
asVariable(s[, writeable])

As Variable

createDataset(path[, template])

Create a dataset.


Return number of processor available.


Return MPI size.


Get Net CD 4 Flag Returns ——- NetCDF4 flag value.


Get Net CDF Classic Flag


Get Net CDF Deflate Flag


Get Net CDF Deflate Level Flag


Get Net CDF Shuffle Flag


Get current netCDF define mode.


Get NetCDF UseParallel flag value.

isOverlapVector(vec1, vec2[, atol])

Is Overlap Vector



openDataset(uri[, mode, template, dods, …])

Open Dataset


Parse a CDMS filemap.


Parse a string of the form [i,j,k,l,…,path].

parselist(text, f)

Parse a string of the form [A, A, …].



Parse a string of the form [ namelist, slicelist ]


Turn on/off the warnings for compression.


Enable netCDF4 (HDF5) mode in libnetcdf.


Enable netCDF3 (classic) mode in libnetcdf.


Enable/Disable NetCDF deflattion.


Sets NetCDF deflate level flag value


Enable/Disable NetCDF shuffle.


Tells cdms2 to switch constantly between netcdf define/write modes.


Enable/Disable NetCDF MPI I/O (Paralllelism).

urlparse(url[, scheme, allow_fragments])

Parse a URL into 6 components: <scheme>://<netloc>/<path>;<params>?<query>#<fragment> Return a 6-tuple: (scheme, netloc, path, params, query, fragment).


Put a parsed URL back together again.


Turns off (0) NetCDF flags for shuffle/cuDa/deflatelevel Output files are generated as NetCDF3 Classic after that


Clear the default variable name.

CdmsFile.copyAxis(self, axis[, newname, …])

Copy axis description and data from another axis.

CdmsFile.copyGrid(self, grid[, newname])

Create an implicit rectilinear grid.

CdmsFile.createAxis(self, name, ar[, unlimited])

Create an axis.

CdmsFile.createRectGrid(self, id, lat, lon, …)

Create an implicit rectilinear grid.

CdmsFile.createVariableCopy(self, var[, id, …])

Define a new variable, with the same axes and attributes as in <var>.

CdmsFile.createVariable(self, name, …[, …])

Create a variable.

CdmsFile.createVirtualAxis(self, name, axislen)

Create an axis without any associated coordinate array.

CdmsFile.default_variable(self, vname)

Set the default variable name.

CdmsFile.dimensionarray(self, dname[, vname])

Values of the dimension named dname.

CdmsFile.dimensionobject(self, dname[, vname])

CDMS axis object for the dimension named dname.

CdmsFile.getattribute(self, vname, attribute)

Get the value of attribute for variable vname

CdmsFile.getAxis(self, id)

Get the axis object with the given id.

CdmsFile.getBoundsAxis(self, n[, boundid])

Get a bounds axis of length n.

CdmsFile.getdimensionunits(self, dname[, vname])

Get the units for the given dimension.

CdmsFile.getglobal(self, attribute)

Get the value of the global attribute.

CdmsFile.getGrid(self, id)

Get the grid object with the given id.

CdmsFile.getslab(self, vname, *args, **keys)

Get Slab

CdmsFile.getVariable(self, id)

Get the variable object with the given id.

CdmsFile.getVariables(self[, spatial])

Get a list of variable objects.

CdmsFile.listall(self[, vname, all])

Get info about data from the file.

CdmsFile.listattribute(self[, vname])

Get attributes of data from the file.

CdmsFile.listdimension(self[, vname])

List Dimension


List Global


List Variable


List Variable

CdmsFile.matchone(self, pattern, attname)

Search if the attribute with name attname is a string attribute which matches the compiled regular expression pattern, or if attname is None and pattern matches at least one string attribute.

CdmsFile.matchPattern(self, pattern, …)

Match for a pattern in a string-valued attribute.

CdmsFile.readScripGrid(self[, whichGrid, …])

Read a SCRIP curvilinear or generic grid from the dataset.

CdmsFile.searchone(self, pattern, attname)

Search if the attribute with name attname is a string attribute which contains the compiled regular expression pattern, or if attname is None and pattern matches at least one string attribute.

CdmsFile.searchPattern(self, pattern, …)

Search for a pattern in a string-valued attribute.

CdmsFile.searchPredicate(self, predicate, tag)

Apply a truth-valued predicate.

CdmsFile.showall(self[, vname, all, device])

Show a full description of the variable.

CdmsFile.showattribute(self[, vname, device])

Show the attributes of vname.

CdmsFile.showdimension(self[, vname, device])

Show the dimension names associated with a variable.

CdmsFile.showglobal(self[, device])

Show the global attributes in the file.

CdmsFile.showvariable(self[, device])

Show the variables in the file.


Syncs the file on disk.

CdmsFile.write_it_yourself(self, obj)

Tell obj to write itself to self (already open for writing), using its writeg method (AbstractCurveGrid has such a method, for example).

CdmsFile.write(self, var[, attributes, …])

Write var to the file.


Clear the default variable name.

Dataset.default_variable(self, vname)

Set the default variable name.

Dataset.dimensionarray(self, dname[, vname])

Values of the dimension named dname.

Dataset.dimensionobject(self, dname[, vname])

CDMS axis object for the dimension named dname.

Dataset.getattribute(self, vname, attribute)

Get the value of attribute for variable vname

Dataset.getAxis(self, id)

Get the axis object with the given id.


Get the metadata convention associated with this dataset or file.

Dataset.getdimensionunits(self, dname[, vname])

Get the units for the given dimension.

Dataset.getglobal(self, attribute)

Get the value of the global attribute.

Dataset.getGrid(self, id)

Get the grid object with the given id.

Dataset.getLogicalCollectionDN(self[, base])

Return the logical collection distinguished name of this dataset.

Dataset.getslab(self, vname, *args, **keys)

Get Slab

Dataset.getVariable(self, id)

Get the variable object with the given id.

Dataset.getVariables(self[, spatial])

Get a list of variable objects.

Dataset.listall(self[, vname, all])

Get info about data from the file.

Dataset.listattribute(self[, vname])

Get attributes of data from the file.

Dataset.listdimension(self[, vname])

List Dimension


List Global


List Variable


List Variable

Dataset.matchone(self, pattern, attname)

Search if the attribute with name attname is a string attribute which matches the compiled regular expression pattern, or if attname is None and pattern matches at least one string attribute.

Dataset.readScripGrid(self[, whichGrid, …])

Read a SCRIP curvilinear or generic grid from the dataset.

Dataset.searchone(self, pattern, attname)

Search if the attribute with name attname is a string attribute which contains the compiled regular expression pattern, or if attname is None and pattern matches at least one string attribute.

Dataset.showall(self[, vname, all, device])

Show a full description of the variable.

Dataset.showattribute(self[, vname, device])

Show the attributes of vname.

Dataset.showdimension(self[, vname, device])

Show the dimension names associated with a variable.

Dataset.showglobal(self[, device])

Show the global attributes in the file.

Dataset.showvariable(self[, device])

Show the variables in the file.