
ESMFRegrid.setCoords(self, srcGrid, dstGrid, srcGridMask=None, srcBounds=None, srcGridAreas=None, dstGridMask=None, dstBounds=None, dstGridAreas=None, globalIndexing=False, **args)[source]

Populator of grids, bounds and masks

srcGridlist [[z], y, x] of source grid arrays
dstGridlist [[z], y, x] of dstination grid arrays
srcGridMasklist [[z], y, x] of arrays
srcBoundslist [[z], y, x] of arrays
srcGridAreaslist [[z], y, x] of arrays
dstGridMasklist [[z], y, x] of array
dstBoundslist [[z], y, x] of arrays
dstGridAreaslist [[z], y, x] of arrays
globalIndexingif True array was allocated over global index space,

otherwise array was allocated over local index space on this processor. This is only relevant if rootPe is None