Source code for cdms2.sliceut

from __future__ import print_function
"Utilities for manipulating slices"

# Intersect a slice with a half-open interval [i,j).
# slice.start and slice.stop must be integers (not None).
# Returns a slice, or None if the intersection is empty.

[docs]def sliceIntersect(aSlice, interval): p0, p1 = interval i = aSlice.start j = aSlice.stop k = aSlice.step if k is None: k = 1 # If the slice has a negative step, generate the # equivalent slice with positive step irev = 0 if k < 0: k = -k pk = int(((j - i + k) / k) * k + i) j = int(i + 1) i = int(pk) irev = 1 # Calculate the intersection for an increasing slice px = int((int((p0 - i + k - 1) / k)) * k + i) a = max(px, i) b = min(j, p1) if a < b: if k == 1: newSlice = slice(a, b) else: newSlice = slice(a, b, k) else: newSlice = None # Reverse the slice if necessary if irev == 1 and newSlice is not None: px = int(-(int((-b + a + k) / k) * k - a)) newSlice = slice(px, a - 1, -k) return newSlice
# Intersect a slice with a partition. The partition is a list of # intervals, with shape (n,2). The result is a list of pairs # [(interval,slice), (interval,slice) ...] where the intervals are # those intervals in the partition which have non-empty intersection, # in the same order as in the partition. If the intersection is empty, # the result is an empty list.
[docs]def slicePartition(aSlice, partition): result = [] for interval in partition: intslice = sliceIntersect(aSlice, interval) if intslice is not None: result.append((interval, intslice)) return result
[docs]def lenSlice(aSlice): "Return the number of values associated with a slice" step = aSlice.step if step is None: step = 1 if step > 0: start = aSlice.start stop = aSlice.stop else: start = aSlice.stop stop = aSlice.start step = -step return (int((stop - start - 1) / step) + 1)
[docs]def reverseSlice(s, size): """For 'reversed' slices (slices with negative stride), return an equivalent slice with positive step. For positive strides, just return the slice unchanged. """ if s.step > 0 or s.step is None: return s i = s.start j = s.stop k = s.step if i is None: i = size - 1 elif i < 0: i = i % size if j is None: j = -1 elif -size - 1 < j < 0: j = j % size if i < -size or j < -size - 1: raise RuntimeError("Invalid slice %s" % repr(s)) k = -k pk = (int((j - i + k) / k)) * k + i j = i + 1 i = pk % size # if j==size: # j = None return slice(i, j, k)
[docs]def splitSlice(s, size): """For a 'wraparound' slice, return two equivalent slices within the range 0..size-1.""" i, j, k = s.start, s.stop, s.step if k > 0: wrap1 = slice(i, size, k) wrap2 = slice((i - size) % k, j - size, k) else: wrap1 = slice(i - size, None, k) wrap2 = slice(size + (i - size) % k, j, k) return (wrap1, wrap2)
[docs]def splitSliceExt(s, size): """ mf 20010330 -- For a 'wraparound' slice, return N equivalent slices within the range 0...(N*size) N = anything""" i, j, k = s.start, s.stop, s.step # slice of form [i:] sets j to large int if j > 2000000000: j = size _debug = 0 if(_debug): print("SSSS0: ", i, j, k) wrap = [] if k > 0: iter = 0 if(_debug): print("SSSS1: iter ", iter, j, size, k) while(j > 0): if(_debug): print(" ") if(_debug): print("SSSS2: iter", iter, j, size, k) jo = size if(iter > 0): jo = size + 1 if(_debug): print("SSSS3: iter", iter, j, jo) if(j < size): jo = j if(_debug): print("SSSS4: iter", iter, j, jo) wrap.append(slice(i, jo, k)) j = j - size i = 0 iter = iter + 1 else: wraprev = [] iter = 0 if(_debug): print("SSSS1 neg: iter ", iter, i, j, size, k) while(i >= 0): if(_debug): print(" ") if(_debug): print("SSSS2 neg: iter", iter, i, j, size, k) io = size - 1 if(_debug): print("SSSS3 neg: iter", iter, i, j, io) if(i < size): io = i if(_debug): print("SSSS4 neg: iter", iter, i, j, io) # mf 20010405 python does not return nothing for # slice(size-1,size-1,-1); force it if(not (io == size - 1 and j == size - 1)): wraprev.append(slice(io, j, k)) i = i - size j = None iter = iter + 1 # # reverse # for k in range(0, len(wraprev)): kk = len(wraprev) - k - 1 wrap.append(wraprev[kk]) if(_debug): print("SSSS5 neg: ", kk, wraprev[kk]) return (wrap)