Source code for regrid2.esmf

#!/usr/bin/env python

# Copyright (c) 2008-2012, Tech-X Corporation
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the conditions
# specified in the license file 'license.txt' are met.
# Authors: David Kindig and Alex Pletzer

import re
import time
import numpy
from regrid2 import RegridError
import ESMF
from functools import reduce

# constants
R8 = ESMF.TypeKind.R8
R4 = ESMF.TypeKind.R4
I8 = ESMF.TypeKind.I8
I4 = ESMF.TypeKind.I4
ERROR = ESMF.UnmappedAction.ERROR

[docs]class EsmfUnstructGrid: """ Constructor Parameters ---------- numTopoDims : number of topological dimensions numSpaceDims : number of space dimensions """
[docs] def __init__(self, numTopoDims, numSpaceDims): # handle to the grid object self.grid = None # whether or not nodes were added self.nodesAdded = False # whether or not cells were added self.cellsAdded = False # the local processor rank = 0 # number of processors self.nprocs = 1 # communicator self.comm = None vm = ESMF.ESMP_VMGetGlobal(), self.nprocs = ESMF.ESMP_VMGet(vm) self.grid = ESMF.Mesh( parametric_dim=numTopoDims, spatial_dim=numSpaceDims)
[docs] def setCells(self, cellIndices, cellTypes, connectivity, cellMask=None, cellAreas=None): """ Set Cell connectivity. Parameters ---------- cellIndices : any 0-based. cellTypes : any one of ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_{TRI,QUAD,TETRA,HEX}. connectivityNode : any connectivity array, see below for node ordering. cellMask : any cellAreas area (volume) of each cell. Notes ----- :: 3 4-------------3 /\ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | / \ | | 1------------2 1-------------2 3 8---------------7 /|\ /| /| / | \ / | / | / | \ / | / | / | \ / | / | / | \ 5---------------6 | 4-----|-----2 | | | | \ | / | 4----------|----3 \ | / | / | / \ | / | / | / \ | / | / | / \|/ |/ |/ 1 1---------------2 ESMF_MESHELEMTYPE_TETRA ESMF.MESHELEMTYPE_HEX """ n = len(cellIndices) if not self.cellsAdded: # node/cell indices are 1-based in ESMF cellIndices += 1 self.grid.add_elements(n, cellIndices, cellTypes, connectivity, elementMask=cellMask, elementArea=cellAreas) self.cellsAdded = True
[docs] def setNodes(self, indices, coords, peOwners=None): """ Set the nodal coordinates Parameters ---------- indices : Ids of the nodes (0-based) coords : nodal coordinates peOwners : processor ranks where the coordinates reside (0-based) """ n = len(indices) if not self.nodesAdded: if peOwners is None: peOwners = numpy.ones((n,), numpy.int32) * # node indices are 1-based indices += 1 self.grid.add_nodes(n, indices, coords, peOwners) self.nodesAdded = True
[docs] def toVTK(self, filename): """ Write grid to VTK file format Parameters ---------- filename : VTK file name """ self.grid.write(filename)
def __del__(self): self.grid.destroy()
[docs]class EsmfStructGrid: """ Structured grid Parameters ---------- shape : Tuple of cell sizes along each axis coordSys : coordinate system ESMF.CoordSys.CART Cartesian ESMF.CoordSys.SPH_DEG (default) Degrees ESMF.CoordSys.SPH_RAD Radians periodicity : Does the grid have a periodic coordinate 0 No periodicity 1 Periodic in x (1st) axis 2 Periodic in x, y axes staggerloc : ESMF stagger location. ESMF.StaggerLoc.XXXX The stagger constants are listed at the top hasBounds : If the grid has bounds, Run AddCoords for the bounds """
[docs] def __init__(self, shape, coordSys=ESMF.CoordSys.SPH_DEG, periodicity=0, staggerloc=ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER, hasBounds=False): """ """ # ESMF grid object self.grid = None # number of cells in [z,] y, x on all processors self.shape = shape[::-1] # number of dimensions self.ndims = len(self.shape) # whether or not cell areas were set self.cellAreasSet = False # whether or not nodal coords were set self.nodesSet = False # whether or not cell centered coordinates were set self.centersSet = False # assume last 2 dimensions are Y,X # For esmf reverse to X, Y maxIndex = numpy.array(shape[::-1], dtype=numpy.int32) self.centersSet = False periodic_dim = 0 pole_dim = 1 if periodicity == 0: self.grid = ESMF.Grid(max_index=maxIndex, num_peri_dims=0, staggerloc=[staggerloc], coord_sys=coordSys) elif periodicity == 1: self.grid = ESMF.Grid(max_index=maxIndex, num_peri_dims=1, periodic_dim=periodic_dim, pole_dim=pole_dim, staggerloc=[staggerloc], coord_sys=coordSys) else: msg = """ esmf.EsmfStructGrid.__init__: ERROR periodic dimensions %d > 1 not permitted. """ % periodicity raise RegridError(msg) # Grid add coordinates call must go here for parallel runs # This occur before the fields are created, making the fields # parallel aware. if ((staggerloc == CENTER) and (not self.centersSet)): self.centersSet = True elif (staggerloc == CORNER) and (not self.nodesSet): self.nodesSet = True if hasBounds is not None: if self.ndims == 2: self.grid.add_coords([CORNER], coord_dim=None, from_file=False) if self.ndims == 3: self.grid.add_coords( [VCORNER], coord_dim=None, from_file=False)
[docs] def getLocalSlab(self, staggerloc): """ Get the local slab (ellipsis). You can use this to grab the data local to this processor Parameters ----------- staggerloc : (e.g. ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER) Returns ------- tuple of slices. """ lo, hi = self.getLoHiBounds(staggerloc) return tuple([slice(lo[i], hi[i], None) for i in range(self.ndims)])[::-1]
[docs] def getLoHiBounds(self, staggerloc): """ Get the local lo/hi index values for the coordinates (per processor) (hi is not inclusive, lo <= index < hi) Parameters ---------- staggerloc : (e.g. ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER) Returns ------- lo, hi lists. """ lo = self.grid.lower_bounds[staggerloc] hi = self.grid.upper_bounds[staggerloc] return lo, hi
[docs] def getCoordShape(self, staggerloc): """ Get the local coordinate shape (may be different on each processor) Parameters ---------- staggerloc : (e.g. ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER) Returns ------- tuple """ lo, hi = self.getLoHiBounds(staggerloc) return tuple([hi[i] - lo[i] for i in range(self.ndims)])[::-1]
[docs] def setCoords(self, coords, staggerloc=CENTER, globalIndexing=False): """ Populate the grid with staggered coordinates (e.g. corner or center). Parameters ---------- coords : The curvilinear coordinates of the grid. List of numpy arrays. Must exist on all procs. staggerloc : The stagger location ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER (default) ESMF.StaggerLoc.CORNER globalIndexing : if True array was allocated over global index space, otherwise array was allocated over local index space on this processor. This is only relevant if rootPe is None Notes ----- coord dims in cdms2 are ordered in y, x, but ESMF expects x, y, hence the dimensions are reversed here. """ # allocate space for coordinates, can only add coordinates once for i in range(self.ndims): ptr = self.grid.get_coords(coord_dim=i, staggerloc=staggerloc) if globalIndexing: slab = self.getLocalSlab(staggerloc)[::-1] # Populate self.grid with coordinates or the bounds as needed ptr[:] = numpy.array(coords[self.ndims - i - 1]).T[slab] else: ptr[:] = numpy.array(coords[self.ndims - i - 1]).T[:]
[docs] def getCoords(self, dim, staggerloc): """ Return the coordinates for a dimension Parameters ---------- dim : desired dimension (zero based indexing) staggerloc : Stagger location """ gridPtr = self.grid.get_coords(coord_dim=dim, staggerloc=staggerloc) shp = self.getCoordShape(staggerloc)[::-1] return numpy.reshape(gridPtr, shp).T
[docs] def setCellAreas(self, areas): """ Set the cell areas Parameters ---------- areas : numpy array """ self.grid.add_item(item=ESMF.GridItem.Area) areaPtr = self.grid.get_item( item=ESMF.GridItem.AREA, staggerloc=self.staggerloc) areaPtr[:] = areas.T.flat self.cellAreasSet = True
[docs] def getCellAreas(self): """ Get Cell Areas Returns ------- cell areas or None if setCellAreas was not called """ if self.cellAreasSet: areaPtr = self.grid.get_item( item=ESMF.GridItem.AREA, staggerloc=self.staggerloc) return numpy.reshape(areaPtr, self.shape).T else: return None
[docs] def getMask(self, staggerloc=CENTER): """ Get mask array. In ESMF, the mask is applied to cells. Returns ------- mask numpy array 1 is invalid by default Note ---- This array exists on all procs """ try: maskPtr = self.grid.get_item( item=ESMF.GridItem.MASK, staggerloc=staggerloc) except BaseException: maskPtr = None return maskPtr.T
[docs] def setMask(self, mask, staggerloc=CENTER): """ Set mask array. In ESMF, the mask is applied to cells. Returns ------- mask numpy array 1 is invalid by default Notes ----- This array exists on all procs """ self.grid.add_item(item=ESMF.GridItem.MASK, staggerloc=staggerloc) maskPtr = self.grid.get_item( item=ESMF.GridItem.MASK, staggerloc=staggerloc) slab = self.getLocalSlab(CENTER)[::-1] maskPtr[:] = mask.T[slab]
def __del__(self): self.grid.destroy()
[docs]class EsmfStructField: """ Structured field. Creator for structured ESMF Field Parameters ---------- esmfGrid instance of an ESMF name field name (must be unique) datatype data type, one of 'float64', 'float32', 'int64', or 'int32' (or equivalent numpy dtype) staggerloc ESMF.StaggerLoc.CENTER ESMF.StaggerLoc.CORNER """
[docs] def __init__(self, esmfGrid, name, datatype, staggerloc=CENTER): """ """ # field object self.field = None # the local processor rank = 0 # the number of processors self.nprocs = 1 # associated grid self.grid = esmfGrid # staggering self.staggerloc = staggerloc # communicator self.comm = None try: from mpi4py import MPI self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD except BaseException: pass etype = None sdatatype = str(datatype) # in case user passes a numpy dtype if'float64', sdatatype): etype = R8 elif'float32', sdatatype): etype = R4 elif'int64', sdatatype): etype = I8 elif'int32', sdatatype): etype = I4 else: msg = 'esmf.EsmfStructField.__init__: ERROR invalid type %s' % datatype raise RegridError(msg) self.field = ESMF.Field( grid=esmfGrid.grid, name=name, typekind=etype, staggerloc=staggerloc) vm = ESMF.ESMP_VMGetGlobal(), self.nprocs = ESMF.ESMP_VMGet(vm)
[docs] def getPointer(self): """ Get field data as a flat array Returns ------- flat array pointer. """ return numpy.ravel(
[docs] def getData(self, rootPe): """ Get field data as a numpy array Parameters ---------- rootPe : if None then local data will be fetched, otherwise gather the data on processor "rootPe" (all other procs will return None). Returns ------- numpy array or None. """ ptr = self.getPointer() if rootPe is None: shp = self.grid.getCoordShape(staggerloc=self.staggerloc)[::-1] # local data, copy return numpy.reshape(ptr, shp).T else: # gather the data on rootPe lo, hi = self.grid.getLoHiBounds(self.staggerloc) los = [lo] his = [hi] ptrs = [ptr] ptr = numpy.reshape(ptr, hi) if self.comm is not None: los = self.comm.gather(lo) # Local his = self.comm.gather(hi) # Local ptrs = self.comm.gather(ptr, root=rootPe) if == rootPe: # Local # reassemble, find the largest hi indices to set # the shape of the data container bigHi = [0 for i in range(self.grid.ndims)] for i in range(self.grid.ndims): bigHi[i] = reduce(lambda x, y: max(x, y), [his[p][i] for p in range(self.nprocs)]) # allocate space to retrieve the data bigData = numpy.empty(bigHi, ptr.dtype) bigData[:] = 0.0 # populate the data for p in range(self.nprocs): slab = tuple([slice(los[p][i], his[p][i], None) for i in range(self.grid.ndims)]) # copy bigData[slab].flat = ptrs[p] return bigData.T # Local # rootPe is not None and != rootPe return None
[docs] def setLocalData(self, data, staggerloc, globalIndexing=False): """ Set local field data Parameters ---------- data : full numpy array, this method will take care of setting a the subset of the data that reside on the local processor staggerloc : stagger location of the data globalIndexing : if True array was allocated over global index space, array was allocated over local index space (on this processor) """ ptr = if globalIndexing: slab = self.grid.getLocalSlab(staggerloc)[::-1] ptr[:] = data.T[slab] else: ptr[:] = data.T
[docs]class EsmfRegrid: """ Regrid source grid data to destination grid data Constuct regrid object Parameters ---------- srcField : the source field object of type EsmfStructFields dstField : the destination field object of type EsmfStructField srcMaskValues : Value of masked cells in source dstMaskValues : Value of masked cells in destination srcFrac : Cell fractions on source grid (type EsmfStructField dstFrac : Cell fractions on destination grid (type EsmfStructField) regridMethod : ESMF.RegridMethod.{BILINEAR,CONSERVE,PATCH} unMappedAction : ESMF.UnmappedAction.{IGNORE,ERROR} ignoreDegenerate : Ignore degenerate cells when checking inputs """
[docs] def __init__(self, srcField, dstField, srcFrac=None, dstFrac=None, srcMaskValues=None, dstMaskValues=None, regridMethod=BILINEAR, ignoreDegenerate=False, unMappedAction=IGNORE): """ """ self.srcField = srcField self.dstField = dstField self.regridMethod = regridMethod self.srcAreaField = None self.dstAreaField = None self.srcFracField = srcFrac self.dstFracField = dstFrac self.regridHandle = None self.ignoreDegenerate = ignoreDegenerate timeStamp = re.sub('\.', '', str(time.time())) # create and initialize the cell areas to zero if regridMethod == CONSERVE: self.srcAreaField = EsmfStructField(self.srcField.grid, name='src_areas_%s' % timeStamp, datatype='float64', staggerloc=CENTER) dataPtr = self.srcAreaField.getPointer() dataPtr[:] = 0.0 self.dstAreaField = EsmfStructField(self.dstField.grid, name='dst_areas_%s' % timeStamp, datatype='float64', staggerloc=CENTER) dataPtr = self.dstAreaField.getPointer() dataPtr[:] = 0.0 # initialize fractional areas to 1 (unless supplied) if srcFrac is None: self.srcFracField = EsmfStructField(self.srcField.grid, name='src_cell_area_fractions_%s' % timeStamp, datatype='float64', staggerloc=CENTER) dataPtr = self.srcFracField.getPointer() dataPtr[:] = 1.0 if dstFrac is None: self.dstFracField = EsmfStructField(self.dstField.grid, name='dst_cell_area_fractions_%s' % timeStamp, datatype='float64', staggerloc=CENTER) dataPtr = self.dstFracField.getPointer() dataPtr[:] = 1.0 srcMaskValueArr = None if srcMaskValues is not None: srcMaskValueArr = numpy.array(srcMaskValues, dtype=numpy.int32) dstMaskValueArr = None if dstMaskValues is not None: dstMaskValueArr = numpy.array(dstMaskValues, dtype=numpy.int32) self.regridHandle = ESMF.Regrid( srcField.field, dstField.field, src_frac_field=self.srcFracField.field, dst_frac_field=self.dstFracField.field, src_mask_values=srcMaskValueArr, dst_mask_values=dstMaskValueArr, regrid_method=regridMethod, unmapped_action=unMappedAction, ignore_degenerate=self.ignoreDegenerate)
[docs] def getSrcAreas(self, rootPe): """ Get the src grid areas as used by conservative interpolation Parameters ---------- rootPe : None is local areas are returned, otherwise provide rootPe and the data will be gathered Returns ------- numpy array or None if interpolation is not conservative """ if self.srcAreaField is not None: return return None
[docs] def getDstAreas(self, rootPe): """ Get the dst grid areas as used by conservative interpolation Parameters ---------- rootPe : None is local areas are returned, otherwise provide rootPe and the data will be gathered Returns ------- numpy array or None if interpolation is not conservative """ if self.srcAreaField is not None: return return None
[docs] def getSrcAreaFractions(self, rootPe): """ Get the source grid fraction areas as used by conservative interpolation Parameters ---------- rootPe : None is local areas are returned, otherwise provide rootPe and the data will be gathered Returns ------- numpy array """ if self.srcFracField is not None: # self.srcFracField.get_area() return return None
[docs] def getDstAreaFractions(self, rootPe): """ Get the destination grid fraction areas as used by conservative interpolation Parameters ---------- rootPe : None is local areas are returned, otherwise provide rootPe and the data will be gathered Returns ------- numpy array """ if self.dstFracField is not None: # self.dstFracField.get_area() return return None
[docs] def __call__(self, srcField=None, dstField=None, zero_region=None): """ Apply interpolation weights Parameters ---------- srcField : source field (or None if src field passed to constructor is to be used) dstField : destination field (or None if dst field passed to constructor is to be used) zero_region : specify which region of the field indices will be zeroed (or None default to TOTAL Region) """ if srcField is None: srcField = self.srcField if dstField is None: dstField = self.dstField # default is keep the masked values intact zeroregion = ESMF.Region.SELECT if self.regridMethod == CONSERVE: zeroregion = None # will initalize to zero self.regridHandle( srcfield=srcField.field, dstfield=dstField.field, zero_region=zeroregion)
def __del__(self): if self.regridHandle is not None: self.regridHandle.destroy()