Source code for cdms2.tvariable

# Automatically adapted for numpy.oldnumeric Aug 01, 2007 by
# Further modified to be pure new numpy June 24th 2008

TransientVariable (created by createVariable)
is a child of both AbstractVariable and the masked array class.
Contains also the write part of the old cu interface.
import sys
import json
import re
import numpy
import zlib  # for pickling JSON

from numpy import sctype2char
from .error import CDMSError
from .avariable import AbstractVariable

from .axis import createAxis, AbstractAxis
from .grid import createRectGrid, AbstractRectGrid
from .hgrid import AbstractCurveGrid
from .gengrid import AbstractGenericGrid
from six import string_types, PY2

# dist array support
HAVE_MPI = False
    from mpi4py import MPI
    HAVE_MPI = True
except BaseException:

id_builtin = id  # built_in gets clobbered by keyword

[docs]def convertJSON(jsn): """ Extract Data axes and attributes from JSON string""" D = json.loads(jsn) # First recreates the axes axes = [] for a in D["_axes"]: ax = createAxis( numpy.array( a["_values"], dtype=a["_dtype"]), id=a["id"]) for k, v in a.items(): if k not in ["_values", "id", "_dtype"]: setattr(ax, k, v) axes.append(ax) if PY2: D["_msk"] = numpy.array(["hex"))) for x in D["_msk"]]) else: D["_msk"] = numpy.array([ for x in list(bytearray(D["_msk"]))]) attrs = {} for k, v in D.items(): if k not in ["id", "_values", "_axes", "_grid", "_fill_value", "_dtype", "_msk", "_mask"]: attrs[str(k)] = str(v) return (D, axes, attrs)
[docs]def fromJSON(jsn): """ Recreate a TV from a dumped jsn object from dumps()""" try: jsn = zlib.decompress(jsn) except BaseException: pass (D, axes, attrs) = convertJSON(jsn) V = createVariable(D["_values"], id=D["id"], typecode=D["_dtype"], mask=D["_msk"], axes=axes, fill_value=D["_fill_value"], attributes=attrs) return V
[docs]class TransientVariable(AbstractVariable, """Variable in-memory. To enabled automatic bounds generation see ``setAutoBounds``. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray NDArray containing variable data. typecode : (float, int, np.dtype) Sets the dtype of the underlying masked array. copy : int 0: Stores reference of data. 1: Stores copy of data. savespace : int Deprecated. mask : numpy.ndarray Mask passed to the underlying masked array. fill_value : float Sets the value to use when data is missing. grid Sets the grid of the variable. axes : list of (cdms2.TransientAxis, cdms2.FileAxis) Sets the list of axes associated with the variable. attributes : dict Mapping of attribute names and values. id : str Identifier for the variable. copyaxes : int 0: Stores reference to axes. 1: Stores copies of axes. dtype : (float, int, np.dtype) Sets the dtype of the underlying masked array. order : str Sets the order for the underlying masked array (`Masked Array`_). no_update_from : bool If ``False`` and ``axes`` is None, then axes will be generated from ``data``. If ``False`` and ``grid`` is None, then an attempt to get a grid from the ``data`` will be made. Set to ``True`` will prevent the above behavior. **kargs Unused. .. _Masked Array: """ variable_count = 0 _missing = def _getShape(self): return self._data.shape shape = property(_getShape, None)
[docs] def iscontiguous(self): return self.flags['CONTIGUOUS']
[docs] def ascontiguousarray(self): d = out = numpy.ascontiguousarray(d) m = if m is not m = numpy.ascontiguousarray(m) out = TransientVariable(out, mask=m, attributes=self.attributes) out.setAxisList(self.getAxisList()) out.setMissing(self.getMissing()) return out
ascontiguous = ascontiguousarray
[docs] def asma(self): "Convert a Transient Variable into a numpy masked array." return, mask=self._mask)
def _update_from(self, obj):, obj) if not hasattr(self, '___cdms_internals__'): self.__dict__['___cdms_internals__'] = ['__cdms_internals__', '___cdms_internals__', '_node_', 'parent', 'attributes', 'shape'] if not hasattr(self, 'attributes'): self.attributes = {} self._grid_ = getattr(obj, '_grid_', None) try: for nm, val in list(obj.__dict__.items()): if nm[0] == '_': # print nm pass # self.__dict__[nm]=val else: setattr(self, nm, val) except Exception: pass id = getattr(self, 'id', None) if id is None: TransientVariable.variable_count += 1 id = 'variable_' + str(TransientVariable.variable_count) = id = getattr(obj, 'name', id) if not hasattr(self, '__domain'): self.initDomain(axes=None) def __array_finalize__(self, obj):, obj) return squeeze = AbstractVariable.squeeze __copy__ = AbstractVariable.__copy__ __mul__ = AbstractVariable.__mul__ __rmul__ = AbstractVariable.__rmul__ __imul__ = AbstractVariable.__imul__ __abs__ = AbstractVariable.__abs__ __neg__ = AbstractVariable.__neg__ __add__ = AbstractVariable.__add__ __iadd__ = AbstractVariable.__iadd__ __radd__ = AbstractVariable.__radd__ __lshift__ = AbstractVariable.__lshift__ __rshift__ = AbstractVariable.__rshift__ __sub__ = AbstractVariable.__sub__ __rsub__ = AbstractVariable.__rsub__ __isub__ = AbstractVariable.__isub__ __div__ = AbstractVariable.__div__ __truediv__ = AbstractVariable.__truediv__ __floordiv__ = AbstractVariable.__floordiv__ __rdiv__ = AbstractVariable.__rdiv__ __idiv__ = AbstractVariable.__idiv__ __pow__ = AbstractVariable.__pow__ __eq__ = AbstractVariable.__eq__ __ne__ = AbstractVariable.__ne__ __lt__ = AbstractVariable.__lt__ __le__ = AbstractVariable.__le__ __gt__ = AbstractVariable.__gt__ __ge__ = AbstractVariable.__ge__ __sqrt__ = AbstractVariable.__sqrt__
[docs] def __init__(self, data, typecode=None, copy=1, savespace=0,, fill_value=None, grid=None, axes=None, attributes=None, id=None, copyaxes=1, dtype=None, order='C', no_update_from=False, **kargs): """ Parameters ---------- createVariable (self, data, typecode=None, copy=0, savespace=0, mask=None, fill_value=None, grid=None, axes=None, attributes=None, id=None, dtype=None, order='C') The savespace argument is ignored, for backward compatibility only. """ try: if data.fill_value is not None: self._setmissing(data.fill_value) fill_value = data.fill_value except BaseException: pass if fill_value is not None: self._setmissing(fill_value) else: fill_value = fill_value = if attributes is not None and "_FillValue" in list(attributes.keys()): self._setmissing(attributes["_FillValue"]) # tile index, None means no mosaic self.tileIndex = None # Compatibility: assuming old typecode, map to new if dtype is None and typecode is not None: # dtype = typeconv.convtypecode2(typecode) dtype = typecode typecode = sctype2char(dtype) if isinstance(data, tuple): data = list(data) AbstractVariable.__init__(self) if isinstance(data, AbstractVariable): if not isinstance(data, TransientVariable): data = data.subSlice() # if attributes is None: attributes = data.attributes if axes is None and not no_update_from: axes = [x[0] for x in data.getDomain()] if grid is None and not no_update_from: grid = data.getGrid() if (grid is not None) and (not isinstance(grid, AbstractRectGrid)) \ and (not grid.checkAxes(axes)): # Make sure grid and axes are consistent grid = grid.reconcile(axes) # Initialize the geometry if grid is not None: # Otherwise grid axes won't match domain. copyaxes = 0 if axes is not None: # Note: clobbers the grid, so set the grid after. self.initDomain(axes, copyaxes=copyaxes) if grid is not None: self.setGrid(grid) # Initialize the attributes if attributes is not None: for key, value in attributes.items(): if (key in ['shape', 'flat', 'imaginary', 'real'] or key[0] == '_') and key not in ['_FillValue']: raise CDMSError('Bad key in attributes: ' + key) elif (key == 'missing_value' or key == '_FillValue'): # ignore if fill value given explicitly if fill_value is None: self._setmissing(value) elif key not in ['scale_factor', 'add_offset', 'ndim']: setattr(self, key, value) # Sync up missing_value attribute and the fill value. self.missing_value = self._getmissing() # self._FillValue = self._getmissing() if id is not None: # convert unicode to string if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): if isinstance(id, unicode): # noqa id = str(id) if not isinstance(id, string_types): raise CDMSError('id must be a string') = id elif hasattr(data, 'id'): = if is None: TransientVariable.variable_count = TransientVariable.variable_count + 1 = 'variable_' + str(TransientVariable.variable_count) = getattr(self, 'name', # MPI data members self.__mpiComm = None if HAVE_MPI: self.__mpiComm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.__mpiWindows = {} self.__mpiType = self.__getMPIType()
def _getmissing(self): return self._missing def _setmissing(self, value): self._missing = numpy.array(value).astype(self.dtype) missing = property(_getmissing, _setmissing) fill_value = property(_getmissing, _setmissing) _FillValue = property(_getmissing, _setmissing) missing_value = property(_getmissing, _setmissing) # Pickling
[docs] def __getstate__(self): """Return the internal state of the tvariable, for pickling purposes. """ myjson = self.dumps().encode("utf-8") state = zlib.compress(myjson) return(state)
# return(self.dumps().encode("utf-8"))
[docs] def __setstate__(self, state): """Restore the internal state of the tvariable, for pickling purposes. ``state`` is typically the output of the ``__getstate__`` output, and is a 5-tuple: - json file from dumps() """ state2 = zlib.decompress(state) (D, axes, attrs) = convertJSON(state2) newvar = createVariable(D["_values"], id=D["id"], typecode=D["_dtype"], mask=D["_msk"], axes=axes, fill_value=D["_fill_value"], attributes=attrs) # # Pickle has already create an empty variable by calling __new__() # Reset the pickled Transient variable with the new data from nevar # (_, shp, typ, isf, raw) =[2] state = (_, shp, typ, isf, raw, D["_msk"].tobytes('C'), D["_fill_value"]) super(TransientVariable, self).__setstate__(state) self.__dict__.update(newvar.__dict__) self.__dict__.update(newvar.__dict__) self.setAxisList(newvar.getAxisList()) self.setGrid(newvar.getGrid()) axes = [x[0] for x in newvar.getDomain()] if axes is not None: self.initDomain(axes)
def __new__(cls, data, typecode=None, copy=0, savespace=0,, fill_value=None, grid=None, axes=None, attributes=None, id=None, copyaxes=1, dtype=None, order='C', **kargs): """ Parameters ---------- createVariable (self, data, typecode=None, copy=0, savespace=0, mask=None, fill_value=None, grid=None, axes=None, attributes=None, id=None, dtype=None, order='C') The savespace argument is ignored, for backward compatibility only. """ # Compatibility: assuming old typecode, map to new if dtype is None and typecode is not None: # dtype = typeconv.convtypecode2(typecode) dtype = typecode typecode = sctype2char(dtype) if isinstance(data, tuple): data = list(data) if isinstance(data, AbstractVariable): if not isinstance(data, TransientVariable): data = data.subSlice() if isinstance(data, try: if fill_value is None: fill_value = data.fill_value except BaseException: pass ncopy = (copy != 0) if mask is None: try: mask = data.mask except Exception: mask = [] # Handle the case where ar[i:j] returns a single masked value if data is data = mask = if dtype is None and data is not None: dtype = numpy.array(data).dtype if any(x == 'N/A' for x in str(fill_value)): fill_value = None self =, data, dtype=dtype, copy=ncopy, mask=mask, subok=False, order=order) return self # typecode =
[docs] def typecode(self): return self.dtype.char
[docs] def assignValue(self, data): self[...] = data
[docs] def getValue(self, squeeze=1): return self.filled()
[docs] def expertSlice(self, slicelist): if slicelist == []: slicelist = () return, tuple(slicelist))
[docs] def initDomain(self, axes, copyaxes=1): # lazy evaluation via getAxis to avoid creating axes that aren't ever # used. newgrid = None self.__domain = [None] * self.rank() if axes is not None: flataxes = [] try: iter(axes) except TypeError: axes = (axes,) for item in axes: if isinstance(item, AbstractAxis) or item is None: flataxes.append(item) elif isinstance(item, AbstractRectGrid) or isinstance(item, AbstractCurveGrid): flataxes.append(item.getAxis(0)) flataxes.append(item.getAxis(1)) copyaxes = 0 newgrid = item elif isinstance(item, AbstractGenericGrid): flataxes.append(item.getAxis(0)) copyaxes = 0 newgrid = item else: raise CDMSError( "Invalid item in axis list:\n" + repr(item)) if len(flataxes) != self.rank(): raise CDMSError("Wrong number of axes to initialize domain.") for i in range(len(flataxes)): if flataxes[i] is not None: if (not flataxes[i].isVirtual()) and copyaxes == 1: self.copyAxis(i, flataxes[i]) else: # No sense copying a virtual axis. self.setAxis(i, flataxes[i]) if newgrid is not None: # Do this after setting the axes, so the grid is consistent self.setGrid(newgrid)
[docs] def getDomain(self): for i in range(self.rank()): if self.__domain[i] is None: self.getAxis(i) # will force a fill in return self.__domain
[docs] def getAxis(self, n): if n < 0: n = n + self.rank() if self.__domain[n] is None: length =, n) # axis = createAxis(, n), typecode=numpy.Float)) axis = createAxis( self, n), dtype=numpy.float_)) = "axis_" + str(n) self.__domain[n] = (axis, 0, length, length) return self.__domain[n][0]
[docs] def setAxis(self, n, axis, savegrid=0): """Set n axis of self to a copy of axis. (0-based index) """ if n < 0: n = n + self.rank() axislen = self.shape[n] if len(axis) != axislen: raise CDMSError( "axis length %d does not match corresponding dimension %d" % (len(axis), axislen)) if not isinstance(axis, AbstractAxis): raise CDMSError("copydimension, other not a slab.") self.__domain[n] = (axis, 0, len(axis), len(axis))
[docs] def setAxisList(self, axislist): """Set the axes to axislist.""" for i in range(len(axislist)): self.setAxis(i, axislist[i])
[docs] def copyAxis(self, n, axis): """Set n axis of self to a copy of axis. (0-based index) Invalidates grid. """ if n < 0: n = n + self.rank() if not isinstance(axis, AbstractAxis): raise CDMSError("copydimension, other not an axis.") isGeneric = [False] b = axis.getBounds(isGeneric) mycopy = createAxis(axis[:], b, genericBounds=isGeneric[0]) = for k, v in list(axis.attributes.items()): setattr(mycopy, k, v) self.setAxis(n, mycopy)
[docs] def copyDomain(self, other): "Set the axes and grid by copying variable other." if not isinstance(other, AbstractVariable): raise CDMSError("copyDomain, other not a variable.") if self.rank() != other.rank(): raise CDMSError("copyDomain, ranks do not match.") for i in range(self.rank()): self.copyAxis(i, other.getAxis(i)) self.setGrid(other.getGrid())
[docs] def getGrid(self): if self._grid_ is None: order = '' for i in range(self.rank()): ax = self.getAxis(i) if ax.isLatitude(): order = order + 'y' lat = ax elif ax.isLongitude(): order = order + 'x' lon = ax if len(order) == 2: break if order in ['yx', 'xy']: self._grid_ = createRectGrid(lat, lon, order) return self._grid_
[docs] def astype(self, tc): "return self as array of given type." maresult =, tc) return TransientVariable(maresult, copy=0, axes=self.getAxisList(), fill_value=self.fill_value, attributes=self.attributes,, grid=self.getGrid())
[docs] def setMaskFromGridMask(self, mask, gridindices): """Set the mask for self, given a grid mask and the variable domain indices corresponding to the grid dimensions. """ # Get the variable indices that are NOT in gridindices tprep = [] shapeprep = [] for i in range(self.rank()): if i not in gridindices: tprep.append(i) shapeprep.append(self.shape[i]) # Broadcast mask if tprep != []: newshape = tuple(shapeprep + list(mask.shape)) bigmask = numpy.resize(mask, newshape) # Generate the tranpose vector t = tuple(tprep + list(gridindices)) tinv = [0] * len(t) for i in range(len(t)): tinv[t[i]] = i # And reshape to fit the variable if tinv != list(range(len(tinv))): bigmask = numpy.transpose(bigmask, tuple(tinv)) else: bigmask = mask # Apply the mask to self currentmask = self.mask if currentmask is not bigmask = numpy.logical_or(currentmask, bigmask) result = TransientVariable(self, mask=bigmask) return result
# Old cu interface
[docs] def copydimension(self, idim, other, jdim): """Set idim dimension of self to variable other's jdim'th This is for old cu compatibility. Use copyAxis for new code. """ if not isinstance(other, AbstractVariable): raise CDMSError("copydimension, other not a variable.") a = other.getAxis(jdim) self.copyAxis(idim, a)
[docs] def setdimattribute(self, dim, field, value): "Set the attribute named field from the dim'th dimension." if dim < 0 or dim >= self.rank(): raise CDMSError("setdimattribute, dim out of bounds.") d = self.getAxis(dim) if field == "name": if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): if isinstance(value, unicode): # noqa value = str(value) if not isinstance(value, string_types): raise CDMSError("setdimattribute: name not a string") = value elif field == "values": # note -- invalidates grid, may break old code. a = createAxis([:])) if hasattr(d, 'units'): a.units = d.units = self.setAxis(dim, a) elif field == "units": if sys.version_info < (3, 0, 0): if isinstance(value, unicode): # noqa value = str(value) if not isinstance(value, string_types): raise CDMSError("setdimattribute: units not a string") d.units = value elif field == "weights": # Well, you can't really do this without modifying the grid raise CDMSError("setdimattribute weights not implemented.") elif field == "bounds": if value is None: d.setBounds(None) else: b = if numpy.ndim(b) == 2: d.setBounds(b) elif numpy.ndim(b) == 1: b1 = numpy.zeros((len(b) - 1, 2), b.dtype.char) b1[:, 0] = b[:-1] b1[:, 1] = b[1:] d.setBounds(b1) else: raise CDMSError( "setdimattribute, bounds improper shape: " + b.shape) else: setattr(d, field, value)
[docs] def clone(self, copyData=1): """ Clone Parameters ---------- clone : (self, copyData=1) Returns ------- a copy of self as a transient variable. If copyData is 1 (default), make a separate copy of the data. """ result = createVariable(self, copy=copyData) return result
[docs] def dumps(self, *args, **kargs): # Probably need something for curv/gen grids """ Dumps Variable to a jason object, args are passed directly to json.dump""" J = {} for k, v in self.attributes.items(): if k == "autoApiInfo": continue J[k] = v J['id'] = axes = [] for a in self.getAxisList(): ax = {} for A, v in a.attributes.items(): if isinstance(v, numpy.ndarray): ax[A] = v.tolist() else: ax[A] = v ax['id'] = ax["_values"] = a[:].tolist() ax["_dtype"] = a[:].dtype.char axes.append(ax) J["_axes"] = axes J["_values"] = self[:].filled(self.fill_value).tolist() J["_msk"] = list('C')) J["_mask"] = numpy.array(self._mask).tolist() J["_fill_value"] = float(self.fill_value) J["_dtype"] = self.typecode() J["_grid"] = None # self.getGrid() return json.dumps(J, *args, **kargs)
[docs] def isEncoded(self): "Transient variables are not encoded" return 0
[docs] def __len__(self): "Length of first dimension" if self.rank() > 0: (axis, start, length, true_length) = self.getDomain()[0] else: length = 0 return length
def __str__(self): return def __repr__(self): return + '\n' + + '\n'
[docs] def set_fill_value(self, value): "Set missing value attribute and fill value" AbstractVariable.setMissing(self, value) # Fix submitted by Ghislain Picard, this was broken with numpy 1.5, value)
[docs] def setMissing(self, value): "Set missing value attribute and fill value" self.set_fill_value(value)
# For aggregation server interface. Use clone to make a true copy.
[docs] def copy(self): return self.__copy__()
[docs] def setTileIndex(self, index): """ Set the tile index (for mosaics) index: tile index """ self.tileIndex = index
[docs] def getTileIndex(self): """ Get the tile index (for mosaics) """ return self.tileIndex
[docs] def to_dataframe(self): """Convert a TransientVariable into a pandas.DataFrame. Transient variable the column of the DataFrame. The DataFrame is be indexed by the cartesian product of this Transient variable dimensions """ import pandas as pd from collections import OrderedDict columns = [] data = [self[:]._data.reshape(-1)] axes = [] axes.append([str(i) for i in self.getTime().asComponentTime()]) if self.getLevel() is not None: axes.append(self.getLevel()[:]) if self.getLatitude() is not None: axes.append(self.getLatitude()[:]) if self.getLongitude() is not None: axes.append(self.getLongitude()[:]) names = [ for axis in self.getAxisList()] index = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(axes, names=names) return pd.DataFrame(OrderedDict(zip(columns, data)), index=index)
[docs] def toVisit(self, filename, format='Vs', sphereRadius=1.0, maxElev=0.1): """ Save data to file for postprocessing by the VisIt visualization tool filename: name of the file where the data will be saved format: 'Vs' for VizSchema, 'VTK' for VTK, ... sphereRadius: radius of the earth maxElev: maximum elevation for representation on the sphere """ from . import mvVTKSGWriter from . import mvVsWriter try: # required by mvVsWriter import tables # noqa except BaseException: # fall back format = 'VTK' def generateTimeFileName(filename, tIndex, tIndexMax, suffix): ndigits = len('%d' % tIndexMax) itdigits = len('%d' % tIndex) tiStr = '0' * (ndigits - itdigits) + ('%d' % tIndex) return re.sub(r'\.' + suffix, '_%s.%s' % (tiStr, suffix), filename) # determine whether data are time dependent timeAxis = self.getTime() # if time dependent, then which index is time? timeIndex = -1 if timeAxis: counter = -1 for axis in self.getAxisIds(): counter += 1 if axis == 'time': timeIndex = counter if timeAxis is None or timeIndex == -1: # static data if format == 'VTK': vw = mvVTKSGWriter.VTKSGWriter(self, maxElev) if filename.find('.vtk') == -1: filename += '.vtk' vw.write(filename) else: vw = mvVsWriter.VsWriter(self, maxElev) if filename.find('.vsh5') == -1: filename += '.vsh5' vw.write(filename) else: # time dependent data tIndexMax = len(timeAxis) for tIndex in range(tIndexMax): sliceOp = 'self[' + (':,' * timeIndex) + \ ('%d,' % tIndex) + '...]' var = eval(sliceOp) if format == 'VTK': if filename.find('.vtk') == -1: filename += '.vtk' tFilename = generateTimeFileName(filename, tIndex, tIndexMax, 'vtk') vw = mvVTKSGWriter.VTKSGWriter(var, maxElev) vw.write(tFilename) else: if filename.find('.h5') == -1: filename += '.h5' tFilename = generateTimeFileName(filename, tIndex, tIndexMax, 'h5') vw = mvVsWriter.VsWriter(var, maxElev) vw.write(tFilename)
# Following are distributed array methods, they require mpi4py # to be installed
[docs] def setMPIComm(self, comm): """ Set the MPI communicator. This is a no-op if MPI is not available. """ if HAVE_MPI: self.__mpiComm = comm
[docs] def getMPIRank(self): """ Return the MPI rank """ if HAVE_MPI: return self.__mpiComm.Get_rank() else: return 0
[docs] def getMPISize(self): """ Return the MPI communicator size """ if HAVE_MPI: return self.__mpiComm.Get_size() else: return 1
[docs] def exposeHalo(self, ghostWidth=1): """ Expose the halo to other processors. The halo is the region within the local MPI data domain that is accessible to other processors. The halo encompasses the edge of the data region and has thickness ghostWidth. ghostWidth - width of the halo region (> 0) """ if HAVE_MPI: shape = self.shape ndims = len(shape) for dim in range(ndims): for drect in (-1, 1): # the window id uniquely specifies the # location of the window. We use 0's to indicate # a slab extending over the entire length for a # given direction, a 1 represents a layer of # thickness ghostWidth on the high index side, # -1 on the low index side. winId = tuple([0 for i in range(dim)] + [drect] + [0 for i in range(dim + 1, ndims)]) slce = slice(0, ghostWidth) if drect == 1: slce = slice(shape[dim] - ghostWidth, shape[dim]) slab = self.__getSlab(dim, slce) # create the MPI window dataSrc = numpy.zeros(self[slab].shape, self.dtype) dataDst = numpy.zeros(self[slab].shape, self.dtype) self.__mpiWindows[winId] = { 'slab': slab, 'dataSrc': dataSrc, 'dataDst': dataDst, 'window': MPI.Win.Create(dataSrc, comm=self.__mpiComm), }
[docs] def getHaloEllipsis(self, side): """ Get the ellipsis for a given halo side. Parameters ---------- side: a tuple of zeros and one +1 or -1. To access the "north" side for instance, set side=(1, 0), (-1, 0) to access the south side, (0, 1) the east side, etc. This does not involve any communication. _:None Returns ------- none if halo was not exposed (see exposeHalo) """ if HAVE_MPI and side in self.__mpiWindows: return self.__mpiWindows[side]['slab'] else: return None
[docs] def fetchHaloData(self, pe, side): """ Fetch the halo data from another processor. The halo side is a subdomain of the halo that is exposed to other processors. It is an error to call this method when MPI is not enabled. This is a collective method (must be called by all processes), which involves synchronization of data among all processors. Parameters ---------- pe: processor owning the halo data. This is a no operation when pe is None. side: a tuple of zeros and one +1 or -1. To access the "north" side for instance, set side=(1, 0), (-1, 0) to access the south side, (0, 1) the east side, etc. Note: collective, all procs must invoke this method. If some processors should not fetch then pass None for pe. """ if HAVE_MPI: iw = self.__mpiWindows[side] slab = iw['slab'] dataSrc = iw['dataSrc'] dataDst = iw['dataDst'] # copy src data into buffer dataSrc[...] = self[slab] win = iw['window'] win.Fence() # get the data ready if pe is not None: win.Get([dataDst, self.__mpiType], pe) win.Fence() # make sure the communication completed return dataDst else: raise CDMSError('Must have MPI to invoke fetchHaloData')
[docs] def freeHalo(self): """ Free the MPI windows attached to the halo. This must be called before MPI_Finalize. """ for iw in self.__mpiWindows: self.__mpiWindows[iw]['window'].Free()
def __getSlab(self, dim, slce): """ Parameters ---------- Get slab: A slab is a multi-dimensional slice extending in all directions except along dim where slce applies dim: dimension (0=first index, 1=2nd index...) slce: python slice object along dimension dim Returns ------- slab """ ndims = len(self.shape) slab = [slice(0, None) for i in range(dim)] + [slce] + \ [slice(0, None) for i in range(dim + 1, ndims)] return tuple(slab) def __getMPIType(self): """ Return the MPI type of the array, or None if no match """ typ = None dtyp = self.dtype if HAVE_MPI: if dtyp == numpy.float64: typ = MPI.DOUBLE elif dtyp == numpy.float32: typ = MPI.FLOAT elif dtyp == numpy.int64: typ = MPI.INT64_T elif dtyp == numpy.int32: typ = MPI.INT32_T elif dtyp == numpy.int16: typ = MPI.INT16_T elif dtyp == numpy.int8: typ = MPI.INT8_T else: return None else: return typ
# PropertiedClasses.set_property(TransientVariable, 'shape', # nowrite=1, nodelete=1)
[docs]def createVariable(*args, **kargs): """Creates variable in-memory. To enabled automatic bounds generation see ``setAutoBounds``. Parameters ---------- data : numpy.ndarray NDArray containing variable data. typecode : (float, int, np.dtype) Sets the dtype of the underlying masked array. copy : int 0: Stores reference of data. 1: Stores copy of data. savespace : int Deprecated. mask : numpy.ndarray Mask passed to the underlying masked array. fill_value : float Sets the value to use when data is missing. grid Sets the grid of the variable. axes : list of (cdms2.TransientAxis, cdms2.FileAxis) Sets the list of axes associated with the variable. attributes : dict Mapping of attribute names and values. id : str Identifier for the variable. copyaxes : int 0: Stores reference to axes. 1: Stores copies of axes. dtype : (float, int, np.dtype) Sets the dtype of the underlying masked array. order : str Sets the order for the underlying masked array (`Masked Array`_). no_update_from : bool If ``False`` and ``axes`` is None, then axes will be generated from ``data``. If ``False`` and ``grid`` is None, then an attempt to get a grid from the ``data`` will be made. Set to ``True`` will prevent the above behavior. *args Url to JSON file if ``fromJSON`` is in kwargs. **kargs - fromJSON : bool Load variable from JSON. .. _Masked Array: Examples -------- >>> v1 = createVariable(np.random.random(size=(200,200)), typecode=float, fill_value=123) >>> v2 = createVariable('data.json', fromJSON=True) """ if kargs.get("fromJSON", False): return fromJSON(*args) else: return TransientVariable(*args, **kargs)
[docs]def isVariable(s): "Is s a variable?" return isinstance(s, AbstractVariable)
[docs]def asVariable(s, writeable=1): """ As Variable Returns ------- s if s is a Variable; if writeable is 1, return s if s is a TransientVariable. If s is not a variable of the desired type, attempt to make it so and return that. If we fail raise CDMSError """ target_class = AbstractVariable if writeable: target_class = TransientVariable if isinstance(s, target_class): return s elif isinstance(s, AbstractVariable): return s.subSlice() try: result = createVariable(s) except CDMSError: result = None # if result.dtype.char == if issubclass(result.dtype.type, numpy.object_): result = None if result is None: raise CDMSError("asVariable could not make a Variable from the input.") return result
if __name__ == '__main__': for s in [(20,), (4, 5)]: x = numpy.arange(20) x.shape = s t = createVariable(x) assert t.shape == s assert t.missing_value == t._fill_value assert, t) assert t.dtype.char == assert == assert, 0) == len(t) assert t.getAxis(0)[:], t, 0))) t.missing_value = -99 assert t.missing_value == -99 assert t.fill_value == -99 t = createVariable(, mask=[0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) t.set_fill_value(1000) assert t.fill_value == 1000 assert t.missing_value == 1000 t.missing_value = -99 assert t[2] == 2 t[3] = assert t[3] is f = createVariable( 5, typecode=numpy.float32), mask=[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) f2 = createVariable( 5, typecode=numpy.float32), mask=[ 0, 0, 0, 1, 0]) f[3] = assert f[3] is assert, f[2]) t.setdimattribute(0, 'units', 'cm') assert t.getdimattribute(0, 'units') == 'cm' t.setdimattribute(0, 'name', 'fudge') assert t.getdimattribute(0, 'name') == 'fudge' f2b = f2.getdimattribute(0, 'bounds') t.setdimattribute(0, 'bounds', f2b) assert f.getdimattribute( 0, 'bounds'), f2.getdimattribute( 0, 'bounds')) print("Transient Variable test passed ok.")