Source code for regrid2.crossSection

# Automatically adapted for numpy.oldnumeric Aug 02, 2007 by

import cdms2
import numpy
import copy
# from . import _regrid
import regrid2._regrid as _regrid
from .error import RegridError

[docs]class CrossSectionRegridder: """ PURPOSE: To perform all the tasks required to regrid the input data into the ouput data in the latitude-level plane for all times PROCEDURE: Step One: Make an instance of class CrossSectionRegridder passing it input and output grid information Step Two: Pass the input data with some descriptive parameters and get the output data in return """ def __init__(self, latIn, latOut, levIn, levOut, latTypeIn=None, latSizeIn=None, latTypeOut=None, latSizeOut=None): """ To make an instance which entails setting up the input and output grids Parameters ---------- latIn : the axis specifying the latitude grid for the input data latOut : the axis specifying the latitude grid for the output data levIn : the axis specifying the pressure grid for the input data levOut : the axis specifying the pressure grid for the output data * Additional information is required if a latitude grid is not global. It may be generic. Otherwise it is a subset of one of the standard global grids. Correspondingly, the choice for the grid type must be 'gaussian', 'equalarea', 'uniform' or 'generic'. In addition, the computation requires the size of the global grid from which the subset was choosen. Consequently, the user must assemble: latTypeIn : for input latitude, one of the following: * 'gaussian' * 'equalarea' * 'uniform' * 'generic' latSizeIn : for input latitude, the size of the goblal grid used in selecting the region latTypeOut : for output latitude, one of the following: * 'gaussian' * 'equalarea' * 'uniform' * 'generic' latSizeOut : for output latitude, the size of the goblal grid used in selecting the region Note ---- To make an instance preparing for a global to global regrid, type * r = CrossSectionRegridder(latIn, latOut, levIn, levOut) To make an instance preparing for a global to a regional grid which, for example, is a subset of a global gaussian grid of size 64, type * r = CrossSectionRegridder(latIn, latOut, levIn, levOut, latTypeOut = 'gaussian', latSizeOut = 64) * where the latOut axis must have been selected from the global 64 length gaussian grid """ # --- set the instance grid data attributes used to describe input and output grid sizes self.latOut = latOut self.levIn = levIn self.levOut = levOut self.nlevi = len(levIn) self.nlevo = len(levOut) latIn, self.nlati = checkdimension(latIn, 'input latitude') latOut, self.nlato = checkdimension(latOut, 'output latitude') # --- check for a single grid point in the latitude-level plane if self.nlevo == 1 and self.nlato != 1: sendmsg( 'Error in output grid - a single level value requires a single latitude value') raise ValueError if self.nlevo != 1 and self.nlato == 1: sendmsg( 'Error in output grid - a single latitude value requires a single longitude value') raise ValueError if self.nlevo == 1 and self.nlato == 1: calculateMean = 1 msg = 'Warning -- regridding a cross section to a single point does not produce the global mean' sendmsg(msg) else: calculateMean = 0 # --- get the latitude coordinate grid boundaries for the input grid if latTypeIn is None: # global latIn lat_wts_bndsIn = get_latitude_wts_bnds(latIn) else: lat_wts_bndsIn = get_region_latitude_wts_bnds( latIn, latTypeIn, latSizeIn) lat_bndsIn = lat_wts_bndsIn[1] bnin, bsin = latitude_bounds(lat_bndsIn) if calculateMean == 0: # meaningful grid # --- get the latitude coordinate grid boundaries for the output grid if latTypeOut is None: # global latOut lat_wts_bndsOut = get_latitude_wts_bnds(latOut) else: lat_wts_bndsOut = get_region_latitude_wts_bnds( latOut, latTypeOut, latSizeOut) lat_bndsOut = lat_wts_bndsOut[1] bnout, bsout = latitude_bounds(lat_bndsOut) else: bnout = numpy.array([90.0], numpy.float32) bsout = numpy.array([-90.0], numpy.float32) # --- call maplength to get the rest of the self data needed by rgrdlength t = _regrid.maplength(self.nlati, self.nlato, bnin, bnout, bsin, bsout) self.latdx, self.latpt, self.wtlat = t def __call__(self, ar, missing=None, order=None, method="log"): """ Call the regridder function. ar is the input array. missing is the missing data value, if any. It defaults to the missing/fill value defined for the input array, if any. order is of the form "tzyx", "tyx", etc. method is either 'log' to interpolate in the log of pressure, or 'linear' for linear interpolation. """ from cdms2.avariable import AbstractVariable from cdms2.tvariable import TransientVariable # Save Variable metadata for output if isinstance(ar, AbstractVariable): attrs = copy.copy(ar.attributes) varid = axislist = list([x[0].clone() for x in ar.getDomain()]) inputIsVariable = 1 if order is None: order = ar.getOrder() # this expects contiguous arrays if isinstance( ar, TransientVariable) and ar.iscontiguous() is False: ar = ar.ascontiguous() else: inputIsVariable = 0 # Turn ar into a numpy array. if armiss = ar.fill_value ar = elif isinstance(ar, AbstractVariable): tempar = ar.getValue(squeeze=0) armiss = ar.getMissing() ar = elif isinstance(ar, numpy.ndarray): armiss = None else: raise RegridError( "Input array is not a Variable,, or numpy array") # If neither mask nor missing value is specified, get them from # the input array. if missing is None: missing = armiss if isinstance(missing, numpy.ndarray): missing = missing[0] rank = len(ar.shape) assert 2 <= rank <= 3, 'Array rank is %i, must be 2, or 3' % rank # Set the default order to match the input grid order if order is None: if rank == 2: order = "zy" else: order = "tzy" assert rank == len( order), 'Order must be same length as array rank: %i' % len(ar.shape) order = str.lower(order) # Map order to positionIn positionIn = [None] * 3 for i in range(len(order)): if order[i] == 'y': positionIn[0] = i if inputIsVariable: axislist[i] = self.latOut elif order[i] == 'z': positionIn[1] = i if inputIsVariable: axislist[i] = self.levOut else: positionIn[2] = i # Regrid if method == 'log': logYes = 'yes' else: logYes = 'no' outar = self.rgrd(ar, missing, 'greater', logYes, positionIn) # Reconstruct the same class as on input # Mask fill_value and return results if inputIsVariable == 1: result =, missing) result = cdms2.createVariable(result, fill_value=missing, axes=axislist, attributes=attrs, id=varid) else: result =, fill_value=missing) result =, missing) return result
[docs] def rgrd(self, dataIn, missingValueIn, missingMatch, logYes='yes', positionIn=None, maskIn=None, missingValueOut=None): """ To perform all the tasks required to regrid the input data, dataIn, into the ouput data, dataout in the latitude-level plane. Parameters ---------- dataIn : data to regrid missingValueIn : the missing data value to use in setting missing in the mask. It is required. * None -- there is no missing data * A number -- if the value to use in the search for possible missing data. The presence of missing data at a grid point leads to recording 0.0 in the mask. missingMatch : the comparison scheme used in searching for missing data in dataIn using the value passed in as missingValueIn. * None -- used if None is the entry for missingValueIn * exact -- used if missingValue is the exact value from the file * greater -- the missing data value is equal to or greater than missingValueIn * less -- the missing data value is equal to or less than missingValueIn logYes : choose the level regrid as linear in log of level or linear in level. * Set to 'yes' for log. Anything else is linear in level. positionIn : a tuple with the numerical position of the dimensions * in C or Python order specified in the sequence latitude, level and time. Latitude and level are required. If time is missing submit None in its slot in the tuple. Notice that the length of the tuple is always three. Explicitly, in terms of the shape of dataIn as returned by python's shape function positionIn[0] contains the position of latitude in dataIn positionIn[1] contains the position of level in dataIn or None positionIn[2] contains the position of time in dataIn or None If the c order shape of 3D data is (number of times, number of levels, number of latitudes) submit (2, 1, 0). If the c order shape of 2D data is (number of times, number of latitudes) submit (1, None, 0). Send in None if the shape is a subset of (time, level, latitude) which is evaluated as follows: * 2D -- code assumes (1,0,None) * 3D -- code assumes (2,1,0) maskIn : an array of 1.0 and 0.0 values where the 0.0 value is used to mask the input data. This mask only works on the latitude grid. It is not possible to mask out a region in the level plane. The 0.0 value removes the data from correponding grid point. The user can supply the following choices: * None -- an array of 1.0s is created followed by substituting 0.0s for grid points with missing data in the input data array, dataIn * array -- an array of 1.0s or 0.0s which must be either 2D or the actual size of the input data, dataIn. This user supplied mask might be used to mask a latitude region. It is not required to account for missing data in the input data. The code uses missingValueIn and missingMatch to supply the 0.0s for grid points with missing data in the input data array, dataIn. missingValueOut : the value for the missing data used in writing the output data. * If left at the default entry, None, the code uses missingValueIn * If present or as a last resort 1.0e20 Returns ------- dataOut : the regridded data Example ------- To regrid dataIn into dataOut using all the defaults where None, None signifies no missing data. * dataOut = x.rgrd(dataIn, None, None) To regrid dataIn into dataOut using 1.0e20 and greater as the missing data * dataOut = x.rgrd(dataIn, 1.e20, 'greater') Note: This code does not regrid cross sections which have a single dummy longitude value! """ # check the required input -- dataIn, missingValueIn and missingMatch # make sure that dataIn is an array try: len(dataIn) except TypeError: sendmsg('Error in calling the rgrd method -- dataIn must be an array') raise TypeError # try to identify a single dummy longitude dataShape = dataIn.shape if len(dataShape) > 3: msg = 'Error in call to rgrd -- cross section data can not have more than 3 dimensions' sendmsg(msg) raise TypeError if positionIn is not None: if self.nlati != (dataShape[positionIn[0]]): msg = 'Latitude vector is inconsistent with input data' sendmsg(msg) raise ValueError if self.nlevi != (dataShape[positionIn[1]]): msg = 'Level vector is inconsistent with input data' sendmsg(msg) raise ValueError # check the missingValueIn pass if missingValueIn is not None: try: abs(missingValueIn) except TypeError: sendmsg( 'Error in calling the rgrd method -- missingvalueIn must be None or a number. Now it is ', missingValueIn) raise TypeError # check the missingMatch pass missingPossibilities = ['greater', 'equal', 'less', None] if missingMatch not in missingPossibilities: msg = 'Error in missingMatch -- it must be None or the string greater, equal, or less. Now it is ' sendmsg(msg, missingMatch) raise ValueError # set missing value to be used in dataOut if missingValueOut is None: if missingValueIn is not None: # default omit = missingValueIn else: # default omit = 1.0e20 else: # user choice omit = missingValueOut # --- Check data type and change to float if necessary ---- if dataIn.dtype.char != 'f': dataIn = dataIn.astype(numpy.float32) # produce the input for rgdlength not generated by maplength dataShape = dataIn.shape numberDim = len(dataShape) if numberDim < 2: msg = 'Error in call to rgrd -- data must have at least 2 dimensions' sendmsg(msg) raise TypeError if positionIn is None: # construct the default positionIn tuple positionList = [] for n in range(numberDim): # insert a sequence of numbers positionList.append(n) positionList.reverse() if numberDim == 2: # fill end of list with a None positionList.append(None) positionIn = tuple(positionList) if len(positionIn) != 3: msg = 'Error in call to rgrd -- positionIn must be a tuple of length 3' sendmsg(msg) raise TypeError # set ilon, ilat in Fortran order except that the first index is 0 - # not 1 ilat = numberDim - 1 - positionIn[0] itim1 = itim2 = -1 ntim1 = ntim2 = 0 if numberDim == 2: # lat and level field itim1 = numberDim - 1 - positionIn[1] ntim1 = dataShape[positionIn[1]] if numberDim == 3: # lon_lat field + level + time itim1 = numberDim - 1 - positionIn[1] ntim1 = dataShape[positionIn[1]] itim2 = numberDim - 1 - positionIn[2] ntim2 = dataShape[positionIn[2]] # check for consistency between the grid axiss and the dataIn shape if self.nlati != (dataShape[positionIn[0]]): msg = 'Latitude vector is inconsistent with input data' sendmsg(msg) raise ValueError if self.nlevi != (dataShape[positionIn[1]]): msg = 'Level vector is inconsistent with input data' sendmsg(msg) raise ValueError # allocate memory for aout -- the array with original number of levels # but the new number of latitudes aoutList = list(dataIn.shape) aoutList[positionIn[0]] = self.nlato # memory for aout aout = numpy.zeros(tuple(aoutList), numpy.float32) # generate the mask amskin = sectionmask( dataIn, positionIn, maskIn, missingValueIn, missingMatch) # ------------- call rgdlength to regrid latitude --------------- _regrid.rgdlength( ilat, itim1, itim2, ntim1, ntim2, self.nlati, self.nlato, omit, self.latdx, self.latpt, self.wtlat, amskin, dataIn, aout) # ------------- call rgdpressure to regrid pressure ------------- # allocate memory for ap -- the array with new number of levels and the # new number of latitudes apList = list(dataIn.shape) apList[positionIn[0]] = self.nlato apList[positionIn[1]] = self.nlevo # memory for ap ap = numpy.zeros(tuple(apList), numpy.float32) nlon = 0 if missingMatch is None: # if no missing do not pass None missingMatch = 'none' # if no missing do not pass None if missingValueIn is None: missingValueIn = 1.333e33 if logYes != 'yes': logYes = 'no' levIn = self.levIn[:].astype(numpy.float64) levOut = self.levOut[:].astype(numpy.float64) _regrid.rgdpressure( self.nlevi, self.nlevo, self.nlato, nlon, ntim2, missingValueIn, missingMatch, logYes, levIn, levOut, aout, ap) if missingMatch == 'none': # if no missing do not pass None missingMatch = None if missingValueIn == 1.333e33: missingValueIn = None return ap
[docs]def checkdimension(x, name): """ Purpose : dimension checks 1. has a len method 2. data type is float32 3. monotonically increasing vectors Parameters ---------- x : coordinate vector name : coordinate vector ID Returns ------- x, xsize -- dimension vector and its size """ data = x[:] try: xsize = len(x) except TypeError: sendmsg('Hgrid instance error -- instance requires a ' + name) raise TypeError if data.dtype.char != 'f': x[:] = x[:].astype(numpy.float32) # ----- check for consistency ----- if x[0] > x[xsize - 1]: for n in range(1, xsize): if x[n] > x[n - 1]: sendmsg('Hgrid instance error -- ' + name + 'not monotonic') raise ValueError return else: for n in range(1, xsize): if x[n] < x[n - 1]: sendmsg('Hgrid instance error -- ' + name + 'not monotonic') raise ValueError return return x, xsize
[docs]def generic_wts_bnds(lat): try: bnds = lat.getBounds() if bnds is None: # No bounds defined newLat = lat.clone() newLat.setBounds(None) bnds = lat.getBounds() except BaseException: # just an array.... newLat = cdms2.createAxis(lat) newLat.setBounds(None) bnds = newLat.getBounds() outBnds = bnds[:, 0].tolist() outBnds.append(bnds[-1][-1]) outBnds = numpy.array(outBnds) wts = [outBnds[i + 1] - outBnds[i] for i in range(len(lat))] wts = numpy.array(wts) / numpy.sum(wts) return wts, outBnds
[docs]def get_latitude_wts_bnds(checklatpass): """get_latitude_wts_bnds Compare the passed checklatpass with the correct geophysical ones calculated here. After finding a match call the function to get the bounds. wts,bnds = get_latitude_wts_bnds(checklatpass) Parameters ---------- checklatpass : is the grid to check Returns ------- wts, bnds - tuple with weights and bounds """ small = 0.001 # use as tolerance in checking values nlat = len(checklatpass) reverse_latitude = 'no' # ------ set latitude direction to n to s for comparisons ------- if checklatpass[0] < checklatpass[nlat - 1]: # need a copy? checklat = numpy.array(checklatpass, numpy.float64) checklat = checklat[::-1] reverse_latitude = 'yes' else: checklat = checklatpass # ------ check the pass for evenly spaced latitudes ------- firstdelta = abs(checklat[0] - checklat[1]) maxdiff = 0.0 for i in range(1, nlat - 1): diff = abs(firstdelta - (checklat[i] - checklat[i + 1])) if diff > maxdiff: maxdiff = diff if maxdiff < small: # if abs(90. - checklat[0]) > small or abs(-90. - # checklat[nlat - 1]) > small: # grid_type = 'even' # evenly spaced without poles # wts, bnds = generic_wts_bnds(checklat) # if reverse_latitude == 'yes': # wts = wts[::-1] # bnds = bnds[::-1] # return (wts, bnds) # else: grid_type = 'uniform' # evenly spaced with poles pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(nlat, grid_type) wts = pts_wts_bnds[1] bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2] if reverse_latitude == 'yes': wts = wts[::-1] bnds = bnds[::-1] return (wts, bnds) # ------ check the pass for gaussian latitudes ------- grid_type = 'gaussian' pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(nlat, grid_type) latvals = pts_wts_bnds[0] laterror = max(abs(latvals - checklat)) if laterror < small: wts = pts_wts_bnds[1] bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2] if reverse_latitude == 'yes': wts = wts[::-1] bnds = bnds[::-1] return (wts, bnds) # ------ check the pass for equalarea latitudes ------- grid_type = 'equalarea' pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(nlat, grid_type) latvals = pts_wts_bnds[0] laterror = max(abs(latvals - checklat)) if laterror < small: wts = pts_wts_bnds[1] bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2] if reverse_latitude == 'yes': wts = wts[::-1] bnds = bnds[::-1] return (wts, bnds) # ------ must be generic latitude ------- wts, bnds = generic_wts_bnds(checklatpass) return (wts, bnds)
[docs]def latitude_bounds(lat_bnds): """ Purpose: set up the shape and bounds for use by maparea Usage: Returns ------- tuple ( bn,bs ) """ latbnds = lat_bnds.astype(numpy.float32) if latbnds[0] > latbnds[len(latbnds) - 1]: bn = latbnds[:-1] bs = latbnds[1:] else: bn = latbnds[1:] bs = latbnds[:-1] return (bn, bs)
[docs]def get_region_latitude_wts_bnds(latRegionpass, latType, latSize): """ Routine : get_region_latitude_wts_bnds Purpose : compare the passed latitudes, latRegion, with the global ones calculated here and extract the wts and bounds for the region Usage : wts,bnds = get_region_latitude_wts_bnds(latRegion, latType, latSize) where latRegion is the regional grid to check Returns ------- wts, bnds - tuple with weights and bounds """ latTypeList = ['gaussian', 'equalarea', 'uniform', 'generic'] if latType not in latTypeList: sendmsg( "Error in latType -- it must be 'gaussian', 'equalarea', 'even' or 'generic' and not ", latType) raise ValueError return if latSize is None: sendmsg('Error in latSize -- it must be a number') raise ValueError return nlat = len(latRegionpass) reverse_latitude = 'no' # ------ set latitude direction to n to s for comparisons ------- if latRegionpass[0] < latRegionpass[nlat - 1]: # need a copy? latRegion = numpy.array(latRegionpass, numpy.float64) latRegion = latRegion[::-1] reverse_latitude = 'yes' else: latRegion = latRegionpass small = 0.001 # use as tolerance in checking values # ------ check the pass for gaussian latitudes ------- if latType != 'generic': # n to s global pts, wts and bnds pts_wts_bnds = _regrid.gridattr(latSize, latType) latvals = pts_wts_bnds[0] imatch = -1 i = 0 while(imatch == -1): if abs(latvals[i] - latRegion[0]) < small: # first index found startIndex = i imatch = 0 i = i + 1 imatch = -1 while(imatch == -1): if abs(latvals[i] - latRegion[nlat - 1] ) < small: # last index found lastIndex = i imatch = 0 i = i + 1 wts = pts_wts_bnds[1][startIndex:lastIndex + 1] bnds = pts_wts_bnds[2][startIndex:lastIndex + 2] if reverse_latitude == 'yes': wts = wts[::-1] bnds = bnds[::-1] return (wts, bnds)
# else: # must be generic latitude ------- # # wts, bnds = generic_wts_bnds(latIn) # if reverse_latitude == 'yes': # wts = wts[::-1] # bnds = bnds[::-1] # return (wts, bnds)
[docs]def sectionmask(dataIn, positionIn, maskIn, missingValueIn, missingMatch): """ Purpose : construct the mask for the input data for use by rgdlength Usage : amskin = mask(dataIn, positionIn, maskIn, missingValueIn, missingValueOut, flag2D) Returns ------- amskin """ # Logic outline # START NO USER MASK SECTION ? # # START USER MASK SECTION ? # USER SUPPLIED MASK IS 2D ? # USER SUPPLIED MASK IS FULL SIZE ? # ---- check the missingMatch pass -------- missingPossibilities = ['greater', 'equal', 'less', None] if missingMatch not in missingPossibilities: msg = 'Error in missingMatch -- it must be None or the string greater, equal, or less' sendmsg(msg) raise ValueError # ----- Check for missing data in dataIn, set missingFlag and miss, the va # missingFlag = 0 if there is no missing data # missingFlag = 1 if there is missing data found using greater than missingValueIn # missingFlag = 1 if there is missing data found using the default 1.0e20 # missingFlag = 2 if there is missing data found using equal to missingValueIn # missingFlag = 3 if there is missing data found using less than # missingValueIn missingFlag = 0 # use value from the file if missingValueIn is not None: if missingMatch == 'greater': if missingValueIn > 0: miss = 0.99 * missingValueIn else: miss = 1.01 * missingValueIn n = numpy.add.reduce( numpy.where( numpy.greater( numpy.ravel(dataIn), miss), 1, 0)) if n > 0: missingFlag = 1 elif missingMatch == 'equal': miss = missingValueIn n = numpy.add.reduce( numpy.where( numpy.equal( numpy.ravel(dataIn), miss), 1, 0)) if n > 0: missingFlag = 2 elif missingMatch == 'less': if missingValueIn > 0: miss = 1.01 * missingValueIn else: miss = 0.99 * missingValueIn n = numpy.add.reduce( numpy.where( numpy.less( numpy.ravel(dataIn), miss), 1, 0)) if n > 0: missingFlag = 3 # ----- get the shape of dataIn and set the number of dimensions in the da dataShape = dataIn.shape # set size and check against positionIn numberDataDim = len(dataShape) # remove the None fillers reducedPositionIn = [] for i in range(len(positionIn)): if positionIn[i] is not None: reducedPositionIn.append(positionIn[i]) if numberDataDim != len(reducedPositionIn): msg = 'positionIn does not describe the number of dimensions in the data' sendmsg(msg) raise ValueError # ----- Determine the order of latitude and level in the data ------- # sequence is standard (lat,lon) if positionIn[0] > positionIn[1]: levlatFlag = 1 else: levlatFlag = 0 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ----------------------------------------- Generate the mask ----------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ---------- START NO USER MASK SECTION if maskIn is None: # ---- need to generate the mask from scratch ---- # allocate memory amskin = numpy.ones(dataShape, numpy.float32) # ---------- START USER MASK SECTION else: # ---- use the users supplied mask ---- numberMaskDim = len(maskIn.shape) if numberMaskDim == 2: # ----------------------- USER SUPPLIED MASK IS 2D # mask shape is (lat,lon) if levlatFlag == 1: checkmaskShape = ( dataShape[positionIn[1]], dataShape[positionIn[0]]) # mask shape is (lon,lat) else: checkmaskShape = ( dataShape[positionIn[0]], dataShape[positionIn[1]]) if maskIn.shape != checkmaskShape: # check the mask shape msg = 'Error -- 2D mask supplied mask must have the same shape as corresponding slice in the input data' sendmsg(msg) raise IndexError # FINAL MASK IS FULL SIZED WITH USERS 2D MASK REPLICATED if numberDataDim > 2: # replicate the mask to size of dataIn amskin = numpy.resize(maskIn, dataShape) else: # ---------------------- USER SUPPLIED MASK IS FULL SIZE amskin = maskIn if numberMaskDim != numberDataDim: msg = 'Error -- user supplied mask must be 2D or the size of the data' sendmsg(msg) raise IndexError if amskin.shape != dataIn.shape: msg = 'Error -- full size mask supplied must have the same shape as the input data' sendmsg(msg) raise IndexError # there is missing data in dataIn to add to amskin if missingFlag != 0: if missingFlag == 1: amskin = numpy.where(numpy.greater(dataIn, miss), 0.0, amskin) elif missingFlag == 2: amskin = numpy.where(numpy.equal(dataIn, miss), 0.0, amskin) elif missingFlag == 3: amskin = numpy.where(numpy.greater(dataIn, miss), 0.0, amskin) amskin = amskin.astype(numpy.float32) return amskin
[docs]def sendmsg(msg, value1=None, value2=None): """ Purpose : send the same message to the screen Passed : msg - the string Parmeters --------- value : the number associated with the string Returns ------- return """ print('*******************************************************************') if value1 is None: print(msg) elif value2 is None: print((msg, value1)) else: print((msg, value1, value2)) print('*******************************************************************') return None
[docs]def section(latvals, levvals): """ Purpose : make the crossi section analytical test case Passed : the grid coordinate vectors Returns ------- xsection : a temerature like cross section """ nlev = len(levvals) nlat = len(latvals) theta = (math.pi / 180.) * latvals xsection = numpy.zeros((nlev, nlat), numpy.float32) # memory t0 = 60. p0 = 1000. for j in range(nlat): for i in range(nlev): x = math.cos(theta[j])**2 y = t0 * ((levvals[i] / p0)**.3) xsection[i, j] = x * y - 30. return xsection
[docs]def rmserror(data1, data2): """ Purpose : compute the rms error for two data sets having the same shape Passed : the two data sets Returns ------- rms error """ if data1.shape != data2.shape: print('Error in shape in rmserror') print(('data1 shape = ', data1.shape)) print(('data2 shape = ', data2.shape)) raise ValueError d1 = numpy.ravel(data1) d2 = numpy.ravel(data2) sq = (d1 - d2) * (d1 - d2) error = numpy.sum(sq) / len(d1) rmserror = numpy.sqrt(error) return rmserror
if __name__ == '__main__': import math latIn = cdms2.createUniformLatitudeAxis(90.0, 46, -4.0) levList = [10., 40., 75., 100., 150., 250., 350., 500., 650., 850., 1000.] # pick some levels levIn = cdms2.createAxis(numpy.array(levList, numpy.float64), id='level') latOut = cdms2.createGaussianAxis(64) levList = [10., 30., 50., 70., 100., 200., 300., 400., 500., 700., 850., 1000.] # pick some levels levOut = cdms2.createAxis(numpy.array(levList, numpy.float64), id='level') xregridf = CrossSectionRegridder(latIn, latOut, levIn, levOut) # make some artificial data dataIn = section(latIn[:], levIn[:]) var = cdms2.createVariable( dataIn, axes=( levIn, latIn), attributes={ 'units': 'N/A'}, id='test') dataOut = xregridf(dataIn) # make the exact answer dataCheck = section(latOut[:], levOut[:]) # find the rms error error = rmserror(dataOut, dataCheck) print('expected cross section test case rms error = 0.18581882') # print 'expected cross section test case rms error = 0.23062' print(('calculated cross section test case rms error = ', error))