
LDAPDatabase.searchFilter(self, filter=None, tag=None, relbase=None, scope=2, attnames=None, timeout=None)[source]



(filter=None, tag=None, relbase=None, scope=Subtree, attnames=None, timeout=None)


Search a CDMS database.

Arguments -

filter: string search filter Simple filters have the form “tag = value”. Simple filters can be combined using logical operators ‘&’, ‘|’, ‘!’ in prefix notation. For example, the filter ‘(&(objectclass=variable)(id=cli))’ finds all variables named cli.

More formally

filter = “(” filtercomp “)”

filtercomp = “&” filterlist | # and

“|” filterlist | # or “!” filterlist | # not simple

filterlist = filter | filter filterlist

simple = tag op value

op = “=” | # equality

“~=” | # approximate equality “<=” | # lexicographically less than or equal to “>=” # lexicographically greater than or equal to

value = string, may include ‘*’ as a wild card

tag: string class tag (“dataset” | “variable” | “database” | “axis” | “grid”). Restricts the search to a class of objects

relbase: string search base, relative to the database path scope: search scope (Subtree | Onelevel | Base). Subtree searches the base object and its descendants.

Onelevel searches the base object and its immediate descendants. Base searches the base object alone.

Default is Subtree.


list of attribute names. Restricts the attributes returned.


integer number of seconds before timeout.

SearchResult instance.

Entries can be accessed sequentially.

For each entry, is the name of the entry,

entry.attributes is a dictionary of the attributes returned by the search,

entry.getObject() returns the CDMS object associated with the entry:

for entry in result: print, entry.attributes[“id”]

Entries can be refined with searchPredicate().

  1. Find all variables named “cli”: result = db.searchFilter(filter=”id=cli”,tag=”variable”)

  2. Find all objects in dataset “ncep_reanalysis_mo”: result = db.searchFilter(relbase=”dataset=ncep_reanalysis_mo”), scope=cdms.Onelevel)