape2: # case of "n+1" bounds bounds2 = numpy.zeros(requiredShape) bounds2[:, 0] = bounds[:-1] bounds2[:, 1] = bounds[1::] bounds = bounds2 mono = (bounds[0, 0] <= bounds[0, 1]) if mono: for i in range(bounds.shape[0]): if not bounds[i, 0] <= self[i] <= bounds[i, 1]: raise CDMSError(InvalidBoundsArray + 'bounds[%i]=%f is not in the range [%f,%f]' % (i, self[i], bounds[i, 0], bounds[i, 1])) else: for i in range(bounds.shape[0]): if not bounds[i, 0] >= self[i] >= bounds[i, 1]: raise CDMSError(InvalidBoundsArray + 'bounds[%i]=%f is not in the range [%f,%f]' % (i, self[i], bounds[i, 1], bounds[i, 0])) return bounds
# Generate bounds from midpoints. width is the width of the zone if the # axis has one value.
[docs] def genGenericBounds(self, width=1.0): """Generate generic bounds. Generate generic bounds. The axis values will be in the center of the bounds. If the axis is latitude the endpoints of the bounds are capped at 90 and -90 respectively. If the axis is longitude the endpoints of the bounds will be adjusted as to ensure they are circular. Parameters ---------- width : float Width of the bounds when axis length is 1. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 2D (n,2) array containing bounds values. Examples -------- >>> a1 = cdms2.createAxis(np.arange(0, 360, 1), id='lon') >>> a1.designateLongitude() >>> b1 = a1.genGenericBounds() >>> b1[0, 0], b1[-1, 1] (array([-0.5, 0.5]), array([358.5, 359.5])) >>> a1 = cdms2.createAxis(np.arange(0, 360, 1), id='lon') >>> a1.designateLongitude() >>> b1 = a1.genGenericBounds() >>> b1[0, 0], b1[-1, 1] (array([90.5, 89.5]), array([-88.5, -89.5])) """ if self._data_ is None: self._data_ = self.getData() ar = self._data_ if len(self) > 1: leftPoint = numpy.array([1.5 * ar[0] - 0.5 * ar[1]]) midArray = (ar[0:-1] + ar[1:]) / 2.0 rightPoint = numpy.array([1.5 * ar[-1] - 0.5 * ar[-2]]) bnds = numpy.concatenate((leftPoint, midArray, rightPoint)) else: delta = width / 2.0 bnds = numpy.array([self[0] - delta, self[0] + delta]) # Transform to (n,2) array retbnds = numpy.zeros((ar.shape + (2,)), numpy.float64) retbnds[..., 0] = bnds[:-1] retbnds[..., 1] = bnds[1:] # To avoid floating point error on bound limits if(self.isLongitude() and hasattr(self, 'units') and (self.units.find('degree') != -1) and len(retbnds.shape) == 2): # Make sure we have close to 360 degree interval if(abs(abs(retbnds[-1, 1] - retbnds[0, 0]) - 360) < (numpy.minimum(0.01, abs(retbnds[0, 1] - retbnds[0, 0]) * 0.1))): # Now check wether either bound is near an interger value; # if yes round both integer if((abs(retbnds[0, 0] - numpy.floor(retbnds[0, 0] + 0.5)) < abs(retbnds[0, 1] - retbnds[0, 0]) * 0.01) or (abs(retbnds[-1, 1] - numpy.floor(retbnds[-1, 1] + 0.5)) < abs(retbnds[-1, 1] - retbnds[-1, 0]) * 0.01)): # only for -180, 180 not needed if values are all positive # (0-360) if((retbnds[0, 0] * retbnds[-1, 1]) < 0): # msg = "\nYour first bounds[0,0] %3.15lf will be corrected to %3.15lf\n"\ # "Your bounds bounds[-1,1] %3.15lf will be corrected to %3.15lf" \ # % (retbnds[0, 0], numpy.floor(retbnds[0, 0] + 0.5), retbnds[-1, 1], # numpy.floor(retbnds[-1, 1] + 0.5)) # warnings.warn(msg, UserWarning) retbnds[0, 0] = numpy.floor(retbnds[0, 0] + 0.5) retbnds[-1, 1] = numpy.floor(retbnds[-1, 1] + 0.5) else: if(retbnds[-1, 1] > retbnds[0, 0]): retbnds[-1, 1] = retbnds[0, 0] + 360. else: retbnds[0, 0] = retbnds[-1, 1] + 360. if((self.isLatitude() and getAutoBounds()) and hasattr(self, 'units') and (self.units.find('degree') != -1)): retbnds[0, ...] = numpy.maximum(-90.0, numpy.minimum(90.0, retbnds[0, ...])) retbnds[-1, ...] = numpy.maximum(-90.0, numpy.minimum(90.0, retbnds[-1, ...])) return retbnds
[docs] def clone(self, copyData=1): """Clone axis. Parameters ---------- copyData : int 1 Will copy the data. 0 Will use a reference of the axis data. Returns ------- cdms2.TransientAxis Returns a ``TransientAxis`` containing a clone. """ # Original doc # """clone (self, copyData=1) # Return a copy of self as a transient axis. # If copyData is 1, make a separate copy of the data.""" isGeneric = [False] b = self.getBounds(isGeneric) if copyData == 1: mycopy = createAxis(copy.copy(self[:])) else: mycopy = createAxis(self[:]) = mydict = self.__dict__ newdict = {k: mydict[k] for k in mydict if k not in ['_data_']} mycopy.__dict__.update(newdict) mycopy._obj_ = None # Erase Cdfile object if exist try: mycopy.setBounds(b, isGeneric=isGeneric[0]) except CDMSError: b = mycopy.genGenericBounds() mycopy.setBounds(b, isGeneric=False) return mycopy
[docs] def listall(self, all=None): """List axis information. Parameters ---------- all : bool If True values and bounds will be printed. Returns ------- str Returns a string with all the information about the axis. """ # "Get list of info about this axis." aname = result = [] result.append(' id: ' + aname) if self.isLatitude(): result.append(' Designated a latitude axis.') if self.isLongitude(): result.append(' Designated a longitude axis.') if self.isTime(): result.append(' Designated a time axis.') if self.isLevel(): result.append(' Designated a level axis.') try: units = self.units result.append(' units: ' + units) except BaseException: pass d = self.getValue() result.append(' Length: ' + str(len(d))) result.append(' First: ' + str(d[0])) result.append(' Last: ' + str(d[-1])) flag = 1 for k in list(self.attributes.keys()): if k in std_axis_attributes: continue if flag: result.append(' Other axis attributes:') flag = 0 result.append(' ' + k + ': ' + str(self.attributes[k])) result.append(' Python id: %s' % hex(id(self))) if all: result.append(" Values:") result.append(str(d)) b = self.getBounds() result.append(" Bounds:") result.append(str(b)) return result
[docs] def info(self, flag=None, device=None): "Write info about axis; include dimension values and weights if flag" if device is None: device = sys.stdout device.write(str(self))
[docs] def isVirtual(self): "Return true iff coordinate values are implicitly defined." return False
shape = property(_getshape, None) dtype = _getdtype
# PropertiedClasses.set_property(AbstractAxis, 'shape', # AbstractAxis._getshape, nowrite=1, nodelete=1) # PropertiedClasses.set_property(AbstractAxis, 'dtype', # AbstractAxis._getdtype, nowrite=1, nodelete=1) # internattr.add_internal_attribute (AbstractAxis, 'id', 'parent') # One-dimensional coordinate axis in a dataset
[docs]class Axis(AbstractAxis): """Base Axis class. Parameters ---------- parent : cdms2.CdmsFile Underlying file object. axisNode : xml.etree.Element Xml element for axis. """ def __init__(self, parent, axisNode=None): if axisNode is not None and axisNode.tag != 'axis': raise CDMSError('Creating axis, node is not an axis node.') AbstractAxis.__init__(self, parent, axisNode) if axisNode is not None: if axisNode.partition is not None: flatpart = axisNode.partition self.__dict__['partition'] = numpy.reshape( flatpart, (len(flatpart) // 2, 2)) self.attributes['partition'] = self.partition =
[docs] def typecode(self): """Get typecode. """ return cdmsNode.CdToNumericType.get(self._node_.datatype)
# Handle slices of the form x[i], x[i:j:k], x[(slice(i,j,k),)], and x[...] def __getitem__(self, key): node = self._node_ length = len(node) # Allow key of form (slice(i,j),) etc. if isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 1: key = key[0] if isinstance(key, (int,, numpy.int32)): # x[i] if key >= length: raise IndexError('index out of bounds') else: # Don't generate the entire array (if linear) just for one # value return[key % length] elif isinstance(key, slice): # x[i:j:k] if self._data_ is None: self._data_ = node.getData() return self._data_[key.start:key.stop:key.step] elif isinstance(key, type(Ellipsis)): # x[...] if self._data_ is None: self._data_ = node.getData() return self._data_ elif isinstance(key, tuple): raise IndexError('axis is one-dimensional') else: raise IndexError('index must be an integer: %s' % repr(key)) # Get axis data
[docs] def getData(self): """Get axis data. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Returns axis data. """ return self._node_.getData() # Axis data is retrieved from the metafile
# Handle slices of the form x[i:j] def __getslice__(self, low, high): if self._data_ is None: self._data_ = self.getData() return self._data_[low:high] def __len__(self): return len(self._node_) # Return true iff the axis representation is linear
[docs] def isLinear(self): """Checks if axis is linear. Returns ------- bool True if axis is linear otherwise False. """ return self._node_.dataRepresent == cdmsNode.CdLinear
# Return the bounds array, or generate a default if autoBounds mode is on
[docs] def getBounds(self, isGeneric=None): """Get axis bounds. If bounds are not available and you want them generated set the correct behavior using ``setAutoBounds``. Parameters ---------- isGeneric : list of bool First value is set True if bounds are generated. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Returns bounds if available, generates bounds if ``setAutoBounds`` has been set accordingly otherise ``None`` is returned. """ # ''' # If isGeneric is a list with one element, we set its element to True if the # bounds were generated and False if bounds were read from the file. # ''' if (isGeneric): isGeneric[0] = False boundsArray = self.getExplicitBounds() try: self.validateBounds(boundsArray) except BaseException: boundsArray = None abopt = getAutoBounds() if boundsArray is None and (abopt == 1 or ( abopt == 2 and (self.isLatitude() or self.isLongitude()))): if (isGeneric): isGeneric[0] = True boundsArray = self.genGenericBounds() return boundsArray
# Return the bounds array, or None
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getExplicitBounds(self): """getExplicitBounds. """ boundsArray = None if hasattr(self, 'bounds'): boundsName = self.bounds try: boundsVar = self.parent.variables[boundsName] boundsArray = except KeyError: boundsArray = None return boundsArray
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getCalendar(self): """getCalendar. """ if hasattr(self, 'calendar'): calendar = self.calendar.lower() elif self.parent is not None and hasattr(self.parent, 'calendar'): calendar = self.parent.calendar.lower() else: calendar = None cdcal = tagToCalendar.get(calendar, cdtime.DefaultCalendar) return cdcal
# In-memory coordinate axis
[docs]class TransientAxis(AbstractAxis): """Axis in memory. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray Array with data for axis. bounds : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing bounds, should be shaped (N,2). id : str Identifier for axis. attributes : dict Mapping of attribute names and values. copy : int 1: Store copy of data 0: Store reference to data genericBounds : bool If ``True`` and bounds is ``None`` generic bounds will be generated. """ axis_count = 0
[docs] def __init__(self, data, bounds=None, id=None, attributes=None, copy=0, genericBounds=False): AbstractAxis.__init__(self, None, None) if id is None: TransientAxis.axis_count = TransientAxis.axis_count + 1 id = 'axis_' + str(TransientAxis.axis_count) if attributes is None: if hasattr(data, 'attributes'): attributes = data.attributes if attributes is not None: for name, value in list(attributes.items()): if name not in ['missing_value', 'name']: setattr(self, name, value) = id if isinstance(data, AbstractAxis): if copy == 0: self._data_ = data[:] else: self._data_ = numpy.array(data[:]) elif isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray): if copy == 0: self._data_ = data else: self._data_ = numpy.array(data) elif isinstance(data, if is not raise CDMSError( 'Cannot construct an axis with a missing value.') data = if copy == 0: self._data_ = data else: self._data_ = numpy.array(data) elif data is None: self._data_ = None else: self._data_ = numpy.array(data) self._doubledata_ = None self._genericBounds_ = genericBounds self.setBounds(bounds, isGeneric=genericBounds)
def __getitem__(self, key): return self._data_[key] def __getslice__(self, low, high): return self._data_[low:high] def __setitem__(self, index, value): self._data_[index] = def __setslice__(self, low, high, value): self._data_[low:high] = def __len__(self): return len(self._data_)
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getBounds(self, isGeneric=None): """getBounds. Parameters ---------- isGeneric : isGeneric """ if (isGeneric): isGeneric[0] = self._genericBounds_ if self._bounds_ is not None: return copy.copy(self._bounds_) elif (getAutoBounds() == 1 or (getAutoBounds() == 2 and (self.isLatitude() or self.isLongitude()))): if (isGeneric): isGeneric[0] = True self._genericBounds_ = True return self.genGenericBounds() else: return None
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getData(self): """getData. """ return self._data_
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getExplicitBounds(self): """getExplicitBounds. """ if (self._genericBounds_): return None else: return copy.copy(self._bounds_)
# Set bounds. The persistent argument is for compatibility with # persistent versions, is ignored. Same for boundsid and index. # # mf 20010308 - add validate key word, by default do not validate # isGeneric is False if bounds were generated, True if they were read from # a file
[docs] def setBounds(self, bounds, persistent=0, validate=0, index=None, boundsid=None, isGeneric=False): """Sets axis bounds. If ``bounds`` is None then generic bounds will be generated. See ``genGenericBounds`` for details. Parameters ---------- bounds : numpy.ndarray 2D array containing bounds for axis. persistent : int 0: Stores bounds in memory 1: Stores bounds in underlying file. validate : int 0: No validation 1: Validate bounds index : Not used. boundsid : Not used. isGeneric : bool True if bounds are generic. """ if bounds is not None: if isinstance(bounds, bounds = if validate: bounds = self.validateBounds(bounds) else: # Just do the absolute minimum validation requiredShape = (len(self), 2) requiredShape2 = (len(self) + 1,) if bounds.shape != requiredShape and bounds.shape != requiredShape2: raise CDMSError( InvalidBoundsArray + 'shape is %s, should be %s or %s' % (repr( bounds.shape), repr(requiredShape), repr(requiredShape2))) if bounds.shape == requiredShape2: # case of "n+1" bounds bounds2 = numpy.zeros(requiredShape) bounds2[:, 0] = bounds[:-1] bounds2[:, 1] = bounds[1::] bounds = bounds2 self._bounds_ = copy.copy(bounds) self._genericBounds_ = isGeneric else: if (getAutoBounds() == 1 or (getAutoBounds() == 2 and (self.isLatitude() or self.isLongitude()))): self._bounds_ = self.genGenericBounds() self._genericBounds_ = True else: self._bounds_ = None
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def isLinear(self): return False
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def typecode(self): return self._data_.dtype.char
[docs]class TransientVirtualAxis(TransientAxis): """Virtual in-memory axis. Parameters ---------- axisname : str Name of the axis. axislen : int Length of the axis. """ def __init__(self, axisname, axislen): TransientAxis.__init__(self, None, id=axisname) self._virtualLength = axislen # length of the axis def __len__(self): return self._virtualLength def __str__(self): return "<TransientVirtualAxis %s(%d)>" % (, self._virtualLength) __repr__ = __str__
[docs] def clone(self, copyData=1): return TransientVirtualAxis(, len(self))
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getData(self): return numpy.arange(float(self._virtualLength))
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def isCircular(self): # Circularity doesn't apply to index space. return False
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def isVirtual(self): return True
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def setBounds(self, bounds, isGeneric=False): self._bounds_ = None
@base_doc(AbstractAxis) def __getitem__(self, key): return self.getData()[key] def __getslice__(self, low, high): return self.getData()[low:high]
# PropertiedClasses.initialize_property_class (TransientVirtualAxis) # One-dimensional coordinate axis in a CdmsFile.
[docs]class FileAxis(AbstractAxis): """Axis stored in a file. Parameters ---------- parent : cdms2.CdmsFile Underlying file. axisname : str Name of the axis. obj """ def __init__(self, parent, axisname, obj=None): AbstractAxis.__init__(self, parent, None) val = self.__cdms_internals__ + ['name_in_file', ] self.___cdms_internals__ = val = axisname self._obj_ = obj # Overshadows file boundary data, if not None self._boundsArray_ = None (units, typecode, name_in_file, parent_varname, dimtype, ncid) = \ parent._file_.dimensioninfo[axisname] self.__dict__['_units'] = units att = self.attributes att['units'] = units self.attributes = att self.name_in_file = if name_in_file: self.name_in_file = name_in_file # Combine the attributes of the variable object, if any if obj is not None: for attname in list(self._obj_.__dict__.keys()): attval = getattr(self._obj_, attname) if not isinstance(attval, types.BuiltinFunctionType): self.__dict__[attname] = attval att = self.attributes att[attname] = attval self.attributes = att
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getData(self): if cdmsobj._debug == 1: print('Getting array for axis', if self.parent is None: raise CDMSError(FileWasClosed + try: result = self.parent._file_.readDimension( return result except BaseException: pass try: result = self._obj_.getitem(*(slice(None, None),)) except BaseException: raise CDMSError('Data for dimension %s not found' % return result
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def typecode(self): if self.parent is None: raise CDMSError(FileWasClosed + (units, typecode, name_in_file, parent_varname, dimtype, ncid) = \ self.parent._file_.dimensioninfo[] return typecode
def _setunits(self, value): """Sets axis units. Parameters ---------- value : str Value to set "units" attribute. """ self._units = value self.attributes['units'] = value if self.parent is None: raise CDMSError(FileWasClosed + setattr(self._obj_, 'units', value) (units, typecode, name_in_file, parent_varname, dimtype, ncid) = \ self.parent._file_.dimensioninfo[] self.parent._file_.dimensioninfo[] = \ (value, typecode, name_in_file, parent_varname, dimtype, ncid) def _getunits(self): """Gets units attribute. Returns ------- str Value of units attribute. """ return self._units def _delunits(self): """Delete units attribute. """ del(self._units) del(self.attributes['units']) delattr(self._obj_, 'units') def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'units': return self._units try: return self.__dict__[name] except BaseException: raise AttributeError # setattr writes external attributes to the file def __setattr__(self, name, value): if name == 'units': self._setunits(value) return if hasattr(self, 'parent') and self.parent is None: raise CDMSError(FileWasClosed + # s = self.get_property_s (name) # if s is not None: # s(self, name, value) # return if name not in self.__cdms_internals__ and name[0] != '_': setattr(self._obj_, name, value) self.attributes[name] = value self.__dict__[name] = value # delattr deletes external global attributes in the file def __delattr__(self, name): # d = self.get_property_d(name) # if d is not None: # d(self, name) # return if name == "units": self._delunits() return try: del self.__dict__[name] except KeyError: raise AttributeError("%s instance has no attribute %s." % (self.__class__.__name__, name)) if name not in self.__cdms_internals__(name): delattr(self._obj_, name) del(self.attributes[name]) # Read data # If the axis has a related Cdunif variable object, just read that variable # otherwise, cache the Cdunif (read-only) data values in self._data_. in this case, # the axis is not extensible, so it is not necessary to reread it each # time. def __getitem__(self, key): if self.parent is None: raise CDMSError(FileWasClosed + # See __getslice__ comment below. if (self._obj_ is not None) and (self.parent._mode_ != 'r') and not ( hasattr(self.parent, 'format') and self.parent.format == "DRS"): # For negative strides, get the equivalent slice with positive stride, # then reverse the result. if (isinstance(key, slice)) and ( key.step is not None) and key.step < 0: posslice = reverseSlice(key, len(self)) result = self._obj_.getitem(*(posslice,)) return result[::-1] else: if isinstance(key, int) and key >= len(self): raise IndexError('Index out of bounds: %d' % key) if not isinstance(key, tuple): key = (key,) return self._obj_.getitem(*key) if self._data_ is None: self._data_ = self.getData() length = len(self._data_) if isinstance(key, int): # x[i] if key >= length: raise IndexError('index out of bounds') else: return self._data_[key % length] elif isinstance(key, slice): # x[i:j:k] return self._data_[key.start:key.stop:key.step] elif isinstance(key, type(Ellipsis)): # x[...] return self._data_ elif isinstance(key, tuple): raise IndexError('axis is one-dimensional') else: raise IndexError( 'index must be an integer or slice: %s' % repr(key)) def __getslice__(self, low, high): # Hack to prevent netCDF overflow error on 64-bit architectures high = min(Max32int, high) # Hack to fix a DRS bug: force use of readDimension for DRS axes. # Since DRS is read-only here, it is OK just to cache all dimensions. if self.parent is None: raise CDMSError(FileWasClosed + if (self._obj_ is not None) and (self.parent._mode_ != 'r') and not ( hasattr(self.parent, 'format') and self.parent.format == "DRS"): return self._obj_.getslice(*(low, high)) else: if self._data_ is None: self._data_ = self.getData() return self._data_[low:high] def __setitem__(self, index, value): if self._obj_ is None: raise CDMSError(ReadOnlyAxis + if self.parent is None: raise CDMSError(FileWasClosed + # need setslice to create a new shape using [newaxis] if(isinstance(index, slice)): if(index.start is not None): if(self.shape[0] < index.start): low = index.start high = index.stop if(self.isUnlimited() and (high >= Max32int)): high = self.__len__() high = min(Max32int, high) return self._obj_.setslice( *(low, high, return self._obj_.setitem(*(index, def __setslice__(self, low, high, value): # Hack to prevent netCDF overflow error on 64-bit architectures if(self.isUnlimited() and (high >= Max32int)): high = self.__len__() high = min(Max32int, high) if self._obj_ is None: raise CDMSError(ReadOnlyAxis + if self.parent is None: raise CDMSError(FileWasClosed + return self._obj_.setslice(*(low, high, def __len__(self): if self.parent is None: raise CDMSError(FileWasClosed + if self._obj_ is not None: length = len(self._obj_) elif self._data_ is None: self._data_ = self.getData() length = len(self._data_) else: length = len(self._data_) return length
[docs] def isLinear(self): """isLinear. """ return False # All file axes are vector representation
# Return the bounds array, or generate a default if autobounds mode is set # If isGeneric is a list with one element, we set its element to True if the # bounds were generated and False if bounds were read from the file.
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getBounds(self, isGeneric=None): if (isGeneric): isGeneric[0] = False boundsArray = self.getExplicitBounds() try: boundsArray = self.validateBounds(boundsArray) except Exception: boundsArray = None if boundsArray is None and (getAutoBounds() == 1 or ( getAutoBounds() == 2 and (self.isLatitude() or self.isLongitude()))): if (isGeneric): isGeneric[0] = True boundsArray = self.genGenericBounds() return boundsArray
# Return the bounds array, or None
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getExplicitBounds(self): if self._boundsArray_ is None: boundsArray = None if hasattr(self, 'bounds'): boundsName = self.bounds try: boundsVar = self.parent[boundsName] boundsArray = self._boundsArray_ = boundsArray # for climatology performance except KeyError as err: print(err) boundsArray = None else: boundsArray = self._boundsArray_ return boundsArray
# Create and write boundary data variable. An exception is raised # if the bounds are already set. bounds is a numpy array. # If persistent==1, write to file, else save in self._boundsArray_ # For a persistent axis, index=n writes the bounds starting at that # index in the extended dimension (default is index=0). # If the bounds variable is new, use the name boundsid, or 'bounds_<varid>' # if unspecified. # isGeneric is only used for TransientAxis
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def setBounds(self, bounds, persistent=0, validate=0, index=None, boundsid=None, isGeneric=False): if persistent: if index is None: if validate: bounds = self.validateBounds(bounds) index = 0 # Create the bound axis, if necessary file = self.parent if file._boundAxis_ is None: # First look for 'bound' of length two if "bound" in file.axes and len(file.axes["bound"]) == 2: file._boundAxis_ = file.axes["bound"] else: file._boundAxis_ = file.createVirtualAxis("bound", 2) # Create the boundary variable if necessary if hasattr(self, 'bounds'): boundName = self.bounds boundVar = file.variables[boundName] else: if boundsid is None: boundName = "bounds_" + else: boundName = boundsid boundVar = file.createVariable( boundName, cdmsNode.NumericToCdType.get( bounds.dtype.char), (self, file._boundAxis_)) # And link to self self.bounds = boundName self._boundsArray_ = None boundVar[index:index + len(bounds)] = bounds else: self._boundsArray_ = copy.copy(bounds)
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getCalendar(self): """getCalendar. """ if hasattr(self, 'calendar'): calendar = self.calendar.lower() elif self.parent is not None and hasattr(self.parent, 'calendar'): calendar = self.parent.calendar.lower() else: calendar = None cdcal = tagToCalendar.get(calendar, cdtime.DefaultCalendar) return cdcal
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def isVirtual(self): "Return true iff coordinate values are implicitly defined." # No virtual axes in GrADS files if self.parent is not None and hasattr( self.parent, 'format') and self.parent.format == 'GRADS': return False return (self._obj_ is None)
[docs] def isUnlimited(self): """Is axis unlimited. Returns ------- bool True if axis is unlimited otherwise False. """ if self.parent is not None and in self.parent._file_.dimensions: return (self.parent._file_.dimensions[] is None) else: return False
# PropertiedClasses.set_property (FileAxis, 'units', # acts=FileAxis._setunits, # nodelete=1 # ) # internattr.add_internal_attribute(FileAxis, 'name_in_file')
[docs]class FileVirtualAxis(FileAxis): """Virual FileAxis. Parameters ---------- parent : CdmsFile Underlying file. axisname : str Name of the axis. axislen : int Length of the axis. """ def __init__(self, parent, axisname, axislen): FileAxis.__init__(self, parent, axisname) self._virtualLength = axislen # length of the axis def __len__(self): return self._virtualLength
[docs] @base_doc(AbstractAxis) def getData(self): return numpy.arange(float(self._virtualLength))
[docs] def isVirtual(self): """Checks if axis is virtual. Returns ------- bool True if axis is virtual otherwise False. """ return True
# PropertiedClasses.initialize_property_class (FileVirtualAxis) # Functions for selecting axes # Functions for selecting axes
[docs]def axisMatchAxis(axes, specifications=None, omit=None, order=None): """Match a list of axes following a specification or list of specificatons, and a specification or list of specifications of those axes to omit. Parameters ---------- specifications : * is None, include all axes less the omitted ones. * Individual specifications must be integer indices into axes or matching criteria as detailed in axisMatches. omit : * is None, do not omit any axis. * Individual specifications must be integer indices into axes or matching criteria as detailed in axisMatches. order : * A string containing the symbols `t,x,y,z` or `-`. If a `-` is given, any elements of the result not chosen otherwise are filled in from left to right with remaining candidates. Returns ------- A list of axes that match the specification omitting any axes that matches an omit specification. Axes are returned in the order they occur in the axes argument unless order is given. """ return [axes[i] for i in axisMatchIndex(axes, specifications, omit, order)]
[docs]def axisMatchIndex(axes, specifications=None, omit=None, order=None): """Match a list of axes following a specification or list of specificatons, and a specification or list of specifications of those axes to omit. Parameters ---------- specifications : * is None, include all axes less the omitted ones. * Individual specifications must be integer indices into axes or matching criteria as detailed in axisMatches. omit : * is None, do not omit any axis. * Individual specifications must be integer indices into axes or matching criteria as detailed in axisMatches. order : * A string containing the symbols `t,x,y,z` or `-`. If a `-` is given, any elements of the result not chosen otherwise are filled in from left to right with remaining candidates. Returns ------- A list of axis' indices which match the specification omitting any axes that matches an omit specification. Axes are returned in the order they occur in the axes argument unless order is given. """ if specifications is None: speclist = axes elif isinstance(specifications, bytes): speclist = [specifications] elif isinstance(specifications, list): speclist = specifications elif isinstance(specifications, tuple): speclist = list(specifications) elif isinstance(specifications, int): speclist = [specifications] elif isinstance(specifications, types.FunctionType): speclist = [specifications] else: # to allow arange, etc. speclist = list( candidates = [] for i in range(len(axes)): for s in speclist: if isinstance(s, int): r = (s == i) else: r = axisMatches(axes[i], s) if r: candidates.append(i) break if not candidates: return candidates # list empty if omit is None: omitlist = [] elif isinstance(omit, string_types): omitlist = [omit] elif isinstance(omit, list): omitlist = omit elif isinstance(omit, tuple): omitlist = list(omit) elif isinstance(omit, int): omitlist = [omit] elif isinstance(omit, types.FunctionType): omitlist = [omit] elif isinstance(omit, AbstractAxis): omitlist = [omit] else: raise CDMSError('Unknown type of omit specifier.') for s in omitlist: if isinstance(s, int): for i in range(len(candidates)): if axes[candidates[i]] is axes[s]: del candidates[i] break elif isinstance(s, AbstractAxis): for i in range(len(candidates)): if s is axes[candidates[i]]: del candidates[i] break else: for i in range(len(candidates)): r = axisMatches(axes[candidates[i]], s) if r: del candidates[i] break if order is None: return candidates n = len(candidates) m = len(order) result = [None] * n # this loop is done this way for future escapes where elements of order # are not single chars. j = 0 io = 0 while j < n: if j >= m or order[io] == '-': result[j] = candidates[0] del candidates[0] j += 1 io += 1 continue elif order[j] == 't': oj = 'time' io += 1 elif order[j] == 'x': oj = 'longitude' io += 1 elif order[j] == 'y': oj = 'latitude' io += 1 elif order[j] == 'z': oj = 'level' io += 1 else: # later could put in escaped ids or indices raise CDMSError('Unknown character in order string') for i in range(n): if axisMatches(axes[candidates[i]], oj): result[j] = candidates[i] del candidates[i] break else: raise CDMSError("Axis requested in order specification not there") j += 1 return result
[docs]def axisMatches(axis, specification): """ Axis Matches Parameters ---------- axis : See note below specifications : See note below Returns ------- 1 or 0 depending on whether axis matches the specification. Notes Specification must be one of: #. a string representing an axis id or one of the keywords time, fctau0, latitude or lat, longitude or lon, or lev or level. #. Axis may be surrounded with parentheses or spaces. * We first attempt to match the axis id and the specification. * Keywords try to match using isTime, isLatitude, etc. * Comparisons to keywords and axis ids is case-insensitive. #. a function that takes an axis as an argument and returns a value. * if the value returned is true, the axis matches. #. an axis object; will match if it is the same object as axis. """ if isinstance(specification, string_types): s = specification.lower() s = s.strip() while s[0] == '(': if s[-1] != ')': raise CDMSError('Malformed axis spec, ' + specification) s = s[1:-1].strip() if == s: return True elif (s == 'time') or (s in time_aliases): return axis.isTime() elif (s == 'fctau0') or (s in forecast_aliases): return axis.isForecast() elif (s[0:3] == 'lat') or (s in latitude_aliases): return axis.isLatitude() elif (s[0:3] == 'lon') or (s in longitude_aliases): return axis.isLongitude() elif (s[0:3] == 'lev') or (s in level_aliases): return axis.isLevel() else: return False elif isinstance(specification, types.FunctionType): r = specification(axis) if r: return True else: return False elif isinstance(specification, AbstractAxis): return (specification is axis) raise CDMSError("Specification not acceptable: " + str(type(specification)) + ', ' + str(specification))
[docs]def concatenate(axes, id=None, attributes=None): """Concatenate multiple axes including boundaries. Parameters ---------- axes : Axes to concatenate id : New axis identification (default None) attributes : Attributes to attached to the new Axis Returns ------- Transient axis. """ data =[ax[:] for ax in axes]) boundsArray = [ax.getBounds() for ax in axes] if any(elem is None for elem in boundsArray): bounds = None else: bounds = return TransientAxis(data, bounds=bounds, id=id, attributes=attributes)
[docs]def take(ax, indices): """Take elements form an array along an axis Parameters ---------- ax : The source array. indices : The indices of the values to extract. Returns ------- axis : TransientAxis The return array has the same type of ax. """ # Bug in ma compatibility module data =[:], indices) abounds = ax.getBounds() if abounds is not None: bounds =, indices, axis=0) else: bounds = None return TransientAxis(data, bounds=bounds,, attributes=ax.attributes)