Source code for cdms2.slabinterface

# Automatically adapted for numpy.oldnumeric Aug 01, 2007 by
# Further modified to be pure new numpy June 24th 2008

"Read part of the old cu slab interface implemented over CDMS"
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy
import sys
from .error import CDMSError
from .axis import std_axis_attributes
import cdms2 as cdms

class Slab:


    Slab : is the cu api

    This is an abstract class to inherit in AbstractVariable About axes:
    weight and bounds attributes always set but may be None if bounds
    are None, getdimattribute returns result of querying the axis. """

    std_slab_atts = ['filename',

    def __init__(self):

[docs] def getattribute(self, name): "Get the attribute name." defaultdict = {'filename': 'N/A', 'comments': '', 'grid_name': 'N/A', 'grid_type': 'N/A', 'time_statistic': '', 'long_name': '', 'units': ''} result = None if name in list(defaultdict.keys()) and not hasattr(self, name): if name == 'filename': if (not hasattr(self, 'parent')) or self.parent is None: result = '' else: result = elif name == 'grid_name': grid = self.getGrid() if grid is None: result = defaultdict[name] else: result = elif name == 'grid_type': grid = self.getGrid() if grid is None: result = defaultdict[name] elif isinstance(grid, cdms.grid.TransientRectGrid): result = grid.getType() elif isinstance(grid, cdms.gengrid.AbstractGenericGrid): result = 'GenericGrid' elif isinstance(grid, cdms.hgrid.AbstractCurveGrid): result = 'CurvilinearGrid' else: result = defaultdict[name] else: try: result = getattr(self, name) except AttributeError: result = None return result
[docs] def setattribute(self, name, value): "Set the attribute name to value." setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def createattribute(self, name, value): "Create an attribute and set its name to value." setattr(self, name, value)
[docs] def deleteattribute(self, name): "Delete the named attribute." if hasattr(self, name): delattr(self, name)
[docs] def listattributes(self): "Return a list of attribute names." return list(self.attributes.keys())
[docs] def listdimattributes(self, dim): "List the legal axis field names." a = self.getAxis(dim) result = [] for x in std_axis_attributes + list(a.attributes.keys()): if x not in result: result.append(x) return result
[docs] def getdimattribute(self, dim, field): """Get the attribute named field from the dim'th dimension. For bounds returns the old cu one-dimensional version. """ d = self.getAxis(dim) if field == "name": return elif field == "values": return d[:] elif field == "length": return len(d) elif field == "units": # We can't make axes always have units because cdtime chokes return getattr(d, 'units', '') elif field == "weights": g = self.getGrid() if g is None: return numpy.ones(len(d)) if d.isLatitude(): return g.getWeights()[0] elif d.isLongitude(): return g.getWeights()[1] else: # should be impossible, actually return numpy.ones(len(d)) elif field == "bounds": b = d.getBounds() n = b.shape[0] result = numpy.zeros(n + 1, b.dtype.char) result[0:-1] = b[:, 0] result[-1] = b[-1, 1] return result elif field in d.attributes: return d.attributes[field] else: raise CDMSError("No %s attribute on given axis." % field)
[docs] def showdim(self): "Show the dimension attributes and values." result = [] for nd in range(self.rank()): result.append('** Dimension ' + str(nd + 1) + ' **') result = result + self.getAxis(nd).listall(1) print("\n".join(result))
[docs] def listdimnames(self): "Return a list of the names of the dimensions." result = [] for nd in range(self.rank()): result.append(self.getdimattribute(nd, 'name')) return result
[docs] def listall(self, all=None): "Get list of info about this slab." vname = result = [] result.append('*** Description of Slab %s ***' % vname) result.append('id: ' + vname) result.append('shape: ' + str(self.shape)) for x in Slab.std_slab_atts: result.append(x + ": " + str(self.getattribute(x))) for x in list(self.attributes.keys()): if x in Slab.std_slab_atts: continue if x == 'name': continue result.append(x + ": " + str(self.attributes[x])) g = self.getGrid() if g is None: result.append('No grid present.') else: result = result + g.listall(all) for nd in range(self.rank()): result.append('** Dimension ' + str(nd + 1) + ' **') result = result + self.getAxis(nd).listall(all) result.append('*** End of description for %s ***' % vname) return result
[docs] def info(self, flag=None, device=None): "Write info about slab; include dimension values and weights if flag" if device is None: device = sys.stdout device.write("\n".join(self.listall(all=flag))) device.write("\n")
[docs]def cdms_bounds2cu_bounds(b): "Bounds are len(v) by 2 in cdms but len(v)+1 in cu" cub = + 1, numpy.float32) # b1 = b.astype(numpy.float32) if len(b) > 1: if (b[0, 0] < b[0, 1]) == (b[0, 0] < b[-1, 0]): cub[0] = b[0, 0] cub[1:] = b[:, 1] else: cub[0] = b[0, 1] cub[1:] = b[:, 0] else: cub[:] = b[0] return numpy.array(cub)