Source code for cdms2.database

"""CDMS database objects"""

from __future__ import print_function
from .error import CDMSError
from . import cdmsobj
from . import cdurlparse
# import internattr
import os
import re
import string
import sys
from .CDMLParser import CDMLParser
from .cdmsobj import CdmsObj
from .dataset import Dataset

    import ldap
    Subtree = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE            # Search object and tree below
    Onelevel = ldap.SCOPE_ONELEVEL          # Search object and one level below
    Base = ldap.SCOPE_BASE                  # Search object only
except ImportError:
    Base = 0
    Onelevel = 1
    Subtree = 2

AuthenticationError = "Error authenticating to database"
CannotOpenDataset = "Cannot open dataset"
ConnectError = "Error connecting to database"
DatabaseNotFound = "Database not found"
InvalidEntryName = "Invalid entry name"
MethodNotImplemented = "Method not yet implemented"
PermissionError = "No permission to access"
SchemeNotSupported = "Scheme not supported"

_Att = re.compile('([a-zA-Z_:][-a-zA-Z0-9._:]*)=(.*)', re.DOTALL)

# Open a database connection

[docs]def connect(uri=None, user="", password=""): """ Method : connect(uri=None, user="", password="") Description : Open a CDMS database connection. Arguments : uri: Universal Resource Identifier. If unspecified, defaults to the environment variable CDMSROOT. user: user id password: password Returns ------- Database instance Example db = cdms.connect("ldap://,ou=PCMDI,o=LLNL,c=US") """ if uri is None: try: uri = os.environ['CDMSROOT'] except KeyError: raise CDMSError( ConnectError + '%s\nSet environment variable CDMSROOT to default database location' % uri) (scheme, netloc, path, parameters, query, fragment) = cdurlparse.urlparse(uri) if scheme in ['', 'ldap']: try: ldapdb = except BaseException: raise CDMSError(ConnectError + "%s\n%s" % (uri, sys.exc_info()[1])) try: ldapdb.simple_bind_s(user, password) except BaseException: raise CDMSError( AuthenticationError + "%s\n%s" % (uri, sys.exc_info()[1])) try: result = ldapdb.search_s( path[1:], ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "objectclass=database") except BaseException: raise CDMSError( DatabaseNotFound + "%s\n%s" % (uri, sys.exc_info()[1])) try: dn, attrs = result[0] except BaseException: raise CDMSError(PermissionError + uri) newuri = "ldap://%s/%s" % (netloc, dn) db = LDAPDatabase(newuri, ldapdb) db.setExternalDict(attrs) return db else: raise CDMSError(SchemeNotSupported + scheme)
[docs]def loadString(text, uri, parent=None, datapath=None): """ Create a dataset from a text string. Parameters ---------- <text> : is the string in CDML format. <uri> : is the URL of the dataset in a catalog or file. <parent> : is the containing database object, if any. <datapath> : is the location of data files relative to the parent database URL. """ p = CDMLParser() p.feed(text) p.close() return Dataset(uri, 'r', p.getRoot(), parent, datapath)
class AbstractDatabase(CdmsObj): """AbstractDatabase defines the common database interface. Concrete database classes are derived from this class. """ def __init__(self, uri, path): CdmsObj.__init__(self, None) self.uri = uri self.path = path self._cache_ = {} self._cdmlcache_ = {} self._datacache_ = None # datasetdn: obj # Remote file data cache self.lcBaseDN = None # Logical Collection base distinguished name # Use replica catalog if true (request manager transfers only) self.useReplica = None self.userid = None # User ID for request manager transfers def close(self): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def cachecdml(self, name, cdml): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def getDataset(self, name): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def getObjFromDataset(self, name): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def openDataset(self, dsetid, mode='r'): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def searchFilter(self, filter, classtag=None, relbase=None, scope=Subtree, attnames=[]): raise CDMSError(MethodNotImplemented) def enableCache(self): if self._datacache_ is None: from . import cache self._datacache_ = cache.Cache() return self._datacache_ def disableCache(self): if self._datacache_ is not None: self._datacache_.delete() self._datacache_ = None def useRequestManager(self, lcBaseDN, useReplica=1, userid="anonymous"): from . import cache self.enableCache() cache.useRequestManagerTransfer() self.lcBaseDN = lcBaseDN self.useReplica = useReplica self.userid = userid def usingRequestManager(self): from . import cache return (cache._transferMethod == cache._requestManagerTransfer) def __repr__(self): return "<Database '%s'>" % (self.uri) # internattr.add_internal_attribute(AbstractDatabase, 'uri', 'path') # Database implemented via LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) class LDAPDatabase(AbstractDatabase): def __init__(self, uri, db): (scheme, netloc, path, parameters, query, fragment) = cdurlparse.urlparse(uri) AbstractDatabase.__init__(self, uri, path[1:]) self.netloc = netloc self.db = db
[docs] def close(self): """ Method close() Description Close a database connection. Returns ------- None """ if self.db is not None: self.db.unbind() self.db = None self.disableCache()
def __del__(self): # if cdmsobj._debug==1: # print 'Deleting object',self self.close() def normalizedn(self, dn): """ normalizedn Returns ------- string """ explodeddn = ldap.explode_dn(dn) return string.join(explodeddn, ',') def cachecdml(self, name, cdml, datapath): """ """ normaldn = self.normalizedn(name) self._cdmlcache_[normaldn] = (cdml, datapath) def getDataset(self, dn): """ """ normaldn = self.normalizedn(dn) if normaldn in self._cache_: dataset = self._cache_[normaldn] elif normaldn in self._cdmlcache_: (text, datapath) = self._cdmlcache_[normaldn] uri = "ldap://%s/%s" % (self.netloc, normaldn) if cdmsobj._debug == 1: print('Loading %s from cached CDML' % uri) dataset = loadString(text, uri, self, datapath) self._cache_[normaldn] = dataset else: if cdmsobj._debug == 1: print( 'Search filter: (objectclass=dataset), scope: base, base: "%s", attributes=["cdml"]' % (dn,)) result = self.db.search_s( dn, ldap.SCOPE_BASE, "objectclass=dataset", [ "cdml", "datapath"]) resultdn, attrs = result[0] text = attrs["cdml"][0] uri = "ldap://%s/%s" % (self.netloc, normaldn) datapath = attrs.get("datapath") if datapath: datapath = datapath[0] dataset = loadString(text, uri, self, datapath) self._cache_[normaldn] = dataset return dataset def getObjFromDataset(self, dn): """ """ # Get the parent dataset explodeddn = ldap.explode_dn(dn) # Dataset node is parent of variable dsetdn = string.join(explodeddn[1:], ',') dset = self.getDataset(dsetdn) rdn = explodeddn[0] matchobj = _Att.match(rdn) if matchobj is None: raise CDMSError(InvalidEntryName + dn) tag, id = matchobj.groups() # Get the correct dictionary for this tag dict = dset.dictdict[tag] obj = dict[id] return obj
[docs] def openDataset(self, dsetid, mode='r'): """ Method openDataset(dsetid, mode='r') Description Open a dataset. Arguments dsetid: string dataset identifier mode: open mode ('r' - read-only, 'r+' - read-write, 'w' - create) Returns ------- Dataset instance. Example dset = db.openDataset('ncep_reanalysis_mo') """ dn = "dataset=%s,%s" % (dsetid, self.path) dset = self.getDataset(dn) return dset
open = openDataset # Set the database attributes from an LDAP search result. # ldapattrs is a dictionary, keyed on attribute name. # Values are lists of attribute values. def setExternalDict(self, ldapattrs): for attname in list(ldapattrs.keys()): attvals = ldapattrs[attname] if attname == 'objectclass': continue elif attname == 'attr': # Handle attr: name=value for attval in attvals: matchobj = _Att.match(attval) if matchobj is not None: newname, newval = matchobj.groups() self.attributes[newname] = newval # If the attribute value is a multi-valued list, keep it as a list # otherwise copy the single value from the list. if len(attvals) == 1: self.attributes[attname] = attvals[0] else: self.attributes[attname] = attvals
[docs] def searchFilter(self, filter=None, tag=None, relbase=None, scope=Subtree, attnames=None, timeout=None): """ Method searchFilter (filter=None, tag=None, relbase=None, scope=Subtree, attnames=None, timeout=None) Description Search a CDMS database. Arguments - filter: string search filter Simple filters have the form "tag = value". Simple filters can be combined using logical operators '&', '|', '!' in prefix notation. For example, the filter '(&(objectclass=variable)(id=cli))' finds all variables named cli. More formally filter = "(" filtercomp ")" filtercomp = "&" filterlist | # and "|" filterlist | # or "!" filterlist | # not simple filterlist = filter | filter filterlist simple = tag op value op = "=" | # equality "~=" | # approximate equality "<=" | # lexicographically less than or equal to ">=" # lexicographically greater than or equal to value = string, may include '*' as a wild card tag: string class tag ("dataset" | "variable" | "database" | "axis" | "grid"). Restricts the search to a class of objects relbase: string search base, relative to the database path scope: search scope (Subtree | Onelevel | Base). Subtree searches the base object and its descendants. Onelevel searches the base object and its immediate descendants. Base searches the base object alone. Default is Subtree. attnames: list of attribute names. Restricts the attributes returned. timeout: integer number of seconds before timeout. Returns ------- SearchResult instance. Entries can be accessed sequentially. For each entry, is the name of the entry, entry.attributes is a dictionary of the attributes returned by the search, entry.getObject() returns the CDMS object associated with the entry: for entry in result: print, entry.attributes["id"] Entries can be refined with searchPredicate(). Example (1) Find all variables named "cli": result = db.searchFilter(filter="id=cli",tag="variable") (2) Find all objects in dataset "ncep_reanalysis_mo": result = db.searchFilter(relbase="dataset=ncep_reanalysis_mo"), scope=cdms.Onelevel) """ if tag is None: tag = '*' newfilter = "(objectclass=%s)" % tag if filter is not None: if filter[0] != '(': filter = "(%s)" % filter newfilter = "(&%s%s)" % (newfilter, filter) if relbase is None: base = self.path else: base = "%s,%s" % (relbase, self.path) if attnames is None: atts = None else: atts = ["objectclass", "cdml", "id"] + attnames if cdmsobj._debug == 1: print( 'Search filter:%s, scope %s, base: "%s", attributes=%s' % (newfilter, repr(scope), base, repr(atts))) if timeout is None: result = self.db.search_s(base, scope, newfilter, atts) else: result = self.db.search_s(base, scope, newfilter, atts, 0, timeout) searchResult = LDAPSearchResult(self, result) return searchResult
[docs] def listDatasets(self): """ Return a list of the dataset IDs in this database.""" entries = self.searchFilter(tag='dataset', scope=Onelevel) result = [x.attributes['id'][0] for x in entries] return result
# internattr.add_internal_attribute(LDAPDatabase, 'netloc', 'db') class AbstractSearchResult:
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key): ''' Method not yet implemented''' pass
[docs] def __len__(self): '''Method not yet implemented''' pass
[docs] def searchPredicate(self, predicate, tag=None): '''Method not yet implemented''' pass
class LDAPSearchResult(AbstractSearchResult): def __init__(self, db, LDAPresult): self.db = db self.result = LDAPresult # Scan the result for CDML attributes, cache them in the database for dn, attrs in self.result: if 'cdml' in attrs and 'datapath' in attrs: cdml = attrs['cdml'][0] datapath = attrs['datapath'][0] self.db.cachecdml(dn, cdml, datapath) del attrs['cdml'] def __getitem__(self, key): if key >= len(self): raise IndexError('index out of bounds') dn, attributes = self.result[key] return LDAPResultEntry(self.db, dn, attributes)
[docs] def searchPredicate(self, predicate, tag=None): """ Method searchPredicate(predicate, tag=None) Description Refine a search result, with a predicate search. Arguments predicate: Function name or lambda function. The function takes a single CDMS object, and returns true (1) if the object satisfies the predicate, 0 if not. tag: Restrict the search to objects in one class. Returns ------- SearchResult instance. Entries can be accessed sequentially. For each entry, is the name of the entry, entry.attributes is a dictionary of the attributes returned by the search, entry.getObject() returns the CDMS object associated with the entry: for entry in result: print, entry.attributes["id"] Entries can be refined with searchPredicate(). Example (1) Find all variables on a 73x96 grid newresult = result.searchPredicate(lambda obj: obj.getGrid().shape==(73,96),"variable") """ if tag is not None: tag = string.lower(tag) resultlist = [] for entry in self: obj = entry.getObject() if tag is None or tag == entry.tag: try: if predicate(*(obj,)) == 1: resultlist.append((, entry.attributes)) except BaseException: pass return LDAPSearchResult(self.db, resultlist)
def __len__(self): return len(self.result) class AbstractResultEntry: def __init__(self, db): self.db = db
[docs] def getObject(self): """ Method getObject() Description Get the CDMS object associated with this entry. Returns ------- Instance of a CDMS object. """ if self.tag == "database": obj = self.db elif self.tag == "dataset": obj = self.db.getDataset( else: obj = self.db.getObjFromDataset( return obj
class LDAPResultEntry(AbstractResultEntry): def __init__(self, db, dn, attributes): AbstractResultEntry.__init__(self, db) = dn self.attributes = attributes # Get the tag explodeddn = ldap.explode_dn(dn) rdn = explodeddn[0] matchobj = _Att.match(rdn) if matchobj is None: raise IndexError(InvalidEntryName + dn) self.tag =